What's your favorite movies?

jamesg11 Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener
edited April 2019 in Coffee lounge
Hello I'm James. I live in Essex, I'm 31 and a big film buff. I'm looking to make friends who hopefully live not to far :smile:
What's your favorite movies? My favorite are Kung Fu Panda, Gladiator, John Wick, Old Boy and Idiocracy and loads more.

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  • Ami2301
    Ami2301 Online Community Member Posts: 7,877 Championing
    Hi @jamesg11 welcome to the community! My favourite film is Avengers Endgame :)
  • Government_needs_reform
    Government_needs_reform Online Community Member Posts: 854 Trailblazing
    Welcome buddy hope your enjoying being part of this community, I see you want to make friends here, just a heads up, but please remember don't post any your personal details on here it's for your own safety.

    People are always glad for a chat on here, and answer any questions you may have.

    My favourite films are all the Star Wars films and of course all The Hobbits and LOTR, Lord Of The Rings. 
  • jamesg11
    jamesg11 Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener
    Ami2301 said:
    Hi @jamesg11 welcome to the community! My favourite film is Avengers Endgame :)

    That's cool, I admit I'm not a big Marvel fan, but I enjoyed Iron Man. Have you seen The Punisher? That was awesome.

  • Antonia_Alumni
    Antonia_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 1,764 Pioneering
    Welcome to the community @jamesg11 :) Thank you for sharing this with us. Mine are Coming to America, The Devil Wears Prada and Save the Last Dance, just to name a few. Please join our coffee lounge discussions group. :) If you have any questions, please let us know.
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing

    Hello @jamesg11 Thank you for sharing.

    I like old films.  Channel called Talking Pictures has some of them I like .

    Film Noir is my favourite sort of film.

    Double Emmdentity staring Fred MacMurray and Barbra Stanwyck.. The one the only original idea of beautiful woman wants her husband murdered. Get the Insurance money.

    That is the plot simple and easy to follow.

    Has everything twists, turns and the ending wow.

    Have lots of similar ones.  Touch of Evil with Charlton Heston, Orson Welles.

    Forties, Fifties American films.  Made to be short sweet and simple with twisting plots and sudden endings.

    On the edge of your seat.  Sudden Fear a new one to me the other night.

    Like the stars of the era. Humphry Bogart, James Stewart. Orson Welles, Kirk Douglas.

    Like Gloria Graham and Lauren Bacall, Grace Kelly,  others as well worth looking at.

    Also my MGM musicals lots to sing and dance to . Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire just a few more.

    Take care.


  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,742 Online Community Programme Lead
    Hello @jamesg11 and welcome!
    I never know where to begin when someone asks what my favourite movies are, but there's quite a few mentioned so far that I've watched more than once, which is usually a good sign that I approve!

    Always loved Gladiator and Master and Commander and have a soft spot for 300, John Wick and the Mission Impossible films. Quite fond of Pixar movies in general too and of course Star Wars, with Rogue One being one of my favourites.

    Saw Endgame at the weekend and while I've always preferred DC to Marvel, I was entertained and it was certainly better than anything DC-related since the Dark Knight (ooh another favourite!) The kids loved it, but the other half wasn't best pleased when they ran in and spoiled the whole plot for her thirty seconds after getting home.

    Have you seen anything recently that you think might have a crack at your top 10?
  • jamesg11
    jamesg11 Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener
    I'm not really a fan of Marvel ether. I feel like the only one who hasn't jumped on the supper hero bandwagon. I don't know why but I just prefer it when the hero has no powers.
  • Kate_Scope
    Kate_Scope Scope Posts: 73 Empowering
    so so many to choose from :)
    I love all the Harry Potter and star wars films, prefer the older star wars to the new- (inner geek)
    Loved fight club and of course LOTR and Leon is one of my favourite films ever- 

    Happy star wars day for today anyway

  • jamesg11
    jamesg11 Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener
    MAY THE 4TH BE WITH YOU lol. the older star wars was awesome wasn't they.
    Have you been to Harry Potter world? It was surprisingly really fun.

  • Kate_Scope
    Kate_Scope Scope Posts: 73 Empowering
    yes!! i went two weeks ago with my kids, i loved it more than them :)

  • AlisonNetty
    AlisonNetty Online Community Member Posts: 192 Empowering
    Hello @jamesg11
    I love Kung fu Panda . Dirty Dancing. My Fair  Lady. Westside Story. Lots more besides...
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Hi @jamesg11 and a warm welcome to the community! My favourite films have to be anything that's Disney... but beauty and the beast or lion king are the top two!
  • jamesg11
    jamesg11 Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener
    yes!! i went two weeks ago with my kids, i loved it more than them :)

    I went with my caregivers children and i loved it more than them too lol. I'd love to go to the game of thrones experience in Ireland.

    Anyone a game of thrones fan?

  • zakblood
    zakblood Online Community Member Posts: 415 Empowering
    anything like lord of the rings floats my boat
  • April2018mom
    April2018mom Posts: 2,863 Championing
    I love the Harry Potter franchise as well. Star Wars is good. 
  • jamesg11
    jamesg11 Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener
    lord of the rings was so much better than the hobbit, I'm I right?
  • HelleGoth
    HelleGoth Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Hi James! The Crow. But only the Brandon Lee one. That film is so dark, beautiful and full of meaning. Also Edward Sissorhands, anything Tim Burton...except Planet of the apes. And I didn't like what he did with Alice in Wonderland, it was good, but not Lewis Carroll enough for me! XXX
    ROLLERBALL Scope Member Posts: 13 Contributor
    morning.another james here.there is to be made a john wick 3 in pipeline in near future.looking forward to it.clint eastwood in new movie the mule.new halloween.glass.i go on to certain free sites online to stream movies for free in full length hd.not pirate sites.connect an hmdi cable from laptop to tv to watch movies on a larger screen.james.

  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,742 Online Community Programme Lead
    HelleGoth said:
    Hi James! The Crow. But only the Brandon Lee one. That film is so dark, beautiful and full of meaning. Also Edward Sissorhands, anything Tim Burton...except Planet of the apes. And I didn't like what he did with Alice in Wonderland, it was good, but not Lewis Carroll enough for me! XXX
    I thought Tim Burton and Planet of the Apes was a very weird fit. Not his best film!
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing

    Hello @jamesg11 All this talk of Science Fiction and CGI Films.

    Reminds me of the time when growing up in the Sixties and Seventies used to have these awful but really terrible films.

    Japan started it with the Godzilla series badly dubbed, a man in a suit and much more . Yet iconic and the rest was history.

    I used to search the TV  listings and set the video for any of these Films.  That had either a Science Fiction line. From the period long before any of the words special effects.  Was replaced by CGI.

    Gentleman called Ray Harryhausen.  Created some of most iconic films every made. Now considered classics.

    Worth looking out for.  Long before CGI.

    Forty Million Miles from Venus.  Earth v Flying Saucers. It Came Beneath The Sea  All those days of the Fifties creating memorable films and most of them. Look at them to day .

    You can admire what they were trying to do.

    My favourites of his films were the stories he created around Greek legends. Always on TV.  Jason and the Argonauts .  Sindbad series of films as well magical. 

    Then I got into Film Festivals. As a collector.  Used to go to Manchester, London to see these creators in Film.

    I used to collect anything to do with those days of early Horror and Science fiction.

    Film Lectures.  Where you could hear him speak and talk how he created these films.

     If it was not for this gentleman never have any of the films today. Most of his projects involved many of the filmmakers today or were inspired by him.

    Seeing his films created their own films. 

    Take care.


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