Love Hate relationships

GettinOlde Online Community Member Posts: 495 Empowering
edited June 2019 in Coffee lounge
  1. I love Marmite - I hate that it won't spread evenly (I'll have to stick with Vegemite)
  2. I love my Windows 7 - I hate that I'll have to eventually upgrade to Windows 10
  3. I love my home - I hate my neighbour
  4. I love to discuss anything (with some exceptions) - I hate that I can sometimes be confrontational and offend
  5. I loved my mum's cooking - I hate that I never showed her the appreciation she deserved.

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  • GettinOlde
    GettinOlde Online Community Member Posts: 495 Empowering
    6. I love to do stuff I enjoy - I hate that I procrastinate over that which I should do.
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,742 Online Community Programme Lead
    Windows 10.  :s
  • Connie00
    Connie00 Online Community Member Posts: 249 Empowering

    Good morning everyone :smile:

    I love to go out, I hate the fact that my disability stops me doing a lot of things,

    I loved to dance; I hate the fact this is not possible now.

    I loved WALKING my dogs, I hate the fact now I need my Scooter, but I still get joy out of it.

    I loved the fact I had freedom; I hate the fact I now need to rely on others.

    Now I have to have good relationships with my Power Chair and Scooter, because they give me the  independence that I had before,  :)

  • GettinOlde
    GettinOlde Online Community Member Posts: 495 Empowering
    7. I love that my debility doesn't manifest itself 24/365 - I hate that I always seem to have a physically good day when attending a WCA interview.
  • GettinOlde
    GettinOlde Online Community Member Posts: 495 Empowering
    8. I love my home (again) - I hate my social landlord.
  • Ails
    Ails Online Community Member Posts: 2,237 Championing
    I love thick gravy.
    I hate the fact that it can be greasy!  :smiley:
  • GettinOlde
    GettinOlde Online Community Member Posts: 495 Empowering
    edited June 2019
    @Ails Yes, thick gravy is a must have in order to stick your peas to your spuds.
    If you're making your gravy from the meat juices, are you skimming most of the fat off - otherwise, I'm sure @thespiceman will come to the rescue.
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @Ails   Sorry to hear about your dilemma greasy gravy no one wants that.

    You roast Chicken comes out the oven  .  Remove Chicken .  Leave to rest any joint in fact to rest.   Cover with Tin foil.  Will retain moisture and keep warm.  Ten minutes.

    Now remove when cooled down the following.

    In the roasting Tray the juices.  To a stockpot add Onions, Carrots Celery  diced up sliced roughly.. From the Chicken  Tray the juices the wings bits of skin,  when shredded or sliced any of the carcass. Any bits from the Chicken.

    Add the secret good Chicken Bistro made up with touch water. I use a half pint of Bistro and half pint of water. In the stockpot.  On a medium heat for a half hour or longer.  When come up to the boil simmer.

    Cool down slightly add veggies and stock you have blitz up.  Use a food processor or a blender.  Then sieve into a bowl you have the perfect Chicken gravy.

    This the thing you sieve all the fat away. Any residue left in the sieve . You will need a fine one.

    I do this to all my sauces and soups. Sieve them used a fine one after blending or using a food processor. You can if you wish to then add more granules to your sieved gravy.

    You can do the same with any joint you have.

    Please can I suggest while you do this put the Chicken you are using for your meal in to the oven just a low heat covered with tin foil while you make the gravy.

    You could add the Onions, Carrots, Celery to the roasting tray add the Chicken on top and roast.

    When comes out the oven.  Add all to a stockpot with any skin or bones or carcass or wings. Same as before.  Add Chicken Bistro  Gravy good one and water stockpot.  

    Hope that helps.

    Take care.


  • Ails
    Ails Online Community Member Posts: 2,237 Championing
    Hi @GettinOlde, thanks for your input
    Yes, I try to skim a lot of the fat off the meat juices if I make gravy that way.  Sometimes I get my hubby to do this as he seems to get more off than me.  Other times for easiness I will just use gravy granules (usually Bisto) but maybe I don't stir enough and it thickens when left.  Thank you @thespiceman again for the above tips.  You have my mouth watering at the thought of roast chicken.  I don't have a food processor or blender at the moment so I am going to buy one as it probably would be a great help in the kitchen.  I admire many of your recipes and your tips in the kitchen.  You make cooking sound so easy!  I do enjoy cooking, but am not great at it, but will keep on trying!  :smiley:
  • GettinOlde
    GettinOlde Online Community Member Posts: 495 Empowering
    edited June 2019
    @Ails Likewise, I have now succumbed to granules. When I first tried my local SM's own brand, it would leave an almost candle wax like substance in the bottom if the jug when left to soak overnight - but it has greatly improved now and makes a good substitute for cornflour+bisto+oxo. B)
  • Ails
    Ails Online Community Member Posts: 2,237 Championing
    Oh sounds great @GettinOlde!  I fancy some gravy with my dinner now! :smiley:
  • April2018mom
    April2018mom Posts: 2,863 Championing
    I love ironing
    I hate having to clean my iron 
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    edited June 2019
    Hello @Ails   Thank you for kind words.  Please if I can suggest if buying a food processor and blender.

    Go on line look at reviews and consider two factors.  Your budget is one and the second just be aware of own brand supermarket electricals.  Some are good some are bad.

    I bought ASDA own brand Food processor, great. Sainsbury Blender glass one. Good also.

    Have bought others supermarket range not good.

    I would not buy a plastic blender as they are not good.

    Also look at the WHICH website.  Often has a guide .  Hope that helps.  Just because it cheap is it any good.

    Happy to share and care, any problems be glad to help.

    Take care.

  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    edited June 2019
    Hello @GettinOlde Sorry to hear of your problems with granules. Please may I suggest do this the other way round.

    Pour boiling water in to jug first.  Then add granules.  Measure and whisk.   Should not be any residue in the bottom of the jug.

    You could use a blender make your gravy in that.

     By the way you can buy good stock a good  buy  Bouillon powder.

    Another cheat is buy cheap tins of Soup.  Ones suitable for sauces or stocks or gravy are Vegetable, Tomato.  Tomato Soup is sometimes used to good effect.  Instead of tins tomatoes.

    Oxtail soup, Chicken.  Use a blender of a food processor blend mix with granules.  Or stock cubes or what ever your using.

    In French Italian  Cooking tins of Consumme . A tin of Beef Chicken  Consommé a variety of Soup is used .

    Hope that helps.

    Take care.

  • GettinOlde
    GettinOlde Online Community Member Posts: 495 Empowering
    edited June 2019
    @thespiceman Hi Spicey (can I call you Spicey - I think it has a certain flair to it B) ),
    Thanks, but the problem used to be with the old Morrisons own brand granules, no matter the method of mixing it would always leave a wax-like residue after going cold. There is no problem with their 'improved recipe' granules - as good as Bisto I would say.
    Limited to shopping at Morrisons as I live on their doorstep so to say, only thing, you can't find everything in store as advertised online. :#
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    edited June 2019
    Hello @GettinOlde Thanks for reply..  Whatever floats your boat . Do not mind. Am that sort of gentleman.

    Anything to please community members.

    Do know one certain member who does call me Spicy.  Lovely lady. 

    Actual fact the username stems from a time long a go in the mists of time.  When I got interested in herbs, spices for health benefits. Used to and sometimes did had a medicine chest of tablets.

    Pills  to cure ailments. After addiction. Found by research and lots of the time spent on websites.

    Looking at alternatives. Been big debate on here. Herbal medicine.

    Went to one retail premises where herbs and spices were sold the Manageress coined me the Spiceman and the rest is history.

    Just being helpful.  I always use blenders, Food processors for my stocks, sauces.

    Know what you mean Some stores have food items on line but not in the supermarket.

    This is what I do used to still do.  Go into the store and ask the Manager does work always want your business.

    If it is not in ask..  I do. Go on the TESCO website on line this morning. Go through a  scroll.   If not available on my shop Wednesday will ask next time.

    Long hours  delivery drivers works up to 11pm at night the TESCO ones do.

    Anything I can help with please ask. Happy to .

    Take care.

  • GettinOlde
    GettinOlde Online Community Member Posts: 495 Empowering
    @thespiceman Whatever floats your gravy-boat >:)
  • Ails
    Ails Online Community Member Posts: 2,237 Championing
    Hi @thespiceman, I hope you are well.  Thanks for the really useful comments as usual.  I will take a look online for some reviews and have a wee shop about for blenders and food processors.  The Which website looks a good option so I will check out that too.  My husband is a fan of just buying things from Amazon whereas I prefer just going to an actual shop to look at the product.  I will let you know how I get on.  Thanks again.  :smile:
    Hi @April2018mom, I have a friend who loves ironing too!  Not a fan of it myself though!  :smile:
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @Ails Thank you for kind words. Much appreciated. I signed up to Amazon myself.

    So imagine my shock at reading a copy of WHICH magazine..

    The article states that some reviews of lesser well know brands of goods are fake.  On Amazon website. This one of the big problem if buying.

    I always go for brands that are well known and do a lot of research, get a lot of information.  One being is this disabled friendly.  

    We all done it bought an electrical item and have problems with it.  I bought once food processor but the lid would be awkward with my hands to click in to place.

    Same with blenders the lids and the bottom of the blender can I remove this. Some blenders you unscrew the bottom. To release the blade and the rubber ring to wash. 

    Looking on line for reviews through WHICH has guided me. 

    Hope that helps.

    Please take care.

  • GettinOlde
    GettinOlde Online Community Member Posts: 495 Empowering

    The article states that some reviews of lesser well know brands of goods are fake.  On Amazon website. This one of the big problem if buying.
    Amazon and eBay are pretty much the same now with fake/counterfeit products, But some items do include links to the websites of reputable sellers. So yes, always worth doing your research first.

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