What films have you enjoyed that has been adapted from or inspired by books?

M_Anthony Online Community Member Posts: 306 Empowering
edited July 2019 in Coffee lounge
Hey everyone

I would love to hear what everyone thinks about films they have seen that have been adapted or inspired from books.

Two of my picks are:
Lord of the Rings books. Even with 3 films, the films had a lot to cover from the books! And while not everything could make it into all of the films, I found the mythology and characters were adapted well for cinema.

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (Blade Runner)
The film is based on the premise of the book, Deckard is a Blade Runner whose job is to track down replicants. However there are big differences to the story and how it ends. Having watched the film first before reading it, the book was interesting in seeing the difference between Deckard's character, he is not a top blade runner, has a wife and other character interactions are different. I found it to be a great read!


  • jaja
    jaja Online Community Member Posts: 76 Empowering

    Interesting question. Unfortunately, I can't comment on your choices as I haven't watched/read them. I know they are classics and my viewing habits need work.

    My choice would be Silence of the Lambs. It was the first film I watched that had elements that lived up to the book. A lot of what made it to the screen was inaccurate but Antony Hopkins character was very realistic. He was exactly as I imagined him and he was terrifying.

    I struggle a lot with films not living up to the book. Like you said film makers sometimes have a lot of ground to cover but I'm still amazed at times that they end up creating something that is so very different.

    What is your favourite film?

    Take care


  • M_Anthony
    M_Anthony Online Community Member Posts: 306 Empowering
    Hi jaja

    I didnt know Silence of the Lambs was a also a book, I will check it out. On a side note I did watch the series TV Hannibal which was just as dark but worth watching.

    I would say my favourite film was the first Starwars movie when I was a kid, but as I got older I would now say it is Apocalypse Now.

    What is your favourite film?
  • jaja
    jaja Online Community Member Posts: 76 Empowering

    I started watching Hannibal but haven't finished. I meant too. Was it good?

    I'm a sci fi fan so can appreciate Starwars although prefer Star Trek. I find it difficult to pick favourites as it rules out others. If we are talking couldn't live without then Wizard of Oz. I can't imagine never seeing that at Christmas again.

    I don't recall seeing Apocalypse Now. I will have a look.

  • M_Anthony
    M_Anthony Online Community Member Posts: 306 Empowering
    Sure Hannibal is worth watching until the end.

    Speaking of Apocalypse Now, I am listening to the audio book of the book it was inspired by called Heart of Darkness. The film differs a lot and the actual time period. It is set during and was written during British colonial times, many decades before the Vietnam war started in which the film Apocalypse Now is based. So far its been pretty good.
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,742 Online Community Programme Lead
    Oh Hannibal! Never made it to the end of what I think was the third season. Up until that point it had been one of my favourite programmes, but it completely lost us after the first couple of episodes. Such a shame.

    I have Heart of Darkness downloaded on my Kindle. Always a good read, but I've not seen Apocalypse Now all the way through. Will have to add it to the bucket list!
  • M_Anthony
    M_Anthony Online Community Member Posts: 306 Empowering

    Yeah that happens sometimes with TV stuff, I am one series behind on Agents of Shield and two or so on Chicago P.D. 

    Next up I am going to read Wiseguy which the film Goodfellas is based on, and the Godfather.
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,742 Online Community Programme Lead
    Sounds good. Let me know what you think. Always after book recommendations!
  • M_Anthony
    M_Anthony Online Community Member Posts: 306 Empowering
    Will do!
  • jaja
    jaja Online Community Member Posts: 76 Empowering
    I have read Heart of Darkness. I didn't realise Apocalypse Now was based on it though.
  • M_Anthony
    M_Anthony Online Community Member Posts: 306 Empowering
    Great I hope you enjoyed it!

    Sorry I need to correct myself I meant the film was inspired, not as far as based on the book. Kurtz is in both the book and film, however different with story differences. The book inspired Franics Ford Copper to take core elements of how it explored the dark side of humanity in this case colonialism, and apply it to a more modern setting being war in Vietnam.

    I would recommend you see the film when you can!

  • jaja
    jaja Online Community Member Posts: 76 Empowering
    Ah thank you. I will try.
  • M_Anthony
    M_Anthony Online Community Member Posts: 306 Empowering
    I have just finished Wiseguy!

    For the most part the the film is true to the book, however some facts were changed for the film such as Henry not going to join the army even through he did in real life, or Joe Pesci's "I am funny how?" scene which was completely made up. Other than some other minor changes, compared to some of my other reads, the film takes most of the major facts, including events from the book.

    The book was not bad, it covered Henry's scams and criminal activity in a lot more detail. The book is grittier than the film, some of the characters in film including Jimmy and Tommy were toned down in terms of the 
    violence they committed.

    It is worth a read if you are a fan of the film or true crime.
  • pollyanna1052
    pollyanna1052 Online Community Member Posts: 2,015 Championing
    sometimes novels are better than films of the title. But one really annoyed me by changing the end too much. I`m talking about `Not My Sister`s Keeper`. Anyone read and/or seen the film?
  • M_Anthony
    M_Anthony Online Community Member Posts: 306 Empowering
    Absolutely, a good example is that I have read a lot of Stephen King novels and the TV series/films are at the most part, not as good.

    I haven't seen the film or read the book Not My Sister's Keeper I will check them out.
  • M_Anthony
    M_Anthony Online Community Member Posts: 306 Empowering
    edited July 2019
    Speaking of Stephen King, one book I need to read is The body, I have seen the film it is based on Stand by Me, has anyone read the book?
  • April2018mom
    April2018mom Posts: 2,863 Championing
    M_Anthony said:
    Speaking of Stephen King, one book I need to read is The body, I have seen the film it is based on Stand by Me, has anyone read the book?
    No is it good?
  • t0nkys
    t0nkys Online Community Member Posts: 31 Contributor
    I quite like the hunger games films, they’re very true to the book unlike Harry Potter where the books are just so much better.
  • M_Anthony
    M_Anthony Online Community Member Posts: 306 Empowering

    The film is good, I would recommend it. One of the few Stephen King stories that isn't a horror film.