what do you dream about? — Scope | Disability forum
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what do you dream about?

pollyanna1052 Community member Posts: 2,032 Disability Gamechanger
edited August 2019 in Coffee lounge
I can remember most dreams in a morning, but what gets me is whilst I am a full time wheelchair user, I`m ALWAYS  walking in my dreams....how about you?


  • dolfrog
    dolfrog Community member Posts: 441 Pioneering
    More nightmares about corrupt NHS medical professionals failing to understand the complex nature of our families shared disability and their failure to provide the life long support we need. Our lives just get worse in my dreams (nightmares)
  • vikingqueen
    vikingqueen Scope Member Posts: 1,446 Disability Gamechanger
    edited August 2019
    Hi @pollyanna1052 what a lovely dream for you to be walking,, I am the same in my dreams I am always pain free, then we have to wake up  :( mind you there is always someone worse off 
  • Seanchai
    Seanchai Community member Posts: 411 Pioneering
    edited August 2019
    My dreams are so vivid , I can also hear in my dreams( I cannot hear at all now ) ...always dream about family or people who i have met at some time throughout my life...the weird bit about my vivid dreams ( or nightmares ) is that I can waken during the night, come to the kitchen , have a glass of water or a cup of tea....and when I go back to bed and fall asleep , it's like i has paused the dream when i awoke and pressed play when i went back to sleep again. Just like a video , the dream starts from where i left off ...weird , is it not ....plus I remember everyone I met in my dreams and what we talk about ...its so vivid it leaves an imprint in my memory ?
  • April2018mom
    April2018mom Posts: 2,882 Disability Gamechanger
    Yesterday I had a weird dream I was at a party and everyone disappeared in a cloud of smoke. I have also had dreams about my son being able to use his legs to walk and run. 
  • pollyanna1052
    pollyanna1052 Community member Posts: 2,032 Disability Gamechanger
    thanks for your replies. Interesting stuff. Our brains never rest, do they?
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Community member Posts: 6,388 Disability Gamechanger
    Hello @pollyanna1052   I am always having vivid dreams. It is the effects of my medication.

    As usually about my past never goes away.  I get my self into a state over this have sleep disturbances.

    I spent one night woke up to feel my bed shaking. Thinking it was the former friends little lad. Coming into the spare room . I used to sleep in at this former friends house around thirty years ago.. 

    Heard his voice as he never got to sleep and that time was responsible for his care his Mother having some problems.

    When I was around everything was OK for him.

    Another one is the fear of falling out of bed has happened several times in dreams you wake up and next moment on the side of the bed clinging.

    Had had sudden voices that my Mother was tapping on the window.  I have this fears we all of us do that those who cause harm and hurt to you come back.

    I had also sleep walking the most scary thing of all. Started around College true maybe sound strange.  The security guard escorted me back to my room. As one day time shift he said do you know who I am.  Clueless.

    I used apparently arrive at the sandwich machine buy a sandwich go back to my room and eat it because when I woke up , crumbs, crusts every where.

    That is the worst thing ever and feel every one who has experienced that.

    To wake up in the morning bedroom door opened, front door one time open.

    In the front room the lounge a mess and plates of toast or sandwiches  and kitchen cupboards all open.

    TV on but sound down.  

    Another time half washing up all over the place.

    Scary stuff, I can add does not happen now only when I was stressed or anxious.  Assessments being one or with drawing addiction became a nuisance.

    Contacted Doctor always asks me.  When I have a review.

    I do have the knowledge and education try to get a good night sleep, have and do learn.

    Take care.


    Community Champion
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  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Community member Posts: 2,648 Disability Gamechanger
    edited September 2019
    I usually remember dreams as well, they're rarely positive though!  I frequently dream about being sat on a toilet in the middle of a very public place...Tesco etc!  Also regularly dream about losing teeth which I hate!  And running away or being trapped in various places trying to shout but no noise comes out...  One of the most common is falling though, usually while running, I'll trip over something and then just fall endlessly until I feel a 'thud' onto the bed just as I wake up sweaty and shaking with my heart racing.

    What is interesting is how easily dreams can be manipulated by external sounds though.  I often have the radio on at night, and it's set to come on again in the morning before I wake up...  I often find I'm in a news story that seems very weird until I consciously hear the next news bulletin after waking up! :D  
  • pollyanna1052
    pollyanna1052 Community member Posts: 2,032 Disability Gamechanger
    I remember a few dreams...a childhood one which was terrifying......i was about 7 and had come home from having tonsils out. That night I dreampt I was sitting on the lounge floor, watching tv with my family.

    I saw something come out of the wall beneath the tv. It was a blob of something and small ones were coming out of it. it saw me looking and jumped forward and bit me.

    I fell out of bed and bumped my head on the wall.

    scary memory that!
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Community member Posts: 6,388 Disability Gamechanger
    Hello every one there is I believe some meanings behind our dreams. Many are from past recollections or childhood trauma.

    Some are quite common apparently losing your teeth or falling .

    Some can be due to stress or anxiety or certain aspects of lifestyle.

    In some cultures there are people who can interpret dreams. Use them as a sign of health happiness and much more.

    As in the bible. Pharaoh and Joseph .  The Pharaoh had a dream.  That no one could understand. Joseph was be able to.

    Interesting enough  they has been documented stories of people who wake up seeing ghosts, voices talking to them in the morning.

    Thinking they had dreamt or had experiences that they dream some one they love or care about is in trouble.

    Who lives far away.

    Woken up and then rang that family member to find that they. have had something happen to them. 

    Can any one explain that?

    I watch some of these series Unsolved Mysteries always a relevant story like that.

    One other point. @OverlyAnxious   just thought mentioned. I never put news on in the morning sets the moods to possible anxiety, depression and not good feeling to the start of the day.

    I wake up to my Radio with Classic FM.

    Soothing, relaxing and helps me to start to wake up I also have this on at night time to unwind .  If I need to relaxing therapy. Classical music soft and good for meditation.

    Helps me to sleep.

    Take care


    Community Champion
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  • Chloe_Scope
    Chloe_Scope Posts: 10,586 Disability Gamechanger
    I don't normally remember my dreams.  :D

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Community member Posts: 2,648 Disability Gamechanger
    Well, I did more in last nights dreams than I have the rest of the year so thought I'd share, it is a long one though! :D 

    It started with reaching my usual river walking spot to find the place totally flooded.  (It never floods.)  I tried to video chat someone to show them the floods...  (In RL I cant use normal phones, let alone video phones!)  Anyway, the waves started lapping in very quickly so I had to run...  Then I got stuck at a gap in the pavement with the flood water rushing through, a middle aged guy walks up and says we should grab onto this flag-pole type thing sticking out of a nearby wooden shed...I say no, we'll break the wall!  He does it anyway, and the wall breaks. :o   Inside appears to be someone's home...they've left a bowl of chips with a sausage on a table inside.  For some reason I decide to steal a chip and the sausage (with none of the usual food/handwashing rituals I usually have to go through).  I burnt my mouth on the sausage, and realised that it couldn't be a dream as you can't feel heat in a dream!  I felt so guilty about taking someone's dinner and ran home...which turned out to be just down a corridor from this wooden shed lol...  Next thing I know I'm on the floor of my Mum's kitchen in the 90s with the oven on, but the oven clock appears wrong...saying 23.78...last I checked there were only 60 minutes in an hour...checked my watch and my phone, both also saying 78 minutes past 11!  Then I hear the neighbour, who's sausage I'd stolen, coming and trying my door handle, it rattles a few times but then it's open!  He looks around the door at eye level, completely missing me on the floor, and walks off.  (He's actually a real life neighbour that recently moved out lol).  Scared, I run out along another corridor and come across some sort of recording studio which is being trashed by teenagers, I ask them what they're doing and they lock me in a small studio along with another guy (Jamie from last nights bake off! :D ) I get quickly claustrophobic and start to panic...the other guy just opens the door, it wasn't locked afterall...  Then we chase the youths down through a 'no entry' door and into what appears to be a real life sci-fi set...where there are a load of screens and electronics making lots of noise, and several robots about to get their human faces 'glued on' as the boss says.   At this point I woke up, in my own bed, in my own flat...and saw someone walk past the end of the bed...they said they were just leaving and thanked me for letting them stay...I don't know who they were and this was properly weird as I was awake at this point, as my eyes focussed they disappeared into a very slight human shaped shadow where they stopped walking.  I can't explain that. However I can explain the other things, it rained against the windows last night (hence the floods), my downstairs neighbour was up and walking about, creaking floor boards etc, and he has his own door handle checking compulsion (which explains the neighbours and door handle noise), I watched bake off last night, I also watched a thing about tennis balls which included getting their fuzz glued on and when I woke there was a weird sci-fi type noise going on.  I hear this noise quite often but don't know what it is...it's like a schun schun schun repetitive noise every second or so.  It sounds like an inkjet printer on the slow photo setting, but lasts for hours at a time, only ever hear it early hours of the morning.  I've also wondered if it's a distant burglar alarm maybe?

    Anyway, I dropped off again, and woke up in my Nan's house, in her bed which appeared to be mine now...check the time (I'm not an idiot, I know now if the times wrong I must be dreaming ;) ) but the time is correct, 6.15, and she's just going out herself (no idea where, and without her RL walking aids!) but leaves the hall light on which is very bright.  I get up to turn the light off and see through the living room that she's left a xmas gift bag on the sofa, by accident I assume...  I go up to check it, it's full of gifts but I can't read the tag.  I look out of the window to see if she's still outside, and see the road is absolutely covered in rubbish, hundreds of black bin bags and loads of xmas gift bags and decorations strewn across the road!  I also note her neighbours bungalow has grown an extra story, and I can just see the TV on upstairs but there's no picture, it's just that snowy effect we used to get pre-digital.  Next thing I know there's a guy with a briefcase running across her roof and jumping onto the next bungalow, then onto the garden below, he thudded to the floor which I felt even on this side of the road, thought he was dead...but nope, he got up, took something out of the briefcase which could have been a telescope or a ray gun or similar, and pointed it up at the night sky.  I go to get my shoes to check if the neighbour is ok, but when I get to the back door there's a load of big guys stood there, I try to lock the door but they manually turn the lock from the other side, bending the 'key' I'm using which now appears to be a knife...scared of getting stabbed I throw this knife into the nearby pond and these guys come in, barging me out of the way and winding me in the process...they just want to party instead of any violence, and bring a load of people in as well, some famous, some I've never seen before...  I'm trying to ask them to turn the music down and think of the neighbours but they don't care, just ignore me.  Think I must have missed the next bit as I then ended up in the neighbours 'house' (RL bungalow) where she shows me her new bathroom...which is quite nice tbh, pristine white tiles and blue paint, and the thing that sticks out is a towel holder ring, not sure what the relevance of that is!  As I go to leave, I trip and fall down her stairs...suddenly waking up in RL just before hitting the bottom!

    Amazingly, I then dropped off again (see if you can tell the radio was on by this point lol), and ended up in a dusty old village hall somewhere with a huge wall full of photographs, there's a random old lady there telling me these are the MP's I need to choose between, I say I've never seen or heard of any of these people!!  Then I'm sat on a table with a load of posh people, trying to explain to me what's going on with Brexit, the one speaking most is a guy I knew but haven't seen since school over 10 years ago...  Then Stormzy comes on stage singing Crown, which I sing along to (I can't make a single note in RL!) and at that point I wake up, with the radio playing, yes you've guessed it, Stormzy - Crown...and a short while later hear the latest news on Brexit! :D  @thespiceman definitely has a point about not listening the news in the morning, I don't really want any more Brexit related dreams! :D 

    I went to bed feeling really awful last night, have had a bad few days of anxiety, IBS and totally sleepless nights that had really caught up with me, the fatigue was so bad I had no choice but to go to bed even earlier than usual...little did I know how exhausting the dreams would be once I got there! :D 
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Community member Posts: 6,388 Disability Gamechanger
    Hello @OverlyAnxious   Please can I thank you for sharing your dreams. I do understand this, trying to analyse. 

    You have the these dreams.  Are you effected do you have concerns does it set off your anxiety?

    These are often questions that may cross your mind.

    Struggling with thoughts, finding dreams related to your own particular lifestyle or wellbeing can effect your mental state.

    One of the main things is to consider writing these down, could be useful as a practical exercise.

    When you ever join a mental health charity.. You find that there are sessions with others.

    Sleep is top of the agenda. At any well being, health meetings amongst those having mental health issues.

    The way you sleep many different positions some often related the way you go to bed. All are discussed. Some ways of sleeping effect the quality of sleep.

    .Also medication is discussed, plus anything along the lines of diet, lifestyle. 

    Dreams are analysed and sometimes compare notes. We had in one charity a member of the Sleep Council. Turn up because it quite common that members of our community.

    Who have mental health and mainly anxiety do struggle  to sleep and have vivid dreams.

    May I add your not alone. Taken me twenty years ongoing to still try to get a good night sleep and can have good days or bad.

    One therapist so concern to her about my dreams.  Some violent and some disturbing asked to write it down for her to look at.

    I would wake up with total fear and insecurities .  That are personal to me. 

    By planning and preparing for bed does help.

    I do think it is individual and I have discussed this before.  I just wanted to add the brain needs to be wound down and try to be calm and switched off.

    So if your watching Television or on the computer late the images the bright screen effect your sleep.

    All should be switched off around a hour. I have to add we just do not just sleep takes a number of stages.

    Also do not take caffeine including alcohol make sure you eaten a meal not too close to bedtime. Not too heavy not too spicy.

    I eat a light snack.  Whole meal toast with honey and warm milk before the last half hour before retiring. Sit in the front room no electricals.

    I know it is always difficult to explain to some one to reassure them but I do think as I added write down anything after wards.  Then see how was the sleep did you have vivid dreams and make a note.

    Doing a diary can be useful.

    If you feel they are effecting you mentally.  Maybe discuss these with your Doctor if they are causing concern.

    Sleep is important and finding ways to relax destress are all useful to know.

    There are lots on line . Worth having a look.  I have a lot of information in my library. I try to edit this and put this on the forum for every one.

    To look at .

    I am happy to listen, be supportive. If I can help with anything.  I am glad to hear about the news does help you.  Switching it off in the morning. Happy to suggest.

    Take care.

    Your friend.


    Community Champion
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  • pollyanna1052
    pollyanna1052 Community member Posts: 2,032 Disability Gamechanger
    Hi, I`m a bit stressed out today, over DWP changing my f2f assessment, which should have happened tomorrow. So as your replies are lengthy, I`ll read them tomorrow. Hope you understand. Thankyou for replying. xxx
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Community member Posts: 6,388 Disability Gamechanger
    Hello @pollyanna1052   Thank you for reply.  Sorry to hear this. Is there anything I can be supportive with.?

    Regarding your assessment.

    Please take care.

    Community Champion
    SCOPE Volunteer Award Engaging Communities 2019
    Mental Health advice, guidance and information to all members
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  • pollyanna1052
    pollyanna1052 Community member Posts: 2,032 Disability Gamechanger
    thankyou xxxxxx
  • Chloe_Scope
    Chloe_Scope Posts: 10,586 Disability Gamechanger
    Hi @pollyanna1052, I know it's a particularly stressful time for you. We all wish you the best of luck tomorrow and we will be here whatever the outcome is. :)

  • pollyanna1052
    pollyanna1052 Community member Posts: 2,032 Disability Gamechanger
    Thanks Chloe. Today`s appointment with the assessor was cancelled. I now have to wait and re-live my anxiety on 24th x
  • Pete2
    Pete2 Community member Posts: 86 Pioneering
    What do i dream about.........as an android i dream of electric sheep.     

  • Pete2
    Pete2 Community member Posts: 86 Pioneering
    Heres a question......have you ever dreamed that you have a loaded hand gun.....any type.......and have you ever been able to fire said weapon.......in my dreams i cannot pull the trigger to fire,  the trigger is always so hard to pull......so in my dreams ive never discharged a loaded weapon.........what does that mean in reality?
  • pollyanna1052
    pollyanna1052 Community member Posts: 2,032 Disability Gamechanger
    No, never dreampt of having a gun! But if I had one this week...I`d be dangerous!xxxx
