Unsuitable housing and council not changing banding

energyautie Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
For the last two years I have been fighting Brighton council to change our banding as my son 6.5 (size of a 9 year old) are living in a first floor one bedroom flat. I am a single mum and my son has complex needs, he’s autistic, has sensory processing difficulties, has significant movement disorder and potentially has CVI (Cerebral Visual Impairment). He’s very demand avoidant and some days we can get stuck indoors and in the confined space can be very overwhelming for both of us. 

The private rental market is so expensive and a lot of agents won’t take us because of housing benefits. The council have said I can move out of Brighton to get a cheaper property but logistically its a nightmare because I would lose all the services I have been fighting for the last few years if I move to a different council.

i can’t cope with another winter in a one bedroom flat... HELP? 

Do do I have any legal rights? 
Is there any help I can get? 


  • kami24
    kami24 Online Community Member Posts: 399 Empowering
    Surely you should be top priority if your son is vulnerable and has autism. Sorry to hear its unsuitable. Many vulnerable people are let down still even today in England. I lived in a horrible bedsit which was dangerous as well as small and polish people upstairs all day banging around and partying to all hours so i know how home situations can affect your life. Keep going to the council but try the CAB first if you have done all you can with the council. There is legal advice out there but may not be gov funded anymore as changed last year i think. If where you live is 'causing psychological distress or aggravating it' then I think you can definitely disagree with council and appeal in writing about banding as well. 
  • kami24
    kami24 Online Community Member Posts: 399 Empowering
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    I know you said that you don't want to change to a different local council but if you did this then it may give you more opportunity because you'll have more choices.

    Any help you receive regarding your son from the local council you're with should be transferred to any other local council you move to.

    I'm in the process of moving house to a different local council and my daughter receives a lot of support too, which is all paid for by my local council. She has 8 hours of support each week, a taxi to and from college 4 times a week, respite as an extra on top of her personal budget allowance and one to one support in college.

    I spoke to her social worker this week and she's in the process of transferring everything to our new local council. Once we move in 3 weeks time everything will be in place and her support worker (Personal assistant) will just continue, along with everything else. I was very worried too but relieved that she won't lose anything i've fought so hard for, for 14 years.
  • April2018mom
    April2018mom Posts: 2,863 Championing
    Hello @energyautie

    Ring CAB to speak with a advisor. What band is the property currently in? 
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,742 Online Community Programme Lead
    Hi @energyautie and a warm welcome to the community. :)
    Have you looked at the criteria for the higher banding under your local council? It might give you some idea of what would put you in a higher priority. Sadly, affordable housing is becoming increasingly scarce!

    Shelter might be able to help with other options for you too. https://england.shelter.org.uk/

  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing
    Hi @energyautie
    I wonder if Possability People,could help? They are Brighton & Hove Federation Of Disabled People. 

    You can call them on 01273 894050. They are available from 10.00am – 4.00pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday (closed Wednesdays). or email on advice@possabilitypeople.org.uk

    Good luck!