Fantasy Christmas Dinner Party — Scope | Disability forum
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Fantasy Christmas Dinner Party

Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,065 Scope online community team
edited December 2019 in Coffee lounge
A red Christmas cracker on a plate
For many, Christmas is the opportunity to see friends and family and to share good food (assuming I'm not cooking!) with the people you should probably love, but if you could invite one person, alive or dead, famous or otherwise completely unknown, who would you invite to Christmas Dinner and why?

I'd probably pick some sort of capable chef who wouldn't mind leaving immediately after they'd finished cooking the meal they'd been conned into making. Hopefully someone flexible enough to accommodate the diversity of allergies and picky eaters in our house. Failing that, I'd probably invite my dad. He lives overseas and thanks to distance and ill-health on both sides, we've not seen each other in many years. It'd be great to have the opportunity to introduce him to his youngest grandchild.

What about you?
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  • Chloe_Scope
    Chloe_Scope Posts: 10,586 Disability Gamechanger
    I'd probably invite my Great Aunt Jean. She had multiple disabilities and defied all of the odds throughout her life, living to a very respectful age. It will be the first Christmas without her. I may not have seen her often, yet the bond we shared was truly special. Far too many jokes about being the two physically disabled people in the family!  <3

  • Chloe_Scope
    Chloe_Scope Posts: 10,586 Disability Gamechanger
    Oh and having Ed Sheeran there to sing would be amazing!  :D

  • April2018mom
    April2018mom Posts: 2,882 Disability Gamechanger
    I would invite myself plus my son. He has a physical impairment. I also would invite a DJ for a disco or a mixologist for drinks etc as well. 
  • Onix
    Onix Community member Posts: 75 Pioneering
    Ok, not an easy one at all. I would love to invite Robin Williams - I'd like the chance to explain to him how much he was missed, how much good he done for people and how folk wished they had seen the signs to help him as he helped others. I'd then offer to take his place so he could keep on doing good and fighting the fight, which would let me slide into oblivion. A life for a life, but he can do so much good, much better than I could, so much more deserving of life, and another Christmas Dinner.
  • Ami2301
    Ami2301 Community member Posts: 7,942 Disability Gamechanger
    Tom Hiddleston :)
    Disability Gamechanger - 2019
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,127 Disability Gamechanger
    I'd love to have Leonard Cohen at my fantasy Christmas Dinner, but altho' he never said much about his faith, he was Jewish, & also for several years lived in a Buddhist community, which he left when his manager & friend(!) had embezzled all his money. So he probably wouldn't have celebrated Christmas, rather Hanukkah.
    I was drawn to him as a poet; then a musician, & also someone who had a very gentle sort of philosophy in later life.
    So if I could possibly then have a someone there on Christmas Day, then I would be with @Onix .....Robin Williams; my favourite film ever is 'Awakenings,' & then there's 'Patch Adams;' both serious true life stories in which he played a Dr. Very sad indeed that he's no longer with us. All life is precious Linda, so we must live it the best we can, as you do reaching out to chat to others here, as do I, where we can safely share here how we feel.
    The family members I've lost are always with me in my heart every day; Christmas Day will be no exception. As Poppy says this sort of loss does not get easier; time does not heal, but life goes on, & I look forward to hearing from a (nearly) Grandma Poppy!
  • Kimeva24
    Kimeva24 Community member Posts: 15 Connected
    Mu Nana she was mu mom, my support system end is my hero. I miss her so much ??

  • Onix
    Onix Community member Posts: 75 Pioneering
    He was a talented man. Even in Mork and Mindy (showing my age lol) his explanations of why humans done stuff always seemed to be aimed at putting serious points across.
    I agree, life is precious, however - what I have is an existence, it doesn't matter how hard I try, I don't belong anywhere and it just gets too much sometimes. Different situations bring different memories, none of them good. However,..............

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Community member Posts: 2,655 Disability Gamechanger
    I think I'd invite Richard Ayoade…  I've always wondered what would happen if two socially inept people got together! :D  I don't know whether the awkwardness would cancel out or whether it would double! :p
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Community member Posts: 6,388 Disability Gamechanger
    Hello @Adrian_Scope   As recipe king and much more many past Christmas I am the chef conned you speak so politely , about.

    Never thought for the Chef in one estate  literally three homes in a matter of hours. All frazzled ladies needs the attention of my talents.

    Calm cool collected as all the ladies frenetic in a mess.

    Why make it so stressed. One meal could be a disaster.  Just ask honey where you supersuit, lol.

    It is a bird is a plane no its @thespiceman to the rescue.

    Been helping never get appreciated . Most important thing for me is not the meal is the sense of purpose of belonging and giving others some recognition. Some support some kind words.

    Being supportive of each others those who are part of the communty and on here.

    One meal on one day.  Does any one really care and concern about thinking of why we have a Christmas Meal why it is Turkey.

    In reality Turkey is a German tradition as Queen Victoria Husband Albert was German.

    In the times before that we had Fish as it a Christian Festival, not just for stuffing your face.

    Wish we could get back to the originality of Christmas the real meaning.

    Think of others, not be self centred be charitable giving and kind.

    If you finding and thinking like that invite a neighbour a friend a colleague who is lonely not seeing any one.

    Give them a time to remember not about presents, not about food not about how much but just for once spending time with those who need love, respect and some consideration.

    Having also using that heart to heal and inspire others.

    Many lonely people go through hell try to be acceptance and find solace.

    I try all the time to be a friend caring listening .

    To me so many other aspects of life are important.

    Day on here using my faith to cope and yes I do have Turkey every Spring Summer menu not this time of year.

    I have some times so much Turkey end up looking like one lol  

    Too many times spent sorting out people either neighbours, friends with addiction need I say more.

    Please take care.


    Community Champion
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  • mrbuttons
    mrbuttons Community member Posts: 221 Pioneering
    I would invite my late mother. I miss her so much, she died when I was still quite young and unprepared for adulthood.
    I have so many questions to ask her we won't have time to cook, wed be chatting so much. then id invite Idris Elba to cook. I have heard from reliable sources that he's a very good cook and a gracious host.
  • Chloe_Scope
    Chloe_Scope Posts: 10,586 Disability Gamechanger
    I know that Christmas can be a hard time when we have lost loved ones and people we truly care about. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and thank you for sharing this with us. :)

  • emmarenshaw
    emmarenshaw Community member Posts: 710 Pioneering
    I’d invite everyone I could think of. People I love that are here and are gone. Just as many people as I could. And Elmo. I love Elmo.
  • pollyanna1052
    pollyanna1052 Community member Posts: 2,032 Disability Gamechanger
    Stephen Fry...for his knowledge, wit and amazing impressions!

    Tina Turner for her calming Bhuddist religion

    Elvis...he can croon to us

    Jesus for his blessings

    Les Dawson...for his funny face

    strange dinner party eh?
