Hello.. need advice on a baby with CP

kitti22 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
edited January 2020 in Cerebral Palsy Network
Hi my baby has been diagnosed with CP. they have told me it is severe, I was just wondering what to expect, will my baby sit up or crawl? They have told me she will not walk so I guess she won’t be able to crawl.. any information would be very much appreciated. Thank you


  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @kitti22   Please to meet you .

    Thank you for joining and sharing.

    I am one of the team of community champions.

    We guide, advise help and support members.

    We have on our SCOPE team a CP Officer.

    @Richard_Scope who I have just tagged be in touch hopefully.

    Please if you wish to ask him any questions be supportive.

    Please take care.


  • Richard_Scope
    Richard_Scope Posts: 3,719 Cerebral Palsy Network
    Hi @kitti22
    Thanks for posting and it's great to have you here on the community! 
    Cerebral Palsy is a disorder of posture and/or movement that results from the immature brain either being damaged or failing to form correctly. It is a diverse condition that affects each individual in a way that is specific to them that's what makes it very difficult to predict how your baby will be affected.
    Here is some more information about Cerebral Palsy and we have a national mentoring service that provides emotional support for parents called Navigate

    On a personal note; I live with CP and my mum was told that I would not be able to sit up, speak or even swallow. Lots can be achieved through physiotherapy and love!

    I'm almost always around if you would like a chat.

  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,688 Championing
    Hi @kitti22 - Welcome to the community & thank you for joining. I used to work as a physio (a long time ago) with children with CP, so can only echo what Richard has said!  :) How old is your baby?
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Welcome to the community @kitti22. :) 

    I have mild CP, great to have you with us.
  • WestHam06
    WestHam06 Online Community Member Posts: 1,390 Trailblazing
    Hib @kitti22
                        Welcome to the community and thank you for joining us. I have Cerebral Palsy and can only agree with what @Richard_Scope has said, CP affects each individual uniquely to them, so no two people are affected specifically in the same way. Physiotherapy is so important and with love and support much can be achieved. My parents were told I would never walk, talk or be able to do much for myself. I can walk with two crutches and I think on occasions I probably talk too much :) It will be a tough journey with ups and downs along the way but there are always people on the community who will be here to offer support or to just listen. Please keep us updated and let us know if there is any questions you may have. Thank you. 
  • Danielle56
    Danielle56 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
    Hi .@kitti22
    First time I have posted on this site but I hope this  can be of some comfort to you. After a traumatic birth my son was diagnosed with evolving diplegia (a form of cerebral palsy) at 6 months. We weren't sure what the future held and we still aren't. He is a persistent little monkey and has learnt to sit and crawl and although at 18 months he cannot yet walk or speak he is so close to standing unaided and is definitely vocal even if it is in screams and shouts!  He is likely to need splints, a Walker or wheelchair, and probably speech therapy, as I say we are still unsure. But they know so little at such a young age of what they will be able to do, and all we think is the worst. Its extremely hard but try and stay positive and be so proud of each milestone they reach. They have amazing little personalities and we get so caught up with names and diagnosis's that we forget to live in the present. 
    I'm not going to lie it's a hard ride, and I dread every appointment but my little man is so strong that I need to try and be strong for him : )
  • jadealyssa
    jadealyssa Online Community Member Posts: 63 Contributor
    Hi @kitti22
    My almost 3 year old son also has CP,
    From the age of ten months old I noticed something wasnt quite right with him, he couldnt sit up on his own he wasnt attempting to move around at all
    After various visits to the doctors and finally getting a referral to physio ( who may I say are absolutely amazing) they wasnt quite sure what was wrong with him to begin with.
    By this stage my son was 20months old and still not walking or crawling but could stand whilst being held and had by then learn to sit up.
    Physio noticed he was right up on tip toes and he had tightness in his calves. They referred us to a peadatrciain  for an official diagnosis.
    While we waited though physio had done various exercises with him and put him through a period of aerial casting which helped my son muscles to streach and to correct the gait to his feet. Theh also provided us with gaitors, splints and piedro boots.
    We finally got his diagnosis of asymmetric dipleiga CP.
    But without physio intervention we were almost certain he wouldnt be able to walk at all. 
    He finally did start to walk although only recently when he was around 2 and a half. Physio still have alot of input in his life and he has splits and specialist boots still. So please dont fear the worst as you can get all kinds of CP and there will be lots of involvement with all kinds of medical staff that will give your child the best chance of mobility possible 
    Any questions please ask 
    Best wishes