Let's talk about the positives!! — Scope | Disability forum
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Let's talk about the positives!!

sam_tex20 Community member Posts: 8 Connected
What is one thing about your condition you are thankful for?
For me I am thankful for the people it has allowed me to meet, without my conditions I may have never met some of my best friends and I also am thankful for my chance to be able to advocate and educate people on what they can do to make the word a more friendly and accessible place as well as general acceptance and education around what people with disability's CAN do not just what we cant't do and on how the way disability's "LOOK" in the eyes of the media is not usually accurate.


  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 13,793 Disability Gamechanger
    I am not generally thankful for anything related to my issues, but they have taught me to appreciate what I do have, and to enjoy little things to the fullest, such as a cup of coffee or a walk in the park.

    I also have learnt to make the most things like for example the weather - whatever it may be - i.e. there is no point wasting a day by wishing the weather was different. Another example could be being stuck in traffic and I will think and appreciate that I have a car and am able to drive it. I guess being able to see the silver lining in things is what I am trying to say.
  • sam_tex20
    sam_tex20 Community member Posts: 8 Connected
  • Chloe_Scope
    Chloe_Scope Posts: 10,586 Disability Gamechanger
    It's made me more adaptable and determined. Like @66Mustang, I appreciate the little things in live. It also has made me very open minded and accepting of everyone. 

  • April2018mom
    April2018mom Posts: 2,882 Disability Gamechanger
    Hello. This is a partial list of things that make me happy every year when it comes to my disabled son! 
    I am the mom of a young child with open defect spina bifida. I am thankful for the fact a local church has allowed us to attend church services together as a family without turning him away. I am also very happy that he was born at a time when advances in modern medicine mean he can access the health resources that are simply essential for his overall physical health like a pediatric spina bifida clinic, and so on. I am so grateful that he has a opportunity to fulfill his educational potential too like everyone else and that his disability does not define him. I could literally write a mini essay on this topic. I appreciate the fact he is on track cognitively. 
    And I am so thankful that he is loved and respected as well. I simply have learned not to stress over the petty details anymore and who to trust in addition. I am also grateful that my relationship with the Holy Spirit was only strengthened as a result of his diagnosis. But I am not grateful for doctors with poor communication skills however. I am happy that my son has options just like everyone else. I am even grateful that he can communicate with us, his family without needing to rely on a expensive bulky communication device to do so. And I am deeply grateful for mobility aids like wheelchairs. 
  • pollyanna1052
    pollyanna1052 Community member Posts: 2,032 Disability Gamechanger
    edited May 2020
    I`m not happy to have PPMS........you could say it is better than HSP, which I was wrongly diagnosed with.

    I don't see any advantage in being disabled and dependent on so many for so much.

    22 years hasn`t made me hate it any less.
  • Grinchy
    Grinchy Community member Posts: 1,874 Disability Gamechanger
    I try to stay positive, but sometimes its hard, my seizures strike sometimes with no warning, and it wipes me out for the day i can have 2 or 3 in quick succesion which really blows,  i try and stay as positive as i can, being online and sharing with other people who have been through other difficulties helps and the support of my wife and kids keeps me going
  • jasmineirani
    jasmineirani Scope Volunteer Posts: 103 Pioneering
    Hello whats your name. It is a shame that you have seizures without any warning. it must be so annoying. I suffer from dyspraxia which is mild learning difficulty. So that means I used to find school difficult because I never used to understand anything but there was a support worker working alongside me so when I needed help I could just ask them and they would Come and help me. Thank goodness I am not in school anymore. 
