Research Opportunity for Autistic Adults

rach_schuck Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
edited February 2021 in People power

Hi there! I am a graduate student at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and I, along with a team of autistic and non-autistic researchers, am working on a study regarding autistic individuals' perspectives on intervention/education. Below are details of the study and a link to the survey. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Often intervention and education for autistic children is designed and implemented without any input from autistic individuals themselves. This is why researchers in the Department of Education at UC Santa Barbara are recruiting autistic adults to participate in a study in which they will be asked to give feedback on different aspects of common intervention programs for autistic children. The study consists of an online survey that will take approximately 20-45 minutes to complete. The survey includes five short video clips of young children participating in intervention and a list of statements about common intervention goals and strategies. Participants will be asked to provide their opinions about these items. The videos might make some participants feel anxious, distressed, or frustrated. If this is the case, participants can choose to stop participating at any point during the study.

Potential participants must be autistic (formally- or self-diagnosed) and be at least 18 years old. Non-US participants are welcome!

If interested, please visit this website.  

For questions, please contact graduate student researcher Rachel Schuck at

Thank you!



  • Ross_Alumni
    Ross_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,611 Championing
    Hello @rach_schuck

    Welcome to the community and for sharing your research, it sounds fascinating.

    As mentioned above by @woodbine, we will need a bit more information from you before we allow your links and contact details on the community.

    Would you mind dropping us an email at just to let us know how you will be storing and using the data you collect from this survey?
  • Cher_Alumni
    Cher_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,714 Championing
    Just to confirm, this research opportunity has been checked and verified as safe for our community members.  Good luck with your study @rach_schuck :)

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