"I am a woman who wants"

Richard_Scope Posts: 3,718 Cerebral Palsy Network

Cerebral palsy made my body a country of error and pain. It took me years to accept the part of me that craves intimacy

by Molly McCully Brown

he autumn I was 19, I entered my college dining hall in California just in time to overhear a boy telling a table of mutual acquaintances that he thought I was very nice, but he felt terribly sorry for me because I was going to die a virgin. This was already impossible, but in that moment all that mattered was the blunt force of the boy’s certainty. He hadn’t said he could never … or “She might be pretty, but” … or “Can she even have sex?” ” – all sentences I’d heard or overheard by then. What he had done was, firmly, with some weird, wrong breed of kindness in his voice, drawn a border between my body and the country of desire.

Read more at 'I am a woman who wants': on disability and desire | Sex | The Guardian

Molly McCully Brown
Molly McCully Brown. Photograph: Marco Giugliarelli


  • WestHam06
    WestHam06 Online Community Member Posts: 1,390 Trailblazing
    Thank you for sharing this @Richard_Scope, so many misconceptions around disability and intimacy. Thank you.
  • wilko
    wilko Online Community Member Posts: 2,438 Championing
    Hello hello everyone, people don’t only think or talk about disabled people wanting or having a sexual life. But I expect we have all looked at couples and thought or made comments about how they look, I don’t see what she or he sees in her or him, she a big girl, poor chap, he’s good looking no girlfriend must be gay. We all have needs wants feelings for intimacy with the opposite sex or a same sex relationship, so we must never under estimate the abilities of a disabled person in achieving their goal to gain and have intimacy with the person of their dreams.