Hello! In need of help/advice with autism diagnosis.

CoralB Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
edited March 2021 in Autism and neurodiversity
Hello! My name is Coral, I'm 26, and in my final year of studying Zoology  

I am not diagnosed, but I think there is a high possibility I am on the spectrum. I would like to talk to my GP about this matter, but I know that there can be a long wait for an actual diagnosis. 
The reason I haven't spoken to my GP about this yet (other than being nervous) is because I am currently in Nottingham, with a doctor here. But will be moving to Southampton in a few months time (after I finish uni).
I don't know whether it would be best for me to talk to my GP now, or wait until I'm with a GP in Southampton, where it would be more permanent, making a a referral potentially easier.  

I'm probably just over thinking this, but would like some advice from people who are a bit more knowledgeable on the diagnosis front and tell me what they think would be the best way to go about this would be.
Thank you in advance!


  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,455 Championing
    Hi @CoralB :)

    Hmm, that's a good question! It's not something I have personal experience of. I think it could be worth chatting to your current GP at this stage, as I don't think it'd do any harm to find out what your next steps might be, or what might happen.

    If you explain the situation, they might be able to advise you on whether it'd be better to wait until you move, or get the ball rolling straight away. It can take a while to get a diagnosis for autism on the NHS, so it could be that the sooner you get yourself on the waiting list, the better. Any notes they make should transfer over to your new GP too.

    Perhaps it could be worth ringing the National Autistic Society's (NAS) helpline? They may have some further advice for you. Their number is 0808 800 4104.
  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,805 Championing
    As far as I understand, different areas have different waiting lists.  So even if you were added to the Nottingham list, that wouldn't necessarily move you any higher up the Southampton list as you'd still be a 'new' patient on their list when you move.

    Would it be possible to travel back to Notts for the assessment after moving?  You might find they have a shorter waiting list so it could be worth asking your current GP.

    Sadly my GP told me I was too old to bother with a referral at 26!  I have been trying to get a private one since but the closest private service to me have stopped taking new patients due to large volumes already and the pandemic as well.
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,455 Championing
    That's really bad @OverlyAnxious! Have you tried speaking to a different GP? You're definitely not too old. 
  • CoralB
    CoralB Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
    @Tori_Scope Hi! Thank you for your response. Yeah it's a bit of an odd situation, I know the NHS is under pressure at the moment so want to try do this without making it to be too much of a hassle. I shall ring the number you provided and see what they say first :smile:

  • CoralB
    CoralB Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
    @OverlyAnxious Yeah, that's why I think it might *probably* be worth me waiting until I'm registered with a GP in Southampton. Coming back to Notts isn't an option I would want to do, to be honest. Too long on the train, and don't like the place that much to make a day out of it, ha. 

    That's not good! As already mentioned, you're never too old to be diagnosed with something! What a bad GP.
  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,805 Championing
    That's really bad @OverlyAnxious! Have you tried speaking to a different GP? You're definitely not too old. 
    I'm already on the 4th GP there.  As with other things, I'm hoping to change surgery if I can ever move somewhere else.

    The waiting list here is in excess of 5 years for people low down the list though so I'd happily for a private assessment if I could get one.