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Will PIP money stop while I await decision

bea1980 Community member Posts: 6 Listener
Hi all

I received the dreaded brown envelope to renew my PIP before it ends on 26th august. Got the forms, filled them in sent them off with all the relevant information including medical history, pics of my house (aids i use on a day to day basis e.g stair lift, raised toilet and sofas, wet room etc ) and even a support letter from my carer. I sent them back before the due date and got a text saying they had received them on the 29th June. I’m starting to worry a little now as I’ve heard nothing since. I know it takes a while to hear about the next stage (been through this 5 times and always win at tribunal) I’m just worried as it’s approaching august and once the 26th hits then they will stop my money which is desperately needed to cover my monthly outgoings.

Anyone have any advice on how long the process is during Covid for the London area?



  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,964 Disability Gamechanger
    Hi there 

    Unfortunately dwp are quoting around 10 months for whole process die to backlogs with assessments 

    Hopefully as yours is a review it may be quicker 
  • Ross_Alumni
    Ross_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,652 Disability Gamechanger
    Hello @bea1980

    Welcome to the community, good to see you join us. 

    It's hard to predict the length of the process at the minute, but as advised above there are quite a few delays at the moment, but hopefully you receive a much more speedy review and it's a positive outcome for you.

    Let us know how you get on.
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  • bea1980
    bea1980 Community member Posts: 6 Listener
    Thanks for your replies. 

    Do you think they stop my money from the 26th onward?
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,964 Disability Gamechanger
    If your award ends then yes unfortunately 

    Did you get awarded by tribunal? If so it is treated as a new application because it was tribunal not dwp that gave the award 

    Dwp can't change the award length when awarded at tribunal so yes your money will stop unless a new decision has been made 
  • bea1980
    bea1980 Community member Posts: 6 Listener
    Yes the tribunal awarded me the PIP. 

    Have no clue how I’m going to pay my bills now. 

    You’d think if they knew they have such a backlog they’d send the forms out earlier. But then again it’s the DWP we’re talking about 
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,964 Disability Gamechanger
    When you win at tribunal its really up to you to reapply 

    They send out a reminder 14 weeks before award is due to end but there is nothing to stop you applying earlier than that 

    Hopefully you will be awarded without going to tribunal and it may all be processed quicker than expected fingers crossed 
  • dondon2601
    dondon2601 Community member Posts: 12 Listener
    Hi hun. Good luck. It’s just took me 11 months to get to my appeal date ? unfortunately they stop your benefits when the award ends and if re awarded you will get back paid from the date you reapplied 
  • bea1980
    bea1980 Community member Posts: 6 Listener
    Oh no dondon. In the past I’ve also waited over 12 months for it to go to tribunal, always enjoy the back pay lol. Still doesn’t help when you have to try and find ways to pay your bills while you’re waiting

    My first ever pip application I got higher rates on both components with no assessment or tribunal. Had 3 more pip renewals since then and even though my multiple ailments have got worse (some new ones) I always fail and have to go to tribunal. Now on enhanced daily living and standard mobility. Hopefully all my extra evidence such as pics and statements will go in my favour. 

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