Hi, I'm goggs1979! Can I get help with funding household items?

goggs1979 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
i am seeing if i am able to get help with purchasing household items. i am a Bristol city Council Tennent. i have been in receipt of ESA for the past 10 years along with full housing benefits.and  the last time i claimed for such funding was when i was moving into my current address which was 42 months 


  • Cher_Alumni
    Cher_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,714 Championing
    Hi @goggs1979 and a warm welcome to our community, how are you?

    We recently had a thread started by a member in a similar position that you might find helpful to read.  On that, I recommended:
    There's a few things you could look at to help with furnishing your home:
    • Many social housing providers supply furniture packages to tenants who need it.  If you live in social housing, give them a call to enquire.  
    • Some councils have a Local Welfare Assistance Scheme for low-income families.  Contact your local council to see if they have anything like this.
    • Dependent on what benefits you're on and for how long, you could apply for a budgeting loan or budgeting advance (if on Universal Credit).  Although bear in mind - any money you get will have to be repaid gradually from your future benefits.  
    Do you think any of those would help?  What household items are you looking for?

    Just to let you know, I've moved your thread to our Housing and independent living category and tweaked the title to help others easier spot it :)
  • Ross_Alumni
    Ross_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,611 Championing
    Hello @goggs1979

    I hope you are well today and welcome to the community.
  • atlas47
    atlas47 Online Community Member Posts: 237 Empowering
    edited August 2021
    Hi @goggs1979

    Have you thought about joining a Credit Union?

    This would enable you to take out a loan, to make the purchases you need.

    There a number of charities in your area, that sell, used household items.

    Take a look at this link about local Credit Union, worth speaking to them, in first instance.


    Keep us informed.
  • Silverfox3824
    Silverfox3824 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    Charities can access you for grants BUT your not guaranteed they need to see your income & outgoings normally a bank statement 3 months worth.
    Need to know what house hold items you need.