Call for Evidence for the All Party Parliamentary Group for Adults with Cerebral Palsy — Scope | Disability forum
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Call for Evidence for the All Party Parliamentary Group for Adults with Cerebral Palsy

Richard_Scope Posts: 3,657 Scope online community team
edited October 2021 in Cerebral palsy


The APPG on Cerebral Palsy is holding a call for evidence for its next two sessions:

1. Barriers for adults with Cerebral Palsy accessing and receiving healthcare that prevents them from ageing well and full life participation. (Tuesday 14 September – 2pm)

2. Barriers to employment facing people with Cerebral Palsy entering, staying in and progressing in work, and lessons from the impact of Covid-19 (Tuesday 9 November – 2pm)

We are taking written submissions for our report to Parliamentarians with a deadline of 5pm on Tuesday 30 November 2021. Please send us a submission if you’re interested in these topics. The evidence will help form the recommendations the APPG makes to Government. Short responses with experiences, suggestions and key facts are ideal.


Please make sure your submission:
1. Is 2 sides of A4
2. Has clear headings
3. Has a summary at the top of the submission.
4. Has the subject line “APPG on Cerebral Palsy – call for evidence”
5. Is sent to

You can send video or audio clips. Please make sure they are under are three minutes. Please send these using WeTransfer to the above email address. Please use the word “evidence” in the title.

Please do not send academic papers, think-tank reports or other long documents. If you want to, include information from these using a hyperlink.
You can send us something as an individual, or from your organisation. Please only send one submission from each.
Specialist Information Officer and Cerebral Palsy Programme Lead

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