Housing help please?

Vidarsbane Online Community Member Posts: 18 Listener
In 2018, my life was changed forever as I was the victim of a major injury at work. I have significant mobility issues, can do short distances on crutches. Cannot climb stairs, and need a wheelchair for longer distances due to pain and my leg buckling. 

I've spent years now struggling, the housing association being useless. Not informing me of help etc. My home isn't suitable at all, it's a tiny 3 bedroom house. Very small single room downstairs, a small extension with a wet room and kitchen at the back not designed for my needs and very narrow doorways etc. 

I had a single bed downstairs despite taking up half the living room, not great as a family of 4, until I fell again and buckled the frame. I'm 6ft8 and weigh over 30 stone now. My back is now wrecked after sleeping on the sofa for over a year.

I finally got my occupational therapy report through and they advised a move. The house cannot be suitably adapted due to its very small size and foot print. 

Again I've been getting messed about by the housing association and after 4 months have finally been told they don't have anything suitable and that I need to be referred to adult social care.  I can't go on like this any longer. The thought of waiting months or years is really compounding my mental health issues as well. I suffer with depression and anxiety and am waiting on a diagnosis of ptsd. 

I get everything I'm entitled to, the highest amount of universal credit. Both enhanced rates of PIP. I cannot see that changing any time soon. 

I need a bungalow or a suitably large house that can be converted for downstairs living. Private renting doesn't seem like an option as my partner is my carer, most places don't take DSS and the cost of private rent is ludicrous. Plus I may need significant adaptations made, as I say I'm a big guy.

What are my options here? What can I do to help get myself somewhere suitable? Can I get a mortgage on benefits? I've just no idea what to do next.


  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,454 Championing
    Hi @Vidarsbane :) 

    I'm sorry to hear about your housing situation, and the affect this has been having on your mental health. It does all sound very stressful. 

    Has a referral to adult social care been made, do you know? 

    It is sometimes possible to get a mortgage while you're on benefits. You might find this page on Money Helper website useful in further understanding this.

    I'm not sure about what all of the options available to you are, so I hope that someone with some personal experience of this will see your post soon. I'll also have another look around to see if I can find any helpful resources.

    In the meantime, are there are small changes you could make to your current situation to make it a bit more manageable? For example, would it help to source another bed for the living room so that you don't have to sleep on the sofa? I appreciate that this doesn't at all solve the problem, but it might make you feel a little more comfortable for the time being. 

    Are you receiving enough support for your mental health at the moment? You've mentioned waiting on a diagnosis for PTSD- are you receiving support for this in the meantime? 

  • Vidarsbane
    Vidarsbane Online Community Member Posts: 18 Listener
    Hi, yes I've already had a referral to adult social services. They've basically said that as I've had the OT report, there's not much more they can do. They gave me the number for accessible housing, but while they're giving me an application form I was told I've got more chance of finding rockinghorse poop. He advised to find a general purpose house and get that adapted but that means going back to the housing association. 

    I've thought about putting another single bed in the living room, but you really can't appreciate how small the room is. Particularly with a family. 

    I'm getting adequate help from my GP, he's pretty supportive. 
  • Ross_Alumni
    Ross_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,611 Championing
    Hello there @Vidarsbane

    Thanks for your reply.

    It might be worth still continuing with the accessible housing application form, you never know what could come of it, but I understand your frustration about the whole situation.

    I'm glad to hear that your GP is supportive, do ensure you continue to access them if you ever feel as though you need further support for your mental health.
  • DianaH
    DianaH Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener

    I have problems with my house and its not good for me, the social worker told me that I need to leave it but I did not receive any help from her,
    I understand you and it´s not easy but you have to keep fighting until one day you get the house. it is not easy to fight when you are sick.
    But you have relatives to lean on, 
    my rest is in God.

    Look at this page that has houses for wheelchair users  https://www.habinteg.org.uk/propertysearch?ps_search_text=&ps_areas=&ps_radius=0&ps_sale_type=&ps_property_type=29&ps_submit=Search 

    I hope it is useful to you, God bless you

  • Jomiranda
    Jomiranda Online Community Member Posts: 23 Contributor
    woodbine said:
    The problem is the lack of social housing and the huge waiting list for it, getting a mortgage when your sole income is benefits is almost impossible and mortgage help on benefits isn't a benefit now but a loan with interest.
    I know non of this helps you OP but it's just how it is.

  • Jomiranda
    Jomiranda Online Community Member Posts: 23 Contributor
    Hi could you change Settee to a Bed Settee for time being. What about Homeswapper, exchange with someone who has Adapted their home. Mhealth Adult Social Care should write a Supporting Letter for you to upload when filling in Application for Housing, get your Gp & OT to also write Supporting Letters for Housing also. State Urgent Needs Assessment to Adult Social Care. Hope this helps. My Adult Son is waiting staying on Camp Bed in our tiny Living/Dining Room, for Supported Living Accommodation, Urgent also months waiting. Support OT Mhealth ASD once moved out. God it takes So Long, his Mhealth is not good & needs to recover after being Discharged from Mhealth Hospital.
  • Reg
    Reg Online Community Member Posts: 109 Empowering
    Hello @Vidarsbane

    I am really sorry to hear about your housing difficulties. I was in a terrace sleeping on a sofa as I struggled to get up the stairs , especially as they were so steep.

    It is a real problem to find somewhere suitable as no one seems to design houses for the disabled. I am now in a tiny bungalow but the door frames are still too narrow and the kitchen is so tiny you cannot get down it with two crutches.

    It may be an idea to have a look at the Shelter website as there is information on there about how private landlords can get grants to convert houses to make them disabled friendly. I also wondered if you were on swop sites to see if you could swop to another property with your existing housing association and then get them to make the swop property user friendly for you?

    You also mentioned that you had an accident at work. I wondered if there was a potential for compensation that would help with your housing needs? Sorry if that has already been ruled out as an option.

    I wish you the best of luck in trying to find somewhere that is suitable for you and your family.
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,454 Championing
    Is your son receiving enough support to help him cope after his stay in the mental health hospital @Jomiranda?
  • Jomiranda
    Jomiranda Online Community Member Posts: 23 Contributor
    He has got Support set up, but at the moment its all Mhealth visits each month or two. Poor young man never got Learning Difficulties help & now ASD & Schizophrenia diagnosis too. It all seems to be only mhealth support, OT & Therapy & PA once new home. Where is the Adult Learning Difficulties/disability help?

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    Jomiranda said:
     Where is the Adult Learning Difficulties/disability help?

    That would be part of yolur local Authority. If it's anything like mine with my daughter then it would be a complete waste of time, sadly.

  • Jomiranda
    Jomiranda Online Community Member Posts: 23 Contributor
    Thank you I will look these links up. 
    Son does have Nhs Physiological Therapist.