Anyone have experience with a Social prescriber please ? — Scope | Disability forum
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Anyone have experience with a Social prescriber please ?

feeky1973 Community member Posts: 59 Connected
Hi my relative has mental health issues. OCD & social/communication anxiety. 
GP has referred a social prescriber (SP) but we're unsure how this would help. We've looked online and found very little about what they do/offer.  I'm sure they can help a lot of people but my relative just isn't able to go out and do group activities.  In fact she's so far away from that concept of living, even just thinking about being around people triggers her.
She just wants to focus on being able to survive at home. Do basic things like, eat and sleep regularly, be able to do things around the home with more ease (everything takes a long and is challenging). 
From my POV the kind of help she'd need is like that of a carer, but I dont think thats whats on offer via social prescribing ? (I mean that's the ideal support she needs but even then that'd be a challenge for her what with all her issues).     
Could anyone share their experiences with a social prescriber please?  What did they offer?  How did it work out for you? 

Thanks :) 


  • Ross_Alumni
    Ross_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,652 Disability Gamechanger
    Hello @feeky1973

    Thanks for posting, I hope you are doing okay.

    Social prescribers are something I am not very aware of, but I have had a look at this NHS page and discovered what they do exactly. Has your relative discussed with her GP that she isn't keen on the idea of a social prescriber? I'm sure that if she discussed her concerns they might be able to offer reassurance or a different avenue to go down.

    I'd be interested to hear if any other members have experience of social prescribers.
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  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,964 Disability Gamechanger
    Hi there and welcome 

    I don't have any knowledge of this but from reading you post I wonder if a care needs assessment would be appropriate 

    This involves a ot coming out to assess any care needs required things like care aids adaptions and equipment they do a report and then send to required services and supply aids etc 

    You can self refer via gov website 

    It may open the door to some sort of carer 
  • feeky1973
    feeky1973 Community member Posts: 59 Connected
    @Ross_Scope thanks. Her GP couldnt really explain what the Social prescriber would offer - said its something new they are trying out. We dont think its appropriate at this stage having read what little there is about the service so I'll suggest she lets her GP know.
  • feeky1973
    feeky1973 Community member Posts: 59 Connected
    @janer1967 thank you - care needs seems worth looking into.  She always thought something like that would involve social services which as an idea, she finds very anxiety inducing.  Self referral to OT feels much more possible, I'll do some chatting with her once I've found out more. Thanks again for the suggestion. 
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,964 Disability Gamechanger
    The ot is part of social services but they make recommendations which you can go ahead with if you want 
    They were great when I had mine and since have had social services sensory team support 

    Not all social care is as bad as people think 
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,125 Disability Gamechanger
    edited December 2021
    Hi @feeky1973 - & welcome to the community. I looked online about social prescribing, & there's a good link explaining it all here:
    What I found even more interesting were some of the comments at the end, which included some Occupational Therapists (OTs) saying that's this is hardly a new concept, as OTs have been practising this for about a hundred years, & have had studies done showing this works, whereas studies on social prescribing are relatively in their infancy. So, it hardly seems something new, rather reinventing the wheel. This led me to the same conclusion as Jane, that in your relative's case, a needs assessment by an OT seems more relevant. As Jane mentions, such a needs assessment can be done by self referral online. Please see:    for info & link to apply.
