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Rehousing issue

DottieDots Community member Posts: 1 Listener
A friend recommended Scope to me, so I thought I'd post here to see if anyone could help.

I was rehoused into my current flat a year ago tomorrow. The previous flat I had was on two floors with the front door and bedroom being up the top of the stairs and I couldn't manage the stairs. But I had a disabled level floor shower and other adaptations. I was offered this flat as it was on a single level, and was advised by my landlord (A housing association) that it wouldn't be a problem getting the council to put in a wetroom. I was asking for help for seven years, got doctors to write letters etc and it was only a support worker from social prescribing that I actually got rehoused or I'd still be there. When I moved here I had a support worker (that I pay for) provided by my landlord who got the ball rolling to get the wet room done and I last heard from OT/BANES council June last year. That support worker left and the one I had afterwards was so lazy and whenever I asked for help I got told to do it myself. I finally plucked up the courage to tell her boss and I got another support worker, he's very new but very good and rang OT/BANES council for me. We were advised because of covid I'd be waiting a very long time and there were quite a few people above me. We were advised we could go back to OT and ask for a reassessment but they rarely changed so it would be a waste of time especially in the current situation. I haven't been able to shower for four months because I can't physically get myself onto the board OT gave me as I am disabled and my back and legs don't work well. I have vestibular disease and am constantly off balance and giddy so fall over regularly and look drunk. I also suffer from Gastroparesis and regularly have accidents which I've been using the bathroom sink to try and clean as best as I can. As you can appreciate it gets everywhere :'( It's so humiliating. We told BANES Council this and they said they could appreciate it wasn't the best situation but they have other people doing the same right now. Which I appreciate and understand, but I have been struggling to cope for a year now and it's looking like another year or two like this.

I also have an issue where the flat is. It's in a village which is lovely but the nearest shop is 3 miles and they rarely have much in as everyone goes there and strip it clean. I don't drive. I was looking into getting a mobility scooter or an electric chair so I could still get out and about and the only road in and out is a single track country lane on a hill, at the top there is a wall and a mini roundabout and cars come barrelling along. I went up there with a neighbour and we saw the sight lines for me sitting on something and the oncoming traffic would mean I could get badly hurt because they won't see me until it's too late.

The other issue I have is that the tenant above me has his children visiting three times a week and every other weekend, and they constantly scream and run around, he tells them to scream (I actually know the name of one of the children only because I've heard him telling them to scream) and when they do he claps and says 'yay' at the weekends they are running around screaming into the early hours, his living room is above my bedroom and he turns his tv up loud and is shouting at them to shut up (after chasing them around and telling them to scream all day) he also chases them with a hoover at 6pm, he gets the hoover out at 6pm every day they are there and they run around the flat screaming while he's chasing them, he actually admitted these things to me and laughed. I have hearing loss and am unable to tell what direction a noise is coming in, so it's literally like being bombarded repeatedly in all directions for hours on end by screaming, banging and two children and a grown man running round the flat. Christmas day they were up there at gone 11pm screaming and running around. When I tried to speak to him he laughed and said they were all being playful. When I tried to speak to my landlord my emails are being ignored.

Sorry this is so long. But what I'd like to know is the best course of action to try and get me out of this situation. My mental health is really suffering and I'm struggling to cope. I have generalised anxiety disorder and I am really struggling. I'm at the point where I'm getting my affairs in order and I don't feel like I have any other option because I can't see a way out of this. I'm trapped. I'm housebound. I haven't been out for weeks and I'm sitting here now listening to the screaming, thumping and banging. I'm at my wits end.

Thank you

