Tell the Work and Pensions Select Committee about your experience of PIP assessments

Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,443 Championing
edited November 2021 in PIP, DLA, and AA

What is the inquiry about?

The Work and Pensions Select Committee are seeking your views. The Work and Pensions Select Committee looks into the policies and spending of the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).

The DWP is currently looking at how benefits assessments can be improved, and the Work and Pensions Committee will be making recommendations to them about how to do this. 

They would like to hear from disabled people who have been through an ESA or PIP assessment to inform these recommendations.

The Chair of the Committee, Stephen Timms MP, has explained more on his Twitter account.

To see further information about the survey, including a list of questions, visit this page on the UK Parliament's website.

How can I share my views?

To complete the survey, complete this Microsoft Form

How long do I have?

The survey closes in mid-February 2022.

Make sure you share your views to help guide improvements to benefits assessments. If you have any trouble accessing the form, please let us know so that we can pass your feedback on.


  • M3dcol
    M3dcol Community member Posts: 62 Connected
    Section 1 q3 says enough about the failings in the system. Where is the option for neither? Lack of attention to detail, which is what most complaints are about from what I've read and certainly in my own experience. Pay attention to what the specialists say should be the main point they take from this exercise, they're happy applying the science when it suits?
  • brianwoods
    brianwoods Community member Posts: 49 Listener
    edited January 2022
    Might be tough going on that one ,apparently the DWP is having to cut benefits payments on orders from the chancellor ,so they hit the people who can't properly fight back.
    What they are most likely wanting to do is to avoid  being  publicly outed like happened in Northern Ireland " Belfast telegraph 2021 " and escape a public scandal hitting the papers
  • brianwoods
    brianwoods Community member Posts: 49 Listener
    Unsurprisingly it is pips benefits I had the telephone interview for.
    I have also read the article on DWP integrating a digital at form to make application process easier ??
    My interviewer kept pressing the point that I had no "physical disabilities" 
    as mine are all mental health problems which only become physical if I have an anxiety attack ,the last it happened I had an ambulance called as the person thought I was having either a stroke or a heart attack ! I told the assessor all of this and it was either completely ignored or just not written down anywhere the end result was a zero score across the board.
    It would appear that the DWP are not seeing lifelong depression and other conditions as a "Disabilty" now ??
    The assessor's themselves are working from  home  for Atos/capita/ independent assessment services "same company"and are called "health professionals" and not mental health specialists.
    When I rang the DWP to ask for a reconsideration the agent sounded half asleep and was getting his attention diverted by what he was watching on tiktok??
    On the advice of mind Manchester I emailed my mp Mike Kane to make him aware of what the DWP was doing and surprisingly I got an email back telling me to take concerns to "not him"
    And also my local law centre who have agreed to take my case on as there has been a massive upsurge in people who have either had there claim stopped or got a "no" result really quickly.
    Maybe to get something done it should hit the headlines so everybody in the uk can see what's happening ?.

  • Sarahjane1010
    Sarahjane1010 Community member Posts: 14 Listener
    The 3rd party companies pip use are a joke to do assessments the asessor lied on my partners assessment and refused to let us record the meeting they tried to say because he had a motorbike 4 years ago that was sat in garden he hasn't got mental health problems even though 15 years of paperwork said different 
  • VippidyP
    VippidyP Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    The 3rd party companies pip use are a joke to do assessments the asessor lied on my partners assessment and refused to let us record the meeting they tried to say because he had a motorbike 4 years ago that was sat in garden he hasn't got mental health problems even though 15 years of paperwork said different 
    Sometimes I really do feel that we made a mistake as a society when we took violence off the table. How much more abuse can we be expected to take...?
  • brianwoods
    brianwoods Community member Posts: 49 Listener
    Bearing in mind the problem's I've had with my pips Claim I can understand your feeling's about the whole process.
    If you feel that the assessment was carried out unfairly you can appeal by asking for a "mandatory reconsideration" this has to be done within 4 weeks of the date on the letter from DWP,the next thing I would do is contact the DWP and ask for a "pa4" which is the assessor's report which is sent to the DWP you will need this for a tribunal which is your next step should the mandatory reconsideration be unsuccessful.
    Very good luck to you 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,145 Championing
    I would do is contact the DWP and ask for a "pa4" which is the assessor's report which is sent to the DWP you will need this for a tribunal

    You don't need the assessment report for the Tribunal. It will be in the "bundle" that you will receive anyway. Concentrating on the report will not get anyone a PIP award.
  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    If you feel that the assessment was carried out unfairly you can appeal by asking for a "mandatory reconsideration" this has to be done within 4 weeks of the date on the letter from DWP,the next thing I would do is contact the DWP and ask for a "pa4" which is the assessor's report which is sent to the DWP you will need this for a tribunal which is your next step should the mandatory reconsideration be unsuccessful.
    An MR should be done if you think the PIP decision is wrong, whether or not you think the assessment was unfair is irrelevant. The MR can be done no later than 13 months from the date of the decision. As poppy says you don't need the PA4 for an appeal. If you do appeal to the tribunal service you will be sent a copy anyway as part of the appeal papers.
  • brianwoods
    brianwoods Community member Posts: 49 Listener
    Thank you for the correction.
    I'm aware of the timescale involved but in the real world nobody is going to wait for a year before doing anything.
    For me "personally" I think the way the telephone assessment's is unfair and for "myself" as "my" personal opinion and is relevant for me.
    As to the pa4 I obtained a copy for my own use and was asked to forward it to the law centre.
  • brianwoods
    brianwoods Community member Posts: 49 Listener
    Thank you for your input :)
  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    .. in the real world nobody is going to wait for a year before doing anything.
    I certainly wouldn't recommend it but it does happen. Some people 'accept' the decision and then get progressively more disgruntled and belatedly realise that they still have the option of doing an MR. 
  • brianwoods
    brianwoods Community member Posts: 49 Listener
    I absolutely agree with you on all points.
    The main reason why I came on this forum was to get all the information I needed prior to making any kind of appeal ,it helps to get both sides of the story in a manner of speaking.
  • RosieS1967
    RosieS1967 Community member Posts: 1 Listener
    edited February 2022
    Sarahjane1010 I had my assessment appointment on the 9th of February and asked for it to be recorded. I was told they would need to cancel this appointment and arrange a colleague who would agree this (surely this is your job). I asked to speak to a manager who called me back and confirmed that as of early February anyone is able to tape the call on any devise, and he arrange another appointment for the 15th. The health expert then called me on my landline!! I asked her to call me back on my mobile because I wanted to recorded the conversation, she did so but was extremely annoyed. I am hoping this will mean I will not receive a report that is a work of fiction and have to accept that the health expert just lied. I am waiting on my response and hopefully the notes will actually reflect what was said. You can definitely record all interviews now without specialist equipment.