6 Easy Ways to Celebrate Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month — Scope | Disability forum
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6 Easy Ways to Celebrate Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month

Richard_Scope Posts: 3,660 Scope online community team

March is Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month — the chance to celebrate the 17 million people that are living with cerebral palsy (CP). There are many ways you can celebrate cerebral palsy awareness month, and here are a few of my favourites.

1. Wear green for Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month. 

Wearing green — the cerebral palsy awareness colour — is just one of the many ways you can spread the word about Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month. This way, you can represent that you care about cerebral palsy awareness and educate others about the importance of spreading awareness about cerebral palsy.

2. Post about cerebral palsy on social media for Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month.

Posting about cerebral palsy on social media platforms, like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, is one of the best ways to spread awareness about Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month since you can reach a large audience. Share some facts about cerebral palsy, or if you’re living with CP, share your own story.

3. Ask local businesses to display green lights for Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month. 

Asking local businesses to put up green lights this month is a great way to spread cerebral palsy awareness. People might ask employees about the green light displays, which will get businesses talking about cerebral palsy and make more people aware.

4. Write to government officials about the importance of Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month. 

Writing to government officials about Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month can go a long way in spreading CP awareness. Not only does it make politicians aware of Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month, but it also allows for cerebral palsy to potentially receive statewide or national attention.

5. Volunteer with a nonprofit that helps people with cerebral palsy this Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month.

Volunteering at a nonprofit organization that supports people with cerebral palsy can both, directly and indirectly, impact people with CP in a positive way. If your friends ask you about your volunteer work, you might even find more people who are interested in volunteering and raising awareness of cerebral palsy.

6. Host a social event for people with cerebral palsy during Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month.

Hosting social events for those with cerebral palsy is a great way to meet people with cerebral palsy and truly connect with them. It can also help people with CP come together as a community and meet others they might be able to relate to through shared experiences.

There are many ways you can celebrate Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month. Choose a way that feels right for you, and make a difference in your community as you spread awareness about cerebral palsy and what it’s like to live with this condition.

Specialist Information Officer and Cerebral Palsy Programme Lead

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