Sleep apenea and asthma pip?

Jcaans Online Community Member Posts: 12 Connected
edited July 2022 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
I have been diagnosed with severe sleep apania. I also may be diagnosed with asthma.

With these 2 conditions am I able to apply for pip or anything?

I am now universal credit at the minute as I lost my temp job through agency 5 months ago as I hurt myself and fractured my nose by hitting my nose on the ground as I laid unconscious. This is now due for an operation as breathing is difficult from the nose. I was unable to go back to work for a week so they had to let me go. 

Any help would be appreciated. 


  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    Hello there @Jcaans and welcome to the community :)

    When you apply for PIP, you'll need to explain how your conditions impact on you for 51% of the time day to day.

    So it really depends how much the sleep apnea and asthma impact on your ability to carry out each of the PIP descriptors, the more they impact, the higher your score could be. Does that make sense?

    I am sorry to hear about what happened to your nose, but pleased to hear you'll have an operation soon. How do you feel about it? Are you getting enough support with everything that's happening?

    Let us know if we can help further, or if you have other questions, please ask.

  • Jcaans
    Jcaans Online Community Member Posts: 12 Connected
    Hello there @Jcaans and welcome to the community :)

    When you apply for PIP, you'll need to explain how your conditions impact on you for 51% of the time day to day.

    So it really depends how much the sleep apnea and asthma impact on your ability to carry out each of the PIP descriptors, the more they impact, the higher your score could be. Does that make sense?

    I am sorry to hear about what happened to your nose, but pleased to hear you'll have an operation soon. How do you feel about it? Are you getting enough support with everything that's happening?

    Let us know if we can help further, or if you have other questions, please ask.


    Thank you Alex so much for your help there. 

    I am now diagnosed with asthma and sleep apenea. 

    I've had the surgery for my nose as I broke it. 

    Are the questions above the exact questions the pip department will ask me. When I fill the form. Out do I answer it based on an average day or my worsen day. 

    I also suffer from depression and anxiety which I get anti depressants from doctors. 

    I am fearing the cost of Living crisis. I am living in a hostel due to the fact i was rehomed from homelessness. 

    Is there anything else I can apply for aside from the basic universal credit I get with my conditions. 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    Jcaans said:
    Are the questions above the exact questions the pip department will ask me. When I fill the form. Out do I answer it based on an average day or my worsen day. 

    None of them. Please do not base the form on your worse day. You give as much information as possible without telling your life story.
    Include a couple of real world incidents of exactly what happened the last time you attempted each activity that applies to you. Adding detailed information such as where you were, what exacetly happened, did anyone see it and what the consequences were. You should aim for at least half an A4 side of paper per descriptor that applies.
    Please also remember, PIP isn't about a diagnosis, it's how those conditions affect you against the 12 PIP activities. You can see the descriptors in the link above.

  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    You entitlement to POP is assessed on how you are on the majority of days.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    Typo calcotti, that should be PIP :D
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,456 Championing
    A warm welcome to the community from me too @Jcaans :) 

    How are you getting on with the anti-depressants