goodbye from Sue_Scope — Scope | Disability forum
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goodbye from Sue_Scope

Sue_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 486 Pioneering

This is my last day on the online community as I have decided to spend more time helping my daughter with my baby grand daughter. The online community is a fantastic forum but I would like just to mention a few people who I would like to say a special good bye to.  @SueHeath  who greets the community every morning with her bright and friendly “Good mornings” - she always asks after other people even  yesterday when she was worried about her brother in law. Sue – I really hope your brother in law gets better soon. Next poppy and calcotti who both give so much of their time to the community in giving advice and signpost information to members- I have learnt so much from them- thank you ! Finally to Adrian and the fantastic online community team who do such an amazing job.

This is a fantastic forum but, especially in these hard and worrying times, please continue to be kind and respectful to one another. :)

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