Remaining politically neutral during General Election 2024

Under guidance from the Electoral Commission and Charity Commission, it's important that Scope remains politically neutral during General Elections.

While we understand that this period will see many passionate discussions and do not want to discourage open discussion, we cannot allow discussions which are purely intended to influence voting.

As ever, please make sure that your comments remain respectful of other people's opinions and keep to our online community house rules.

Hi, my name is CJmurray! My PIP experience

CJmurray Community member Posts: 1 Listener
edited November 2022 in PIP, DLA, and AA
I applied for PIP in July 

Sent form back August 

Assessment 8th November 

Text report received 10th November 

Text confirming award 17th November and advised wait for letter 

I'm unsure on what rates and what components I've scored and been awarded as I now just have to either await payment and do the maths or wait for letter but I'm so excited that I was successful as I've spent a lot of time reading these threads and it's sad how long and unsuccessful the process can be and with mine being for personality disorders I wasn't sure I would be successful, 

Was told I'd scored myself high rate for both although my assessment went well and told she agreed I'm still concerned the descion maker might have other intentions, it's so hard not to worry and overthinking the process as it just takes so long, 

Looking forward to my back pay in time for Xmas I worked it out at around 18 weeks, 

Thanks for the threads guys they kept me focused, motivated, informative but also reminded me to keep things in perspective at times 


  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,506 Disability Gamechanger
    Fantastic, thank you for sharing your experience with us @CJmurray! :) And I'm glad that reading through posts on the community helped you out along the way. I'm sure that your post will do the same for others! Please do let us know once you know what you've been awarded.

    Are you looking forward to Christmas?
    National Campaigns Officer, she/her

    Sign our petition calling on politicians to stop demonising us

Do you need advice on your energy costs?

Scope’s Disability Energy Support service is open to any disabled household in England or Wales in which one or more disabled people live. You can get free advice from an expert adviser on managing energy debt, switching tariffs, contacting your supplier and more. Find out more information by visiting our
Disability Energy Support webpage.
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