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PIP application. Fast turnaround?

lou54321 Community member Posts: 35 Connected
edited November 2022 in PIP, DLA, and AA
My husband rang to apply for PIP on 4th November, we returned online forms 11th November, letter received on 18th November, telephone assessment on 1st December. 

This I think is a really rapid turnaround, because we both suffer with severe anxiety, we are worried this is a bad sign (rational brain telling us it doesn’t mean anything). 

He is extremely concerned about his telephone assessment, I want to support him during it but very worried my anxiety will take over too.  He’s so worried and stressed I am concerned he won’t be able to answer the call/express how things affect him very well. Any advice on telephone assessments would be appreciated, good bad and ugly!

thank you in advance :)


  • julian65
    julian65 Community member Posts: 5 Listener
    It may also help to remember that, no matter what happens with the DWP on the telephone, you ultimately have the right to appeal whatever they decide - firstly with a mandatory reconsideration and secondly with a tribunal. Having very recently had a tribunal over turn the DWP's previous decisions in my favour, I can say that it was generally a very positive experience.

    The tribunal is completely independent of the DWP, and was night and day different from everything that had happened previously with the DWP. I was asked sensible questions by people who were genuinely concerned, well-informed and reasonably sympathetic. It's the difference between dealing with a huge and impersonal bureaucracy where you are literally just another number, and talking to real people whose primary role is to prevent a miscarriage of justice.

    Your husband should be entitled to some form of representation or advocacy to communicate on his behalf, or to support him in articulating what he wants to say, so taking the pressure off you.

    As Tomm said, don't be afraid of rearranging the appointment to a later date - the important thing is to get the support you need and to take as much stress and worry out of the process as you can. There are people who can help, but you might need to wait to get that help so don't let the DWP rush you before you feel prepared.

  • lou54321
    lou54321 Community member Posts: 35 Connected
    Thank you both for your replies. I just hope that we get an empathetic assessor on the day. I will try and do my best to support him, hopefully they will give us the opportunity to explain that we both suffer with anxiety, and be that little bit more patient with us. 

    My husband had been my main carer for years, and he has been “masking” his difficulties to try and support me. It’s so hard for him to express how badly he is affected by pain and mental health issues when he’s so used to putting on a brave face. The application form was solid though, detailed all his struggles, real world examples etc, medical evidence sent and a statement from me.  The whole process is just so stressful and because of the quick turnaround we have convinced ourselves that they have already decided to refuse!  Just how our anxiety rolls! :smile:

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