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It's really over already!

Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,912 Disability Gamechanger
Today is "National Take Down Your Christmas Tree Day".

How does everyone feel about Christmas being over? or Do you keep your tree up year round?

I have a friend who has a real "tree" (I'd call it a bush but she gets offended :D) that she decorates for every occasion / holiday throughout the year.

I have also heard of people who wrap their tree's in clingfilm when they store them away. So it is technically up all year round.

Have you still got yours up? 
Hannah - She / Her

Online Community Coordinator @ Scope

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  • Oxonlady
    Oxonlady Scope Member Posts: 566 Pioneering
    Hi @Hannah_Scope, I have not been able to put up a tree for the last two years as I have become very incapacitated and haven't been able to leave my bedroom. I usually have a tree in my hall but now I wouldn't be able to see it anyway.
    That saddens me but there's nothing I can do about it. 
    I wish I could could do what Frank Sinatra did, ie have a Christmas tree up all year round. I like to keep in mind the spirit of good will throughout the year. 
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,912 Disability Gamechanger
    oh @Oxonlady I'm so sorry, it sounds like you love Christmas too! 

    Is there anyone that can come put a little tree up for you? 

    It's not the same, but there are websites and apps where you can decorate a Christmas tree online? Can decorate it differently each time :) 
    Hannah - She / Her

    Online Community Coordinator @ Scope

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  • Luna51
    Luna51 Community member Posts: 286 Pioneering
    We took ours down today. 

    I love the ambience of a Christmas Tree (no bright white or blue lights for me please) the soft warm glow from it almost made the living room feel warmer, I think.
    Now it's gone it looks bare and miserable, so I will have to polish off the last of the Toblerone to console myself this evening (any excuse! 😂)

    I too would have my tree up all year long too, if I could...
  • Luna51
    Luna51 Community member Posts: 286 Pioneering
    Oxonlady said:
    I like to keep in mind the spirit of good will throughout the year.

    That's a lovely thing to say @Oxonlady ❤️
  • Grinchy
    Grinchy Community member Posts: 1,905 Disability Gamechanger
    We took our tree down a few days ago now place looks empty without it, i do keep a tree up year round in my star wars room, a big one and a little one, for me the christmas period growing up was a happy time, no abuse for the 3 weeks or so, then when the tree came down it started again, so naturally i feel a bit down this time of year, i try to distract myself with other things, spend more time in my room, anyway sorry for going on, heres to a good new year

  • Oxonlady
    Oxonlady Scope Member Posts: 566 Pioneering
    Hi @Luna51, thank you.
    Hi @Grinchy, I'm very sorry to hear that you had an abusive childhood. Is it something you are working through with a counsellor? Have you ever discussed it with your parents or have you decided to leave it all in the past and move on? Of course different people react in different ways and find their own way of dealing with childhood trauma. I hope that you can find some release from the past, for your own peace of mind. Wishing you all the best. Happy New Year. 
  • Grinchy
    Grinchy Community member Posts: 1,905 Disability Gamechanger
    Hey @Oxonlady, thanks for your kind comments, both parents are gone they died young through there alcoholism, i once asked my father about it and he said he didn't remember, wish i'd have forced the issue, but whats done is done, i've had various therapys and while its not as bad as it was i still suffer with flashbacks etc, i'm not sure what the answer is, wishing you a happy new year
  • gtks
    gtks Community member Posts: 10 Connected
    Hi@Grinchy, sorry to hear about your abusive childhood. I went through it too. My mum who is 89 yrs old had a 1:1 talk. I forgave her and it is better now. It was difficult at us but it took me 55 years to talk to her about the hurt. It is a slow journey. Still mending the hurts. I see her once a year when I visit her every May for her birthday. Re: Christmas tree. I took it down on the 5th January and it is stored away in my office. I can see the C tree box. I love my Christmas tree and other decorations in the house. It was a quiet Christmas for us and we invited a neighbour to join us for Christmas lunch. Happy New Year to all ! Best wishes to everyone here at scope. 
  • Grinchy
    Grinchy Community member Posts: 1,905 Disability Gamechanger
    Hey @gtks, thanks, i'm glad you were able to get some closure, my road to healing is still ongoing, its a slow process
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 53,320 Disability Gamechanger
    Why can't I fit the tree back in the box  :| wanted to tape it in but the tree is popping out  :#
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,983 Disability Gamechanger
    The tree wants to stay out @Sandy_123 :p
    Community Volunteer Adviser with professional knowledge of education, special educational needs and disabilities and EHCP's. Pronouns: She/her. 

    Please note: if I use the online community outside of its hours of administration, I am doing so in a personal capacity only.
  • durhamjaide2001
    durhamjaide2001 Community Co-Production Group, Scope Member Posts: 11,085 Disability Gamechanger
    Today is "National Take Down Your Christmas Tree Day".

    How does everyone feel about Christmas being over? or Do you keep your tree up year round?

    I have a friend who has a real "tree" (I'd call it a bush but she gets offended :D) that she decorates for every occasion / holiday throughout the year.

    I have also heard of people who wrap their tree's in clingfilm when they store them away. So it is technically up all year round.

    Have you still got yours up? 
    I have still got the main part of the tree up but my support worker is helping me with it tomorrow 
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