Living a lone

pieeeter Scope Member Posts: 22 Listener
edited January 2023 in Coffee lounge
Hi my name is [Removed by moderator – personal information, please see community house rules.] I find living a lone it's very lonely I wish I could meet someone to spend my live with do other s find that 


  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Community member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @pieeeter   Pleased to meet you.

    I agree can be lonely life, I do live on my own have good days and bad.

    What helps me is the following doing a range of activities and making sure I am good to myself.

    Volunteering I have done before met those like myself.  Your local Community Volunteering Unit will help.

    Use interests, hobbies does not have to be expensive.  To meet people.

    Make a choice to look at lifestyle course often free, things like art, painting drawing.

    Health issues, such as therapies alternative ones herbs, spices food, cooking and so on.

    Libraries a good source and museums increase the knowledge you have and education.  Often have support groups and clubs.

    To meet people, use resource centres and use those courses often put on.

    Consider befriending schemes working with people like you.

    Sports disabled swimming clubs, look at your leisure centres.

    I know certain organisations have an interest in supporting our Community often have own club and support group.

    I enrolled had and got a membership of a disabled support group.  Had meetings, outings and lunches worth looking at.

    If I can be supportive please ask happy to listen and offer compassion and empathy, sensitivity.

    Please take care.


  • pieeeter
    pieeeter Scope Member Posts: 22 Listener
    Is there any body who live near Brighton and Hove who like to meet up for a coffee and a chat 
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi @pieeeter Im sorry to hear you are feeling lonely, I don't live alone but wityh my teenage son who is either at school or on his xbox in his bedroom so I do get lonely myself. I find keeping busy and doing what activities I am able to do helps lime for example cooking, internet shopping, and coming on the forum. I have been separated 3 years and find it hard having always had family and a husband around. I just try and stay positive and think there are lots of people in a worse situation  
  • newborn
    newborn Community member Posts: 828 Trailblazing
    Round the world, there are ways to reduce isolation by design. The ideal is one's own private space, within a  shared space deliberately  designed to make it easy and natural to congregate in inviting shared spaces,  but without forced communality. 

    Intergenerational is important,  not segregated.  
  • Han_
    Han_ Community member Posts: 151 Empowering
    Hi Christian, thank you for your post.

    Are you able to visit a local community centre? Perhaps they have some groups, activities or classes you can get involved in and meet new people at the same time.

    Here is a website listing all the community centres in Brighton:

    Do let us know if we can help in any other way.


  • Rifi7
    Rifi7 Community member Posts: 197 Empowering
    Hi Christian,
    I also live on my own and struggle with isolation. Unfortunately I live in London otherwise I would have tried to meet you for a coffee and chat.  My sister lives West Sussex so maybe next time I’m down we can meet for a coffee? 

    I have found it hard to meet people since losing my mobility. I have been looking for things to do myself in my area and meeting new people, also in my situation but there’s not much around. It’s always a difficult time of year when the nights draw in and there’s very little sunlight. Like Jane1967 try to keep yourself busy. Maybe try your local library to see what’s going on in your neighbourhood. They often got pamphlets in their reception. I found a local art and craft group in the area from my library, 

    Christian are you disabled? How old are you?
  • pieeeter
    pieeeter Scope Member Posts: 22 Listener
    Am 48 years old and single 
  • Rifi7
    Rifi7 Community member Posts: 197 Empowering
    Are you disabled Christian?

  • pieeeter
    pieeeter Scope Member Posts: 22 Listener
    I have a moderate learning disability
  • Rifi7
    Rifi7 Community member Posts: 197 Empowering
    Look at the website
    it has single people who can meet up in Brighton.
  • Chloe_Scope
    Chloe_Scope Scope Posts: 10,511 Championing
    Hi @pieeeter and welcome to the community, I too would recommend the meetup website to find activities in your area. As a reminder, this forum does not allow members to disclose personal information.

    If there is anything else we can do to help then please do let us know. :)
  • April2018mom
    April2018mom Posts: 2,865 Championing
    I’m sorry you feel alone. What about joining some clubs in Brighton? There must be some that are for adults. Alternatively you could start up your own one. Have you ever heard of the U3A movement or not? 
  • anonymous12355
    anonymous12355 Community member Posts: 23 Listener
    edited January 2023
    pieeeter said:
    Hi my name is 
    [Removed by moderator – personal information, please see community house rules.]
     I find living a lone it's very lonely I wish I could meet someone to spend my live with do other s find that Bless you 🙏. I don't think I could live with someone again but I do get lonely 
  • anonymous12355
    anonymous12355 Community member Posts: 23 Listener
    Rifi7 said:
    Are you disabled Christian?

    I used to be. I'm struggling with faith, my daughter is a vicar and my wife left me. So I struggle with faith atm
  • Community_Scope
    Community_Scope Posts: 1,287 Empowering

    Hello @pieeeter

    We just want to let you know we’ve edited your comment because it contained personal details. For more information about why we removed this, please consider our online community house rules.

    All the best,


    Online community team

  • Cher_Alumni
    Cher_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,715 Championing

    I'm sorry to hear that. It's understandable that your faith would be tested given your story. Is this a conversation you ever have with your daughter?