Morning, how's your day going so far?



  • SueHeath
    SueHeath Online Community Member Posts: 12,388 Championing
    janer1967 said:
    @SueHeath can't believe we already in 3rd month of the year and been out house 4 times 

    No list yet might come your way to bull ring and Trafford centre in Manchester 

    Going to check out if any bike shows at Birmingham nec as well for bf 
    We live about 15 min drive from the NEC Janer, if you haven't been this way for a while, it's a nightmare at the moment with all the HS2 work going on, every time we go round that way there's road closure's or a new road ha ha have you been to the motor bike musium xxx
  • SueHeath
    SueHeath Online Community Member Posts: 12,388 Championing
    Thank you @SueHeath @janer1967 @Teigr @Lou67 <3 Have a lovely day everyone, coming to reading late today. Not sure what's wrong with me I have been feeling very low energy and low mood lately. I'm sure it will pass though. <3
    could just be the time of the year Jo, lots of people can feel like this Jan/Feb months x
  • SueHeath
    SueHeath Online Community Member Posts: 12,388 Championing
    Good afternoon all you lovely's - hope your all well, pain free and warm.
    Had a good day here, garden tidier so i can actually get through the mess hubby has made and see my spring flowers.
    I've missed some nice chats on here today, 
    Were at the age were we only have Hubby's Dad left now, but the ideas for Mothers Day preazies are lovely, we don't have graves to visit as with my parents and hubby's Mom we scattered ashes in different areas.

    Yep heard the same about our weather getting colder again and the chance of snow, can't do much about the weather,
    Oh and up date on Father in Law, the home gave him a great reception when he got back there, done a tour round the sitting room and they all clapped him, which i thought was a lovely thing to do, xx
  • WelshBlue
    WelshBlue Online Community Member Posts: 770 Championing
    janer1967 said:
    Thanks for your comment @WelshBlue much appreciated 

    I'm sure we will be reminiscing his stupidity in.10 years time 

    Hope you find your seeds and get cleaned up.
    Unfortunately we've got to let our kids make the mistakes before they can learn from them.
    Sounds like his Mum will keep him on the right path  :)

    I gave up on the seeds ... compost is scattered on the flower beds.  See what nature does

    SueHeath said:
    oohhhhhh i can just see the mess Welshblue bet that was a nightmare ha ha x
    The mess was bad enough - being shouted at was worse  
    i'll wait for help next time ... a bit cold to be sleeping in the shed  :|
  • SueHeath
    SueHeath Online Community Member Posts: 12,388 Championing
    Ha ha ha love that @WelshBlue that's one of my favourite sayings about sending people to the shed ha ha 
    Yep good thinking with throwing all on the flower beds, i love the thought that nature has a way with our gardens - as long as you don't forget and think there weeds coming through. x
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    @SueHeath it's ages since I went anywhere near that area and no I haven't been to the bike museum but my brother has not sure if bf been but will have a look at it as an idea 

    Glad fil back and had good welcome 

  • SueHeath
    SueHeath Online Community Member Posts: 12,388 Championing
    The bike Museum is good @janer1967 well it was the last time we went ha ha, 
    Yep re; the roads when one of my younger sisters comes to visit she hates driving round the area, not sure if sat nav's work okay with the constant changes, were waiting to see what the area/roads are going to be like when Crufts is on, the local roads are a nightmare normally with that one. x
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    I can imagine @SueHeath it's chaos here on the roads on race days and that's without road works 

    I'm glad I don't drive now for all the time I used to spend in traffic now I'm a passenger I just fall asleep 
  • SueHeath
    SueHeath Online Community Member Posts: 12,388 Championing
    edited March 2023
    Ha ha ha yep @janer1967 - ofcourse never thought of that with the races, i don't know much about Horse racing but that one up by yours is a massive course, parking area didn't look big enough, unless we missed it ha ha x
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,727 Championing
    That a nice welcome back @SueHeath
  • SueHeath
    SueHeath Online Community Member Posts: 12,388 Championing
    Hi @Sandy_123 yep we thought it was lovely.
    Just hope we all see him in a better way then he has been the last month in hospital. x
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,727 Championing
    Hope so sounds a good home 
  • JoOfVengerberg
    JoOfVengerberg Scope Member Posts: 498 Empowering
    Lou67 said:


    Oh I live up in Glasgow but that’s a great idea my mum would appreciate that, thanks for the idea Jane.

    Oh sorry you've lost both parents, I lost my dad 22 years ago, and that’s what we do is take flowers to the grave.

    Sorry your feeling low but as you say it’ll pass, keep your chin up😊

    Thanks Lou x
  • JoOfVengerberg
    JoOfVengerberg Scope Member Posts: 498 Empowering
    Hello all. I hope everyone is doing well. Was hoping to finish one of the uni books today, but it is so heavy and so difficult to get through I've had to stop halfway through and will pick up tomorrow instead. Relieved to be done for the day <3
  • JoOfVengerberg
    JoOfVengerberg Scope Member Posts: 498 Empowering
    SueHeath said:
    Thank you @SueHeath @janer1967 @Teigr @Lou67 <3 Have a lovely day everyone, coming to reading late today. Not sure what's wrong with me I have been feeling very low energy and low mood lately. I'm sure it will pass though. <3
    could just be the time of the year Jo, lots of people can feel like this Jan/Feb months x
    That's a good point. I usually feel anxious and low in summer but the lack of sunlight probably does contribute to the low mood. I want to get a sun lamp but have nowhere to put it, hate living in one room x
  • JoOfVengerberg
    JoOfVengerberg Scope Member Posts: 498 Empowering
    good luck with the plants @WelshBlue
  • JoOfVengerberg
    JoOfVengerberg Scope Member Posts: 498 Empowering
    Bloody freezing here, can't tell if it's because air comes in through the boarded up fireplace, the window (no double glazing) or through the huge gap under my bedroom door that gets cold from the bathroom window being open. Shocked this place hasn't fallen to bits yet to be honest. Landlord refuses to put double glazing in, and he's trying to sell this place after doing shoddy DIY... hoping to get out of here sooner rather than later.
  • JoOfVengerberg
    JoOfVengerberg Scope Member Posts: 498 Empowering
    @Ada for when you come on I hope you've had a good day x
  • Teigr
    Teigr Online Community Member Posts: 4,835 Championing
    edited March 2023
    Yes,both of mine are gone @Sandy_123,almost sixteen years for my mother and just over six years since my father died.
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,727 Championing
    Evening @Teigr how are you? I think as time goes on you just learn to adapt to life without them. 
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