Did you know that most MP’s like to leave early on a Thursday? — Scope | Disability forum
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Did you know that most MP’s like to leave early on a Thursday?

Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,912 Disability Gamechanger
edited June 2023 in Coffee lounge

This is because most MP’s have events, surgeries or other meetings in their constituencies on Friday’s. And we all know what travelling back from London can be like.

But what does that mean for debates at Westminster on a Thursday afternoon? Well… most are not well attended.

Hemel Hempstead MP and former Minister for Disabled People, Sir Mike Penning, is campaigning to abolish VAT on audiobooks.

He has now secured a Westminster Hall debate on the subject at 3pm on Thursday, 15 June 2023.

A Thursday afternoon…

Audiobooks are now widely available across all genres; from business to academic, from historical to self-help, and they offer a lifeline for many people with sight loss, visual impairment, dyslexia or other reading disabilities.

They offer opportunities for visually-impaired and dyslexic people to improve their education on a par with their peers and in many cases enable visually-impaired and dyslexic people to continue working independently for longer and thereby contribute to the economy for longer.

But, unlike written books, audiobooks attract VAT at 20%. In 2020, the Government scrapped VAT on e-books because of the coronavirus outbreak, so we know it can be done.

It is now time to extend that to audiobooks as well.

For this debate to have any impact, we need as many MPs as possible to attend.
If you support this campaign, please drop your MP a quick email asking them to attend. You can find details of your local MP here: https://members.parliament.uk/FindYourMP

We can make a difference!

Hannah - She / Her

Online Community Coordinator @ Scope

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