Remaining politically neutral during General Election 2024

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While we understand that this period will see many passionate discussions, please make sure that your comments remain respectful of other people's opinions and keep to our online community house rules.

Hi to all

sparklebright628 Community member Posts: 60 Connected

Hi  to all.

I  am loosing more weight I was 12.06 kg 
Last week I am now 11.03 kg really starting to feel better in myself weightwise more energy to go on bike rides ect:; Loving it
Healthy fresh food my weight is going down at last I just cannot belive it.



  • petur64
    petur64 Community member Posts: 31 Courageous
    Thats a brilliant achievement @sparklebright628! Keep going!
    I used to love cycling! Because of my mobility, my surgeon has ok'd for me to try exercise bike(on my way to go back onto the road!)
  • Beaver79
    Beaver79 Community member, Community Co-Production Group, Scope Member Posts: 22,590 Disability Gamechanger
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 7,785 Disability Gamechanger

    Good morning and a massive well done, I’m so pleased for you.Keep going your doing amazing.

    As I know only to well how hard it can be to loose weight, only under  2 weeks ago I have started to cut out the rubbish I was eating at night time through boredom. Also trying to eat better. And been pushing myself to go out a walk twice a day. 
    I had an appointment with my consultant for a pre op for my second knee replacement but my blood pressure was still to high and I have to loose a bit off weight, Iv to go back in October so trying my best.
    You have given me the encouragement to stick with it so thank you.

    Take care ❤️
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 55,530 Disability Gamechanger
    Well done! I'm assuming thats your total weight loss so far because it's too low to be your actual weight, unless it was a typo? 12kg is 1st 8Ib.

    I'm still on my weight loss journey and have lost 2st so far. My daughter has lost 1st 12Ib.
    I would appreciate it if members wouldn't tag me please. I have all notifcations turned off and wouldn't want a member thinking i'm being rude by not replying.
    If i see a question that i know the answer to i will try my best to help.
  • sparklebright628
    sparklebright628 Community member Posts: 60 Connected
    Hi Thankyou to All for your lovely kind words really appreciate it my bike is the best thing I have bought.
    In ages.
    Where there a Will there's a way so long may this continue I am not giving up no chance.

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 53,241 Disability Gamechanger
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,912 Disability Gamechanger
    That's great @sparklebright628 :) 
    Hannah - She / Her

    Online Community Coordinator @ Scope

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  • sparklebright628
    sparklebright628 Community member Posts: 60 Connected
    Hi to all

    I went to hospital on Monday about my diabetes and because I am eating healthily loosing weight my bs has come down to 59 and with riding my bike it's helping even more so when my blood sugar gets down to 48 or below I will not be diabetic anymore.

    I cannot wait for that day.


  • sparklebright628
    sparklebright628 Community member Posts: 60 Connected
    Hi Hannah

    Yes I am really pleased to say the least I was right surprised when they said this to me.

  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 2,896 Scope online community team
    edited August 2023
    That's a really good update @sparklebright628, it's so good to hear about your positive journey :)

    Keep us updated! It's not an easy thing you're accomplishing, you should be proud.

    EDIT: Also can I just clarify, when you say you've gone from 12kg to 11kg, is that actually 12 stone to 11 stone?  As that's about 6kg you've lost! Which is quite a bit more impressive. 
    They/Them, however they are no wrong pronouns with me so whatever you feel most comfortable with
    Online Community Specialist

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