Putin and Kim Jong Un

Wibbles Online Community Member Posts: 2,410 Championing
Q. What have these two got in common apart from an inbred hatred of the west ?

A. They are both totally insane !


  • rebel11
    rebel11 Online Community Member Posts: 1,678 Pioneering
    They haven't got long, the people of Russia and North Korea will wake up one day, when they do change will happen. They are propped by a 'cabal'. 
  • Wibbles
    Wibbles Online Community Member Posts: 2,410 Championing
    rebel11 said:
    They haven't got long, the people of Russia and North Korea will wake up one day, when they do change will happen. They are propped by a 'cabal'. 
    But will it be too late?
    The world is in a very fragile situation at the moment 
  • C_J
    C_J Online Community Member Posts: 715 Empowering
    edited September 2023
    @Wibbles I agree with you it's scary times and in this day and age as well. To be honest I try my best not to watch or listen to too much of it.
  • rebel11
    rebel11 Online Community Member Posts: 1,678 Pioneering
    Wibbles said:
    rebel11 said:
    They haven't got long, the people of Russia and North Korea will wake up one day, when they do change will happen. They are propped by a 'cabal'. 
    But will it be too late?
    The world is in a very fragile situation at the moment 
    One thing we 'know', all things are possible, who would ever of thought Trump would be president? We are in 'crazy times'.

  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    I have a feeling this was more of a stunt to be a scare tactic than just being a political meeting. 
  • rebel11
    rebel11 Online Community Member Posts: 1,678 Pioneering
    edited September 2023

    If only, Russia has depleted some of it's stocks of missiles, they've been firing a lot each day, something like 15,000. They can't make enough of them, so they need to buy them from North Korea or exchange for technologies. North Korea has loads of them.  
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    Oh sorry if I wasn't clear, I meant them meeting. The publicity of it all. They could have done it privately. 
  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 9,046 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    I've found both Russia and North Korea love their public displays of power, so this very much goes with their usual MO. 
  • Wibbles
    Wibbles Online Community Member Posts: 2,410 Championing
    I've found both Russia and North Korea love their public displays of power, so this very much goes with their usual MO. 
    The problem is that the USA does as well! 
  • rebel11
    rebel11 Online Community Member Posts: 1,678 Pioneering
    Oh sorry if I wasn't clear, I meant them meeting. The publicity of it all. They could have done it privately. 
    They want the world to see the 'meeting', it creates a 'fear factor', also shows the world that Russia isn't short of 'weapons', as every expert has been saying they are short, which is true.  

  • rebel11
    rebel11 Online Community Member Posts: 1,678 Pioneering
    Wibbles said:
    I've found both Russia and North Korea love their public displays of power, so this very much goes with their usual MO. 
    The problem is that the USA does as well! 

    The USA is, it has ridiculous resources 'scattered' around the world, if anything it shows too much restraint, it use to be 'the policeman' of the world.  

  • Wibbles
    Wibbles Online Community Member Posts: 2,410 Championing
    rebel11 said:
    Oh sorry if I wasn't clear, I meant them meeting. The publicity of it all. They could have done it privately. 
    They want the world to see the 'meeting', it creates a 'fear factor', also shows the world that Russia isn't short of 'weapons', as every expert has been saying they are short, which is true.  

    Apart from the ultimate weapon.... 
    They apparently have plenty of those  ! 
  • Wibbles
    Wibbles Online Community Member Posts: 2,410 Championing
    And even more important
    What will happen to Russia when this is all over?
    Will the county be damned forever because of the actions of a few madmen?
    I visited Russia in 1977 and it was a beautiful country not deserving of a mad dictator... 
  • RedEarth
    RedEarth Online Community Member Posts: 60 Connected
    Russia and North Korea are stuck in the past. Putin is and Ex KGB a monster.
    From what Polish Grandmother told, when the Russia invaded Poland.  They executed her Father and put her and her Mother into a Rusdian Gulag. Where her mother died of malnutrition.
    I feel sorry for the Russian people, its not there fault that a monster have put themselves in power.
    As for Kim, his daddy put him next in line  as leader, he killed his uncle because he was more popular and a threat. The trouble is he is like a spoilt child, that can't play with other, unless they play his way. 
    But these are monsters that we know,  it's the only reason that I think why they haven't been