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Has anyone lodged a complaint about an assessor? UC50/ WCA/

g7iqj Community member Posts: 94 Courageous
edited October 2023 in Universal Credit (UC)
HAS any one  lodged & complaint about flawed corourpt  reporting by    WCA  CHDA  ASSEOR???.     I  SENT  email complaint to  ICE  independant case examiner.  What happens now & ice .  


  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 2,765 Scope online community team
    Hi @g7iqj, Sorry no one has been able to offer any advice so far. I found this page that you might find useful to have a read through.

    It talks about the ICE complaints process and what happens after you have submitted your complaint. Point number 4 onwards talks about what happens when it gets to the Independent Case Examiner.

    It says that they will attempt to complete action within 20 weeks of the complaint being passed to an investigator. I hope that's helpful, but if you have any questions let me know and I will do some more research :)
    Rosie (she/her)

    Online Community Coordinator @ Scope

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  • MW123
    MW123 Scope Member Posts: 531 Pioneering

    Hello g7iqj 

    You've taken the first step by emailing ICE about a flawed or corrupt assessment by a WCA or CHDA assessor. ICE will now review your complaint, investigate if necessary, and issue a final report with any recommendations. 

    The DWP will respond to this report, and further actions may be taken to address the issues raised. The process can take time, and it's essential to maintain open communication with ICE during the investigation. While the outcome isn't guaranteed, ICE provides an avenue for an impartial review of government department actions. 

    I wish you the best of luck with your complaint to ICE. May your efforts in seeking a fair and just resolution be successful.


  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Community member, Scope Member Posts: 1,073 Pioneering

    Hi MW, 

    I'm pretty sure that the first step is to lodge a complaint with DWP and that every effort must be made to resolve the problem before ICE will investigate.

  • MW123
    MW123 Scope Member Posts: 531 Pioneering

    Hello WhatThe 

    The standard recommendation is to follow the regular procedure by initiating the DWP's internal complaint process. However, there are circumstances where exceptions apply. 

    In situations marked by significant safety concerns, immediate harm, or extraordinary conditions, it may be justifiable to directly reach out to ICE. It's worth noting g7iqj has not provided information about whether they have already gone through the DWP's complaint procedures.  

  • g7iqj
    g7iqj Community member Posts: 94 Courageous
    COMPLAINED about DWP  to local mp  reply was from dwp  they  followed proto call done nothing wroung  REF    MR REVEIW  . LODGED  & complaint with  CHDA  here is  were problem lies   asseor report .  ASSEOR reported i can only mobilise  20 meteres  aided with stick for balance then i have sit 5- 20min .   Cant climb stairs  AIDED .  I HAD tTELE PHONE  INTERVEIW ASSETNMENT .   .  BUT asseor  did not give 15 points for mobilise . DESPITE i said ive tryed , but cant self propell manual wheel  because  puts pressure on shoulders & spine  & triggers scatica  back pain , discomfort , exhaustion . THE walking stick better to my needs . BUT she only gave 9 points for stairs  commentted  that as my issuie is lwr middle spine scatica/ sterosis . I COULD POSSIBLY  SELFPROPEL MANUAL WHEELCHAIR .    TOTAL LIE  .  NOT what was said over the phone .   ALSO  LODGED  case with ice . AWAITING  APPEALS  tribunral date , DWP  has 6th nov to  reply to tribunral . FIT NOTE  to 5th nov . 
  • g7iqj
    g7iqj Community member Posts: 94 Courageous
    edited October 2023
  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 2,950 Scope online community team
    I just edited the image a little as you could see a personal name at the bottom of the document, hope that is okay.
    They/Them, however they are no wrong pronouns with me so whatever you feel most comfortable with
    Online Community Specialist

    Concerned about another member's safety or wellbeing? Flag your concerns with us. 
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    Opinions are my own, such as mashed potato being bad.
  • g7iqj
    g7iqj Community member Posts: 94 Courageous
    THANCKS  jimm 
  • MW123
    MW123 Scope Member Posts: 531 Pioneering

    Hello g7iqj 

    I often find myself questioning the humanity of these assessors especially after reading your posts. Wishing you strength and a positive resolution in your case.

  • g7iqj
    g7iqj Community member Posts: 94 Courageous
    SAD it feels the whole  WCA is set up for u to fail .  BEcause  dwp desstion makers  seem to go on  40% ur & medical  eveidence reports  . & 60 % on what the asseor reports .  IIN my case asseor young nurse early 20s  registered  nurse 18 mouths  has little hands on exp  tick box phone assetnment .  REEL  world  if you can only mobilise  20 meteres  with aid stick  you dont go far do much . NOT  just work it effects but life in genural & 59 you dont want all mental  stress  of appeals MR/S complaints  just to get fairness justice .&  Daily physical pain discomfort . AS FOR  DWP  disability  white paper , dwp forcing bullying targetting  55- 64 yr olds with disabiltys back to work .  I want go there . 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 55,562 Disability Gamechanger
    g7iqj said:
    SAD it feels the whole  WCA is set up for u to fail .
    The UC WCA stats say different, believe it or not.

    Since April 2019, DWP have made 1.9 million decisions.

    Of these decisions, 16% of people were found to have no limited capability for work and hence no longer on UC health, 19% limited capability for work (LCW), and 65% limited capability for work and work-related activity (LCWRA).

    I would appreciate it if members wouldn't tag me please. I have all notifcations turned off and wouldn't want a member thinking i'm being rude by not replying.
    If i see a question that i know the answer to i will try my best to help.
  • g7iqj
    g7iqj Community member Posts: 94 Courageous
    edited October 2023
    YET you do wonder  as unite untion member . Unite has seen   big increase  in people  its members  having the up evil . OF going througth  MR , REVEIEW  with as little less 20 %   after mr getting LCWRA .  MOST  had to go on to appeal  tribunral  just to get fairness & justice  were 60 % CASES go infavour off claimiant  40% in favour  DWP  .  MOST off problem is down to flawed corourpt reporting by  CHDA /ASSEORS.  &   NOW  disability white paper  say no more . & 59 now good work record you  should not have to up with daily pain discomfort , mobilise issues . &  mental stress of MR/ TRIBUNALS  just to get fairness & justice. Still theres election next year things may change  we hope .  DISABILITY  white paper may never become law in its present form .   AS say in my case can only mobilise 20 meteres aide with stick cant  use manual  wheel chair as brings on pain discomfort exhaustion .  SO  you cant go far do much that involves  mobility / walking , shuffle  over 20 meteres  . ITS not just work , but everday life in general  painfull . & DWP  are targetting 55- 64 yr olds  with disabilitys  . NOT surprised  as we get older  our mechanics  were out 55+ . & Govertnment just go on make policys purely on figures on paper , tick boxes .  STAY safe  try keep well .  
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 55,562 Disability Gamechanger
    g7iqj said:
    YET you do wonder  as unite untion member . Unite has seen   big increase  in people  its members  having the up evil . OF going througth  MR , REVEIEW  with as little less 20 %   after mr getting LCWRA . 

    I think that stats speak for theirself. For reviews, the majority of them have been suspended since 2020.
    I would appreciate it if members wouldn't tag me please. I have all notifcations turned off and wouldn't want a member thinking i'm being rude by not replying.
    If i see a question that i know the answer to i will try my best to help.

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