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Guide dogs

JemimaP Community member Posts: 9 Connected
I’m registered SSI I have tunnel vision with a nystagmus. I applied for a guide dog and all the assessments were going well until the last one.

it’s much harder than I thought to follow the guide dog. I know that sounds insane. Today I walked with the assessor holding the harness. I’ve adapted to getting around my own way so I was slow to follow the dog. Is this just me? Or does everyone struggle with this?

they’ve asked me to do a couple of walks with a guide dog to try and learn to do it before they put me through for a decision.

is my struggle to be independent now going to trip me up?


  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 2,765 Scope online community team
    Hi @JemimaP, welcome to the community.

    Some of my family worked as Guide Dog mobility instructors, so I hope I can offer a bit of reassurance. It can be quite an adjustment walking with a dog for the first time, especially as you said you've already adapted to moving about in your own way. But it's worth sticking with it to see how you get on after a couple more tries.

    If you do go through to being partnered with a dog, they'll usually make sure that your speeds and bodies match, and you should get some ongoing support to help you learn how to work together. It'll always be up to you whether you're comfortable in the end, though, it's not always for everyone.

    Is there anyone that you could chat through your worries with?
    Rosie (she/her)

    Online Community Coordinator @ Scope

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  • JemimaP
    JemimaP Community member Posts: 9 Connected
    Thanks @Rosie_Scope for replying. I spoke to the assessor and my sister. I’m just worried I’ll be turned down.

    I think a guide dog will change my life dramatically so I’m a little disappointed it didn’t go as well as I hoped it would.

    I just wanted to find out if it’s normal to struggle with it. It seems, from what you’ve said that it is. So that’s a relief! I’d be really gutted if I didn’t get through 
  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 2,765 Scope online community team
    It's not always easy straight away and I'm sure the assessors will be used to people taking a little while to adjust. 

    See how you go on the next couple of walks, hopefully you'll feel more comfortable as you go on and things will get a bit easier for you. And it's easier said than done, but try not to put too much pressure on yourself, take it nice and easy.

    Fingers crossed you get the result you're hoping for :)
    Rosie (she/her)

    Online Community Coordinator @ Scope

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  • Lottie1732
    Lottie1732 Community member Posts: 124 Pioneering
    Hi @JemimaP

    When you have your own dog it will be very different to the "test runs" because you will have a wonderful relationship.  There will be a lot more to it than your beautiful dog being a guide when you're out and about. You will both have complete and total trust between you and your dog will know what you need.  

    The trained dogs that you are walking right now don't know you but they are allowing for this and being careful and gentle with you.  There is a hesitancy from both of you. So, it might feel odd because there isn't a bond between you. When you build that bond, the love and devotion is truly unconditional and you will walk out confidently.

    Think of the test dog walks as driving lessons with a driving test at the end. Not many people who are having driving lessons learn to drive - they learn to pass a test. It's after that, with your new car and your new freedom that you actually learn to drive. You gain experience. You make connections. 

    The test dog walks are "first dates" and those can be hugely difficult and nerve wracking. As things go along and you spend more time together you build trust... and then you're head over heels.  Well sometimes. Maybe that's not a good analogy!  But, what I mean is, these first dogs are test drives, so to speak, and what you'll have with your own dog will be tremendous.
    You've got this. You both have :smile:

  • JemimaP
    JemimaP Community member Posts: 9 Connected
    @Rosie_Scope @Lottie1732 Thank you both. I originally just walked with a trainer holding a harness which was awful. But they gave me the opportunity to walk with a guide dog who has nearly finished their training. It was so much better. I can’t believe I’ve bumped around for so many years when I coukd have had one of these amazing dogs! Thanks do much for your reassurance. I’m now on the waiting list!

    I’ve been told the wait is anywhere between 3 months and two years. I hope it’s 3 months! I’m so excited to train and be independent 🤞🤞🤞
  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 2,765 Scope online community team
    That's brilliant @JemimaP, I'm really pleased it's worked out well. Fingers crossed you're not waiting too long!
    Rosie (she/her)

    Online Community Coordinator @ Scope

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