Are there any reasons I only consider men as friends inRL, but not boyfriend material? — Scope | Disability forum
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Are there any reasons I only consider men as friends inRL, but not boyfriend material?

Splatmate24 Community member Posts: 388 Courageous

I got a problem with sometimes when I meet men through social events, I don't seem to be attracted to the guys that I did meet through social events. I only just see RL men who are just friends and I don't see them as t boyfriend material. I think talking about ex patners seems to be another red flag for me. Yep also did happen in RRL and we did stay best friends. Nobody doesn't seem to text back and I'm not bothering with replying or texting that I give my phone men in RRL . This happens quite a lot of times when due to social events in RL. It doesn't seem to work but only works for making friendships. That is how my experience has been with RL dating and just the same as online dating. You can be a ghost in RL too as well as being a ghost in online dating too. It is very hard when it comes to social events since it is only one of the other months that comes to events for learning disability . I just feel like men are just the same no matter if inRL or online. Some were OK and also did bad experience with my previous ex boyfriend that I did meet through RL from college. I'm not in college anymore. I had been cheated on my previous ex boyfriend that I also met through college.Are there any reasons I only consider men as friends inRL, but not boyfriend material?


  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 2,412 Scope online community team
    edited January 5
    Sometimes relationships can grow from friendships @Splatmate24, so meeting new people is always worth it even if you're just making new friends.

    I know quite a few people who were friends with their boyfriend or girlfriends first and then realised that they had romantic feelings for each other after spending more time together. I understand that it can be important to feel attracted to someone too, but physical attraction isn't always the best way to pick a partner at first.

    It could perhaps take some of the pressure off searching for a long term relationship if you're enjoying being friends with all sorts of people without the expectations of finding love. 

    People can become boyfriend material later when you're not expecting it, so I wouldn't rule everyone out straight away. You never know, you might start feeling something for someone you'd not considered before :)
    Rosie (she/her)

    Online Community Coordinator @ Scope

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  • Splatmate24
    Splatmate24 Community member Posts: 388 Courageous
    Rosie_Scope part from college  i only attracted to some friends but didn't work well . when i was friends with some men and did become boyfriend and girlfriend but is didn't last . is end up the same way of getting braking up  did all ended . or getting cheated on some ex partners . that i was were friend's first .i'm not in college anymore and i don' think of anything . part only being friends with men irl that i met through a social events and only got one attracted to one friends but then did turn me off and age was on younger age being 17 and did kept him as just friends . others i met guys  i only see them as just friends and nothing more . 
  • danwheelies
    danwheelies Community member Posts: 18 Listener
    I had a best friend in college who became my girlfriend, but we broke up after a while. I have to confess that I only became her friend because I was attracted to her. I also have another best friend whom I only regard as a friend, even though others say we are a perfect match. Sometimes I wonder if my experience (the failed relationship) is preventing me from pursuing another relationship with a friend because I’m afraid of losing them. I feel like if I don’t make a move, I can keep a friend, but if I try to be more than friends, I might end up with neither a girlfriend nor a friend.
  • Splatmate24
    Splatmate24 Community member Posts: 388 Courageous
    @danwheelies that happen lot in my college both gender of friends . girls friends that did want to get closed to my previous  boyfriend and used my trust and temp them to cheat on me . they did success. i was one that broke up  with some one . only one them did break up with me through text . some boys as friends that i did kept asking sexual questions and no I'm not comfortable answering and kept pushing the sexual question . if i did have sex or not . ask if i was a virgin and blocked him to .
  • danwheelies
    danwheelies Community member Posts: 18 Listener
    Splatmate24 Some men can be rude and insensitive, but not all of them are like that. I also despise cheaters and I avoid being friends with them because women might assume I am one too. Now, I do understand why you only want to keep men as friends. Here’s my advice, befriend a boy or a girl who knows someone you have a crush on. But act differently with this guy you fancy. There are topics that you only discuss with friends, not with someone you are interested in.
  • Splatmate24
    Splatmate24 Community member Posts: 388 Courageous
    @danwheelies i also don't want to talk to my friends who i liked before i got used by some girls in college to  get my previous ex boyfriend to cheat on me and they did success , i don't like anyone inrl at all . just only see them as just friends and nothing more then just friends . 
