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Considering buying a wheelchair - should I ask my GP?

JeffB Community member Posts: 13 Listener
Hello my name is Jeff,
I was just 17 in 1989 when I had my first back surgery and had to have a second surgery 3 weeks later. I had a 3rd discectomy in 2006 to remove bone which had grown over the original surgical spot. In 2016 surgeons were telling me I would need spinal fixation/fusion and suddenly out of the blue was diagnosed with Hydrocephalus. This resulted in me requiring multiple brain surgeries.. I am convinced there is a link between the issues with my spine and the Hydrocephalus diagnosis.. A few weeks ago simply coughed when I woke up in the early hours of the morning, as I coughed my entire back went in to spasm. It turns out the L2 has herniated again and I have spinal stenosis from L2 ,L3/4 L4/5... I'm in agony , I'm using crutches to at least give me some support to stand up. Walking is a real challenge and as I try to take more steps the pain increasese considerably and it gets harder and harder to move.. I am considering buying a wheelchair to at least enable me to go out with my wife and children.  Is this something I should ask my GP ? I just thought to ask.
Best wishes


  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 53,350 Disability Gamechanger
    Hi @JeffB welcome. If you need to use a wheelchair you can get one from social services wheelchair providers, you can buy your own or Pick a good one up second hand. I would definitely see your gp and maybe get a referral back to the Hospital. 
    As a back sufferer myself I do sympathise with you. 
  • JeffB
    JeffB Community member Posts: 13 Listener
    Hi @Sandy_123, many thanks for your reply. I'm mulling it over at the moment. I think it would certainly make life a bit easier. I hope you're having a decent week. Your comment was much appreciated, thanks.
    Best wishes
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 53,350 Disability Gamechanger
    If having a chair can make your life a little easier to get about then definitely consider one. Even if you get one  to try out and see how you go. Good luck 
  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 2,950 Scope online community team
    Hey @JeffB, welcome to our community. It sounds like you're really going through things. Hope you're feeling okay today!

    When it comes to getting a wheelchair there are a few different ways to get mobility help. The NHS has a web page that covers all the different forms as well as how to get a wheelchair.

    Do you receive any mobility related benefits, such as mobility rates for PIP, ADP or DLA for example? That can give you access to the Motability scheme too.
    They/Them, however they are no wrong pronouns with me so whatever you feel most comfortable with
    Online Community Specialist

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    Opinions are my own, such as mashed potato being bad.
  • JeffB
    JeffB Community member Posts: 13 Listener
    Hey @Jimm_Scope,
    many thanks for your message, it's much appreciated. Thank you for the NHS link that's really helpful. I've been looking at the Livewell website just to get an idea of what's out there. I really would like to have a self propelling wheelchair so I can accompany my wife & family without having to bug them.. I do receive enhanced PIP. Now that my mobility has worsened I'm wondering whether I should contact PIP to ask their adive, is that something you would recommend or best not to.? Thank you @Jimm_Scope, I hope you're doing ok. 
    Best wishes
  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 2,950 Scope online community team
    JeffB said:
    Hey @Jimm_Scope,
    many thanks for your message, it's much appreciated. Thank you for the NHS link that's really helpful. I've been looking at the Livewell website just to get an idea of what's out there. I really would like to have a self propelling wheelchair so I can accompany my wife & family without having to bug them.. I do receive enhanced PIP. Now that my mobility has worsened I'm wondering whether I should contact PIP to ask their adive, is that something you would recommend or best not to.? Thank you @Jimm_Scope, I hope you're doing ok. 
    Hey Jeff, you receive enhanced daily PIP but nothing for mobility? If you receive nothing for mobility and it looks like your mobility issues are going to be an issue for more than 12 months you could get more from PIP. It may be worth going through a review, you'll need to tell them about a change in circumstance and they'll then review your case with the likelihood of another assessment. Citizen's Advice has a little page on Reporting changes that affect your PIP, including worsening of your condition.

    I don't want to put you off getting what you are entitled to, but it does go through the process of reviewing, but you of course have access to all the appeals processes as you would normally applying.

    I am quite good today thank you, despite the grim weather today!
    They/Them, however they are no wrong pronouns with me so whatever you feel most comfortable with
    Online Community Specialist

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    Opinions are my own, such as mashed potato being bad.
  • JeffB
    JeffB Community member Posts: 13 Listener
    Many thanks @Jimm_Scope. Will certainly look into it. Sending the thought of some sunshine and blue skies. 
    Best wishes
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