Benefits advice struggling to make ends meet

ilovepink97 Online Community Member Posts: 36 Connected
edited March 2024 in Benefits and income
Hi everyone 
Due to coat of living I’m struggling and I have to use my benefits to pay rent and buy food 
I currently get esa contribution based (non income related) and I also get pip (both components). I’m in the esa support group. 
I’m too I’ll to work and I do not study either 
can I claim universal credit I do not work and I do not have any savings 
I’m really worried DWP will stop my esa altogether 
shall I apply for univeral credit, with UC I will get less if I don’t get esa 


  • ilovepink97
    ilovepink97 Online Community Member Posts: 36 Connected
    I am 25 and over 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    edited March 2024
    Is your ESA the old contributions based or New style? If your claim started after end of December 2018 then it's highly likely to be New style ESA. 

    I noticed from a previous thread last year that you lived with brothers and sisters? Is this still correct? If so then you will not be able to claim help with any rent unless you're named on a tenancy agreement. See thread.  

    If your ESA is New style then yes you can claim UC. If you live with a partner you'll need to claim as a couple and entitlement will be based on your joint circumstances. 

    Your ESA will continue but be deducted in full from any UC entitlement. Your ESA will not stop. As you're in the Support Group then you'll be entitled to the LCWRA element from the start of your claim. 

    Please see your other thread for a breakdown of payments from both benefits as the same advice will still apply now. Ignore the advice about student loans because you said you were no longer a full time student.

    Was there any reason why you didn't claim UC last year when I gave you some advice?
  • ilovepink97
    ilovepink97 Online Community Member Posts: 36 Connected
    Hi thanks so much for your response 
    I was wondering if my esa was deducted will that mean I get less money if I get universal credit too because of the deduction or will it help me if I get universal credit 
    this is why I didn’t apppy as I was confused about it 
    I would basically use the money to pay for food as I’m always in overdraft because I need to pay for food and things around the house and also stuff for my basic sanitary needs like pads 
  • ilovepink97
    ilovepink97 Online Community Member Posts: 36 Connected
    I have new style esa 
  • ilovepink97
    ilovepink97 Online Community Member Posts: 36 Connected
    I live with my siblings but I was wondering if I would get the £368.74 which is the monthly standard allowance for people over 25
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    You will not be worse off by claiming UC. In your previous thread I did a calculation for you for what you would be entitled to claiming UC and the deduction for your ESA. The calculation was this.

    For UC you will be entitled to the following.
    standard allowance (over 25) £368.74/month plus 
    LCWRA element £390.06/month. 
    Total amount £758.80/month.
    Deduction for your ESA will be £561/month. Total UC £197.63/month. 

    I also advised that your ESA would continue to be paid as normal. With UC topping up your income. 
  • ilovepink97
    ilovepink97 Online Community Member Posts: 36 Connected
    Oh I’m so sorry I didn’t understand as I’m dyslexic so it’s a good thing if I apply and it will increase the amount by 197.63 
    So overall I will basically get Total amount £758.80/month after deductions? (This will include esa and uc) 

    I get new style esa and I’m in the support group 

  • ilovepink97
    ilovepink97 Online Community Member Posts: 36 Connected
    I’m really sorry for being confused about this all and I appreciate u taking you’re time out to reply to me 
    I was just too worrried to apply for it as they wrote if I’m not eligible for it they will completely stop it if my application to uc is rejected they will stop me getting esa 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    edited March 2024
    I’m really sorry for being confused about this all and I appreciate u taking you’re time out to reply to me 
    I was just too worrried to apply for it as they wrote if I’m not eligible for it they will completely stop it if my application to uc is rejected they will stop me getting esa 
    Who told you that your ESA would stop if you apply for UC? That's not correct. Applying for UC will mean you'll be entitled to £197.63/month UC. As well as your ESA continuing to be paid at £129.50/week. (£259/fortnight) Your PIP will also continue as normal. 

    You would also be entitled to free NHS treatment such as free prescriptions, dental and eye tests. 

    You can claim online here. how-to-claim You will have access to an online journal and through that you can see your statements monthly, add messages to your journal and any letters sent to you will be uploaded onto your journal. 

    If you claim today then your first payment will be 1 month and 6 days later. If you do claim, once you've submitted your claim and have access to your journal I'd advise you put leave a message on there to tell them you're claiming ESA in the Support Group. It will take a few weeks for ESA to send your details across to them but once this is done your claim will be updated and your commitments will only be to report all changes. 

    You maybe asked to attend your local Job centre for your first appointment. If you're unable to do this because of your health conditions then you can request a telephone appointment as a reasonable adjustment. 

    As UC is means tested you will need to be aware of the savings limit in case there's any changes to your circumstances in the future. The lower limit is £6,000 and for every £250 or part thereof over this amount there's a deduction in your UC. For savings of more than £16,000 then entitlement will end. 

    It's a shame you didn't check entitlement last year when I advised because if there was entitlement it would have entitled you to the cost of living payments. 
  • ilovepink97
    ilovepink97 Online Community Member Posts: 36 Connected
    Thanks so much poppy I appreciate your advice and clarity on this 
    I was just too anxious to claim incase they closed my esa 
    It is a shame it’s such a struggle but thank you for everything I really appreciate your help poppy ♥️ 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    You’re very welcome. I’d advise you to claim UC as soon as possible. That will definitely help you financially! 
  • ilovepink97
    ilovepink97 Online Community Member Posts: 36 Connected
    Thank you may god bless you and have a lovely day I really appreciate your help ♥️ 
  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,472 Championing

    This is confusing because your disposable monthly income from incapacity and disability benefits is three times what mine is and I manage!

    My benefits go on household bills, food and sanitary products. That's what they're for isn't it rather than funding a luxury lifestyle?

    Isn't this attitude what fuels some of the resentment towards those of us on benefits?

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,472 Championing
    edited March 2024

    B, I'm going by what has been posted not guessing at this. Total monthly income then..

    I'm struggling. Lots of us are but it's not supposed to be easy living on benefits, that's my point  :)

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    WhatThe said:

    This is confusing because your disposable monthly income from incapacity and disability benefits is three times what mine is and I manage!

    My benefits go on household bills, food and sanitary products. That's what they're for isn't it rather than funding a luxury lifestyle?

    Isn't this attitude what fuels some of the resentment towards those of us on benefits?

    How do you know what bills this person has? They haven't mentioned anything of the sort. Everyone's circumstances are different so I don't know how you can compare yourself to someone else. 

    I"m sorry but I really think it's rude to question what bills they have and what they spend their money on. There's no rules on what you should or shouldn't spend your money on. 

    They live with their sister so could be paying them rent from their own money. They won't be entitled to claim for help with any rent unless they have a liability to pay rent, such as named on the tenancy agreement.

    Regardless I don't think it's anyone else's business what they do with their money or what bills they may or may not have. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    Thank you may god bless you and have a lovely day I really appreciate your help ♥️ 
    You're very welcome. I'm glad I was able to help you! I hope you have a lovely evening!
  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,472 Championing

    poppy, I haven't asked and I'm not interested!

    I would basically use the money to pay for food as I’m always in overdraft because I need to pay for food and things around the house and also stuff for my basic sanitary needs like pads 

    It was this that bothered me because who doesn't have these costs??

    I think the people really struggling to make ends meet are those with families to clothe and feed, those without secure accommodation, access to cooking facilities, disability benefits and the extras. I think it's rude for this person to complain that their benefits income is not generous enough when so many of us are denied a decent level! 

    I am allowed to say so. 

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,472 Championing
    edited March 2024

    Due to coat of living I’m struggling and I have to use my benefits to pay rent and buy food 
    I currently get esa contribution based (non income related) and I also get pip (both components). I’m in the esa support group. 

    What else are benefits for is all I'm asking? 

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    WhatThe said:

    poppy, I haven't asked and I'm not interested!

    I would basically use the money to pay for food as I’m always in overdraft because I need to pay for food and things around the house and also stuff for my basic sanitary needs like pads 

    It was this that bothered me because who doesn't have these costs??

    I think the people really struggling to make ends meet are those with families to clothe and feed, those without secure accommodation, access to cooking facilities, disability benefits and the extras. I think it's rude for this person to complain that their benefits income is not generous enough when so many of us are denied a decent level! 

    I am allowed to say so. 

     You say you're not interested, yet you must be because you're questioning them. They came for help and advice and not to be questioned and judged in this way. 

    You are allowed your opinion, the same as I am. You do not know anything about this persons circumstances but quick to judge. 
  • ilovepink97
    ilovepink97 Online Community Member Posts: 36 Connected
    Hi both, 
    poppy is right I’m living with my sibling and do pay rent I won’t be living anywhere rent free and have to use benefits I do not have the housing component

     @WhatThe . It’s not fair to have an assumption of me as I am always in overdraft. I am not going to list things to you which I have to pay for.  I was just asking the community and seeing if I was entitled to more as yes I’m entitled! 
    If you are unhappy with what you are receiving as you have stated you can ask this online community as they’re here to help but it’s not necessary to tell me I’m an awful person do u think I wanna be here claiming benefits im too sick to work before this illness my life was fun and I was doing amazing things at work. 

    Anyways maybe your going through a hard time so your taking it out on me. Life isn’t easy at the moment especially with everything increasing in price I don’t live somewhere for free even if it’s with family in a grown woman so I do have to pay for my own things and I do pay bills and rent as I have mentioned 
    I do hope things improve for you and I’m sorry your not getting that much 
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