Where is the speed switch on a ZT500 scooter?

Oldgaffer1933 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
edited February 27 in Transport and travel
Where is speed switch  on ZT500


  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 5,200 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    Hi @Oldgaffer1933, welcome to the community. I'm not too sure on this one, I'm afraid and I couldn't find anything online from a quick search. Were you supplied with a manual for it? Perhaps the manufacturer might have an email address or phone number you could contact. 

    I'll pop your post over to our Aids and Adaptations boards where hopefully someone is familiar with this brand of scooter and can offer some better advice. Just wanted to say hello and welcome first :)
  • acinlux
    acinlux Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener


    you left this post several months ago.I was wondering if you actually found out where the switch actually is .If so could you let me know please.

    Thank you


  • doggybank
    doggybank Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener

    still not able to make zt500 go 15 mph, no switch underseat ,just a load of wires, had these before an switch is on a twin wire just hanging there , but this on has the wire but with a small bulb on the end that lights up when you apply barakes, is of no use at all. HELP.