Hi, need info on UC and disabled son claim

motheroffour Community member Posts: 26 Listener
edited March 27 in Benefits and income
Hi just get information I receive uc and pip but I also get top up disk it on uc claim I am my son carer he in education still turn 19 he alway been on Dla /pip when turn 16 we made our claim back 2022 for uc due to changes late ness in deal with new claims but I told them he on pip now and I was back claim carers for him  issue I have that child element of disbilty on uc event tho they knew they never told me he was able claim it which never do tell you I only just found out I been on to uc discuss ? I had to put change in my child claim express pip extra  to see if he eligible for his claim on that  he on high rate of living complaint standard Mobilty  I know 2 different amounts  but like some advise on once I put that change in what happen next if get it if backdated what rate he finger if so 


  • motheroffour
    motheroffour Community member Posts: 26 Listener
    Sorry about spell mistake 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,145 Championing
    If his PIP includes Enhanced daily living then your UC should have included the high rate disabled child element, which is £456.89/month. 

    You should be paid everything you’re owed but it may take several weeks for them to pay it.

    Are you also aware that your child element and disabled child element will end on 31st August this year, even if he remains in full time education. 
  • motheroffour
    motheroffour Community member Posts: 26 Listener
    If his PIP includes Enhanced daily living then your UC should have included the high rate disabled child element, which is £456.89/month. 

    You should be paid everything you’re owed but it may take several weeks for them to pay it.

    Are you also aware that your child element and disabled child element will end on 31st August this year, even if he remains in       

    Hi poppy
     thank you yes they told me  he have to make own claim uc     
  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 4,363 Online Community Specialist
    Hi @motheroffour, welcome to the Scope community :) I hope Poppy answered your questions. If you need anything clarifying please do let us know and feel free to ask anything else!

    I will also just move this over to our benefits section. I hope you get any money you're entitled to, as soon as possible.
  • motheroffour
    motheroffour Community member Posts: 26 Listener
  • motheroffour
    motheroffour Community member Posts: 26 Listener
    Hi so update is I got 1st payment of disbilty on son universal child element  but haven't had any message on journal about it  or anything else if been back dating or even payment they made  etc so I don't know what going on I keep
    Ask on journal if there any thing back of dis -makers? Nothing but response off them taken almost week to get back any message I send there no very use full in communication on journals as take to long hear anything at all? 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,145 Championing
    Money owed is paid as a separate payment and it’s not unusual for it to take quite a few weeks to pay it.
  • motheroffour
    motheroffour Community member Posts: 26 Listener
    Oh ok thank you poppy
  • motheroffour
    motheroffour Community member Posts: 26 Listener

    so after still wait weeks weeks after still waiting to hear back still we had no response 2month 1 week no support journal message not get seen over week useless nonletter no communication so complain on journal I also put complaint with dwp regarding respsose time family wait and how journal coach or anyone responds help out with matter fact carnt get hold these people see what going on what happening nothing expect people wait so long or even l longer for money they owe us? So took step further today got complaint in now see what happens but prob take another week hear anything on journal all get of coach is no time scale after reply week later? sorry but I never get answer back any question I asked for days?And I'm not alone here see how things go if I can maybe help someone else who been wait to long as dont see how set pay 1st payment month one but take them weeks to calculate of you journal what been said done since came on to uc system rubbish worse dwp department I ever come across? Once I know see help anyone else out

    🤞🤞some news asap

  • motheroffour
    motheroffour Community member Posts: 26 Listener

    i also put complaint in with head office dwp tell them way familys treated why taken so long some wait for money that owed to them if was other way round they been taken money out uc etc or sanction people out blue not fair not fair children with disabilty that owed money

  • motheroffour
    motheroffour Community member Posts: 26 Listener

    does anyone know about extra bedroom support where come to universal credit I had message about it again even tho done had ledger say no won't get but had another massage today say disson maker want me to do again?

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,145 Championing

    It maybe possible to claim for an extra bedroom for a child if they are unable to share a bedroom and they are claiming a disability benefit.

  • motheroffour
    motheroffour Community member Posts: 26 Listener

    so after week of wait in April I had to do change chikd element again as I made mistake when went back in correct Apprently I made another ? So after correct that one I was ask about extra bedroom which fill in turn down they ask to do again I was turn again I put complaint in got someone from dwp universal credit I still none wiser not hear of them about chikd element if get anything I had messge of a new case worker uc he say he carnt see anything regarding chikd element I was like what I been talk compliant womens she told me ask fission maker to hurry it up ! And so any messge I sent or anything I had back I had to copy send him so he can look into this is fact is goes back so far they don’t want to pay out ? As now seems my word against there on that stupid journal I think process tsken futher in next few day if don’t hear anything or are they drag out as far they can becsuse son come claim august only few weeks away I’m at loose end as to what on earn there do when ask me to do something nothing report back they even close 1st one put messge to coach I never got told enough enough of this was diffenet department owe money sort out by now at lease 8/10 then another week still not been sort or advise on if get backdated it a joke really is mess is around weeks not tell us anything