I was advised to go for ill health retirement. I've now been told I may have to have a reassessment



  • alison_68
    alison_68 Online Community Member Posts: 12 Connected
    Even if I’m still working ( I’m not at the moment I’m off sick again ) can u claim esa if your in full time work then ? 
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    edited April 2022
    alison_68 said:
    Even if I’m still working ( I’m not at the moment I’m off sick again ) can u claim esa if your in full time work then ? 
    No. When you are ESA you can do some work but it is limited. See

  • alison_68
    alison_68 Online Community Member Posts: 12 Connected
    To be entitled to New style ESA then you need to have paid the correct amount of NI contributions in tax years April 2019 to March 2020. If you've had a year off from working then this may affect entitlement.
    Before taking any pension then please be aware of this advice earlier.
    janer1967 said:
    Just to add taking a pension will only affect any means tested benefits 

    Just to add, for New style ESA although it's not means tested. Any pension of up to £85 per week is ignored. For every £1 over this amount the New style ESA is reduced by 50p.
    Oh so does that mean that if my Pension is lower than £85 Poppy I can claim that as well as PIP and ESA ? 
    I don’t want to sound like I’m being greedy with money but I’m so worried about paying the bills, especially when we will only have one wage coming in. 
    It’s been such a big decision to make admitting I can’t do my job anymore but I’m getting so stressed now about how we’re going to manage money wise. 

    Thank u so much for all your help and information Poppy I really do appreciate it, I have no idea about any of this stuff. X

  • alison_68
    alison_68 Online Community Member Posts: 12 Connected
    janer1967 said:
    If your ssp has ended and you have the required ni contributions you can apply for new style esa now 

    You will need ssp1 form from your employer and a fit note from your gp 
    I’m not sure what pay I’m going to get this month as I had a full year off, done my return to work, then had annual leave and haven’t been back, so I don’t know if I’m even going to get any sick pay ! I have Doctors on the 29th April I will speak to him then and I should also have heard back from Pensions as well so I should be in a better position to know a bit more ( hopefully ) x
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    edited April 2022
    alison_68 said: Oh so does that mean that if my Pension is lower than £85 Poppy I can claim that as well as PIP and ESA ? 
    People can claim ESA even if their pension is over £85 but, as advised by poppy, the ESA will be reduced by 50% of the pension amount in excess of £85/week.

    However you said
    alison_68 said:...as I had a full year off, done my return to work, then had annual leave and haven’t been back, ..
    That may mean you cannot claim ESA because, as advised by poppy you need a complete NI record for the tax years 2019-20 and 2020-21 in order to be eligible to receive ESA.

  • alison_68
    alison_68 Online Community Member Posts: 12 Connected
    Thank u Calcotti. 
  • Neeta
    Neeta Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
    Hello, I am desperate for advice, I am 62 have a lot of chronic health issues and have come to the decision that I can’t carry on working, I have 15 years on a band 5 withNHS, both Occy heath and my manager agree, but don’t know if I would be eligible for early retirement on I’ll heath grounds.

  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi @Neeta and welcome 

    Unfortunately it would be impossible for us to know if you would qualify we don't know how your condition affects your ability to work or the criteria set by your pension provider 

    However generally ill.health retirement is hard to qualify for as you need to evidence you are unable to work in any capacity for the rest of your working age 

    Not impossible though 
  • SueHeath
    SueHeath Online Community Member Posts: 12,388 Championing
    Morning @Neeta It is a very long process, do you mind me asking if you are claiming PIP ?
  • Edge10
    Edge10 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Connected
    Hi all, I’m a  new member I’ve been trying to read most of the threads on here. I work for NHS for 20 years and just been discharged from work due to fibromyalgia. I’m really struggling to come to terms with this condition because most days I am bedbound I also suffer with post-traumatic stress. I’ve just put in for my pension my NHS pension am I anxiety is going through the roof. My occupational health doctor has put in his reports most days. I’m bedbound that I suffer with migraines as well where I collapse a couple of times a month. I have blackouts I have angina attacks but I don’t know if it’s the way I’m reading it because of the way my concentration and brain is now he’s also poor I suffer with post-traumatic stress through work related incidents  how was Paul is at work he’s put I think the symptoms will get better even though I’ve told you I’ve been through CBT therapy loads of counselling I’ve had medication he’s put in the future they will get better so I’m worried at the Pensions a look at this and will think I will maybe a fibromyalgia symptoms. I’ll get better then I’ve been on pay management courses to no avail unfortunately  I just feel my whole life is a mess at the minute I don’t go like going outside I don’t think I’m gonna have my life I want to. I was pain-free and had a good memory and concentration and my anxiety is through the roof now with this NHS pension because I’ve still got a mortgage and things like that to pay for  is appreciate any advice from use. Thanks 
  • g7iqj
    g7iqj Online Community Member Posts: 99 Contributor
    alison_68 said:
    Hi I’ve just found out about this forum today, it’ll be great to be able to speak to somebody. 
    I’ve just been told by my Occupational Health and Manager that I should go for Ill health retirement, as I lose a lot of time off work through fibromyalgia, I work full time as a Healthcare Assistant. 
    I spoke to somebody today to let them know that there’s a change in circumstances with my PIP that I have got worse and I was told that I might have to be reassessed as it would be like a new claim and it could either stay the same, increase or I could even be refused PIP this time, I’ve only just had my PIP re continued in January so the lady said I could wait a while if I wanted to. 

    My heads all over the place, what with having to leave a job I love and now this with PIP i don’t know where I am !  Has anybody else come across anything like this, I would really appreciate any kind of help or ideas if anybody has any. 
    Thank u. X
    alison_68 said:
    Hi I’ve just found out about this forum today, it’ll be great to be able to speak to somebody. 
    I’ve just been told by my Occupational Health and Manager that I should go for Ill health retirement, as I lose a lot of time off work through fibromyalgia, I work full time as a Healthcare Assistant. 
    I spoke to somebody today to let them know that there’s a change in circumstances with my PIP that I have got worse and I was told that I might have to be reassessed as it would be like a new claim and it could either stay the same, increase or I could even be refused PIP this time, I’ve only just had my PIP re continued in January so the lady said I could wait a while if I wanted to. 

    My heads all over the place, what with having to leave a job I love and now this with PIP i don’t know where I am !  Has anybody else come across anything like this, I would really appreciate any kind of help or ideas if anybody has any. 
    Thank u. X
    alison_68 said:
    Hi I’ve just found out about this forum today, it’ll be great to be able to speak to somebody. 
    I’ve just been told by my Occupational Health and Manager that I should go for Ill health retirement, as I lose a lot of time off work through fibromyalgia, I work full time as a Healthcare Assistant. 
    I spoke to somebody today to let them know that there’s a change in circumstances with my PIP that I have got worse and I was told that I might have to be reassessed as it would be like a new claim and it could either stay the same, increase or I could even be refused PIP this time, I’ve only just had my PIP re continued in January so the lady said I could wait a while if I wanted to. 

    My heads all over the place, what with having to leave a job I love and now this with PIP i don’t know where I am !  Has anybody else come across anything like this, I would really appreciate any kind of help or ideas if anybody has any. 
    Thank u. X
    alison_68 said:
    Hi I’ve just found out about this forum today, it’ll be great to be able to speak to somebody. 
    I’ve just been told by my Occupational Health and Manager that I should go for Ill health retirement, as I lose a lot of time off work through fibromyalgia, I work full time as a Healthcare Assistant. 
    I spoke to somebody today to let them know that there’s a change in circumstances with my PIP that I have got worse and I was told that I might have to be reassessed as it would be like a new claim and it could either stay the same, increase or I could even be refused PIP this time, I’ve only just had my PIP re continued in January so the lady said I could wait a while if I wanted to. 

    My heads all over the place, what with having to leave a job I love and now this with PIP i don’t know where I am !  Has anybody else come across anything like this, I would really appreciate any kind of help or ideas if anybody has any. 
    Thank u. X
    alison_68 said:
    Hi I’ve just found out about this forum today, it’ll be great to be able to speak to somebody. 
    I’ve just been told by my Occupational Health and Manager that I should go for Ill health retirement, as I lose a lot of time off work through fibromyalgia, I work full time as a Healthcare Assistant. 
    I spoke to somebody today to let them know that there’s a change in circumstances with my PIP that I have got worse and I was told that I might have to be reassessed as it would be like a new claim and it could either stay the same, increase or I could even be refused PIP this time, I’ve only just had my PIP re continued in January so the lady said I could wait a while if I wanted to. 

    My heads all over the place, what with having to leave a job I love and now this with PIP i don’t know where I am !  Has anybody else come across anything like this, I would really appreciate any kind of help or ideas if anybody has any. 
    Thank u. X

  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,201 Trailblazing
    Neeta said:
    Hello, I am desperate for advice, I am 62 have a lot of chronic health issues and have come to the decision that I can’t carry on working, I have 15 years on a band 5 withNHS, both Occy heath and my manager agree, but don’t know if I would be eligible for early retirement on I’ll heath grounds.

    You can draw your nhs pension from the age of 55.
    It is notoriously difficult to get in on early ill health retirement.
    It took me over 3 years to get mine during which time they turned me down twice.
  • g7iqj
    g7iqj Online Community Member Posts: 99 Contributor
    alison_68 said: I  say personally  unless it gets lot  worse  over period 3- 9 mouths  gain u more points ????. OR  as law if gets better  dont expect with age , degenaration    . REPORT  change  other that  as assettnment jan  leave alone . AS CHANGE  trigger & new assetnment & DWP / CHDA  Start from scratch , U  could lose  ur award altogher . I  say only report as law IF IF  gets better  as law ..  PIP a worsening of condition doesn’t automatically score you more points for a higher award.
    It will depend how those conditions affect you against the 12 PIP activities. You should get some expert advice from an agency near you before doing anything else. You must also have had the worsening of condition for at least 3 months and expect it to last at least a. Further 9 months. Start here for expert advice. https://advicelocal.uk/
    We have a member here who’s very knowledgeable with I’ll Heath retirement so I’ll tag her for you. @janer1967 can you help here please?

    alison_68 said:

    For your PIP a worsening of condition doesn’t automatically score you more points for a higher award.
    It will depend how those conditions affect you against the 12 PIP activities. You should get some expert advice from an agency near you before doing anything else. You must also have had the worsening of condition for at least 3 months and expect it to last at least a. Further 9 months. Start here for expert advice. https://advicelocal.uk/
    We have a member here who’s very knowledgeable with I’ll Heath retirement so I’ll tag her for you. @janer1967 can you help here please?

    alison_68 said:

    For your PIP a worsening of condition doesn’t automatically score you more points for a higher award.
    It will depend how those conditions affect you against the 12 PIP activities. You should get some expert advice from an agency near you before doing anything else. You must also have had the worsening of condition for at least 3 months and expect it to last at least a. Further 9 months. Start here for expert advice. https://advicelocal.uk/
    We have a member here who’s very knowledgeable with I’ll Heath retirement so I’ll tag her for you. @janer1967 can you help here please?

    alison_68 said:

    For your PIP a worsening of condition doesn’t automatically score you more points for a higher award.
    It will depend how those conditions affect you against the 12 PIP activities. You should get some expert advice from an agency near you before doing anything else. You must also have had the worsening of condition for at least 3 months and expect it to last at least a. Further 9 months. Start here for expert advice. https://advicelocal.uk/
    We have a member here who’s very knowledgeable with I’ll Heath retirement so I’ll tag her for you. @janer1967 can you help here please?

    alison_68 said:

    For your PIP a worsening of condition doesn’t automatically score you more points for a higher award.
    It will depend how those conditions affect you against the 12 PIP activities. You should get some expert advice from an agency near you before doing anything else. You must also have had the worsening of condition for at least 3 months and expect it to last at least a. Further 9 months. Start here for expert advice. https://advicelocal.uk/
    We have a member here who’s very knowledgeable with I’ll Heath retirement so I’ll tag her for you. @janer1967 can you help here please?

    alison_68 said:

    For your PIP a worsening of condition doesn’t automatically score you more points for a higher award.
    It will depend how those conditions affect you against the 12 PIP activities. You should get some expert advice from an agency near you before doing anything else. You must also have had the worsening of condition for at least 3 months and expect it to last at least a. Further 9 months. Start here for expert advice. https://advicelocal.uk/
    We have a member here who’s very knowledgeable with I’ll Heath retirement so I’ll tag her for you. @janer1967 can you help here please?

    alison_68 said:

    For your PIP a worsening of condition doesn’t automatically score you more points for a higher award.
    It will depend how those conditions affect you against the 12 PIP activities. You should get some expert advice from an agency near you before doing anything else. You must also have had the worsening of condition for at least 3 months and expect it to last at least a. Further 9 months. Start here for expert advice. https://advicelocal.uk/
    We have a member here who’s very knowledgeable with I’ll Heath retirement so I’ll tag her for you. @janer1967 can you help here please?

    alison_68 said:

    For your PIP a worsening of condition doesn’t automatically score you more points for a higher award.
    It will depend how those conditions affect you against the 12 PIP activities. You should get some expert advice from an agency near you before doing anything else. You must also have had the worsening of condition for at least 3 months and expect it to last at least a. Further 9 months. Start here for expert advice. https://advicelocal.uk/
    We have a member here who’s very knowledgeable with I’ll Heath retirement so I’ll tag her for you. @janer1967 can you help here please?

    alison_68 said:

    For your PIP a worsening of condition doesn’t automatically score you more points for a higher award.
    It will depend how those conditions affect you against the 12 PIP activities. You should get some expert advice from an agency near you before doing anything else. You must also have had the worsening of condition for at least 3 months and expect it to last at least a. Further 9 months. Start here for expert advice. https://advicelocal.uk/
    We have a member here who’s very knowledgeable with I’ll Heath retirement so I’ll tag her for you. @janer1967 can you help here please?

    alison_68 said:

    For your PIP a worsening of condition doesn’t automatically score you more points for a higher award.
    It will depend how those conditions affect you against the 12 PIP activities. You should get some expert advice from an agency near you before doing anything else. You must also have had the worsening of condition for at least 3 months and expect it to last at least a. Further 9 months. Start here for expert advice. https://advicelocal.uk/
    We have a member here who’s very knowledgeable with I’ll Heath retirement so I’ll tag her for you. @janer1967 can you help here please?