So angry!!!

girlmummy17 Online Community Member Posts: 15 Connected

I have been handing in for notes to UC since January and I was awarded PIP last month I have just received a copy of the report sent back from my doctor stating I have no medical issues he is aware of!!! I have Complex PTSD and agoraphobia he has also stated on the form that I can use public transport to attend an assessment which is totally incorrect as I am unable to even leave my home!!! I had my WCA over the phone last Friday the 17th May so I haven’t had a decision made yet but having seen this report I can guarantee I am going to be deemed fit for work and I honestly don’t know what to do the doctor has actually lied or not even bothered to read my medical record!!


  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,288 Championing

    Hi, he may have read only a summary of your records. Is this your usual GP? 🤨

    As soon as you can, send or email a short letter to the practice manager requesting a full print out of your medical records so you can check for any errors or omissions then have these corrected if need be. Send on anything relevant for this assessment.

  • girlmummy17
    girlmummy17 Online Community Member Posts: 15 Connected

    @WhatThe no he isn’t my usual GP I am part of a very big practice so I have never spoke to the same GP every time I have a review the form was send in the 8th May and I have already had my telephone assessment before I was aware what the GP had sent as someone who suffers with extreme anxiety and panic attacks I think this is highly unprofessional it was also my GP that referred me to mental health services so they are more than aware of what I’m going through I’m so upset and I know that they will take what the GP has written as enough evidence to find me fit for work when at this moment in time I most definitely am not

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,288 Championing

    girlmummy, I still suggest getting hold of your full medical records in case you need to challenge a WCA decision.. The assessment was only a week ago and you may find the medical evidence/references you want in those notes before any decision is made.

    Can you contact your the GP who referred you to mental health services and explain what has happened and that you need their support to correct that report?

    This must be a crashing disappointment so soon after being awarded PIP.

  • girlmummy17
    girlmummy17 Online Community Member Posts: 15 Connected

    @WhatThe i have access to my gp medical records on my NHS app can I print them off and send them or does it need to be on go headed paper?

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,288 Championing
    edited May 2024

    If they identify you then yes staple together and send off.

    Keep getting 'fit notes' in the meantime

  • girlmummy17
    girlmummy17 Online Community Member Posts: 15 Connected

    @WhatThe yeah I have just received another fit note today and sent it off I’ve had 6 fit notes now from my GP for the exact same thing so I have no idea how this doctor can say I have no known issues it’s really baffled me

  • Meg24
    Meg24 Online Community Member Posts: 369 Trailblazing

    This happened to me because I've been almost solely under the care of secondary MH services since I was referred by the GP over 20 years ago, it was before their computer system so the person who filled in the form put that I was not receiving MH care at all which made me look like I was committing fraud because I'd sent a letter from my NHS therapist who the GP said didn't even exist. It was such a massive **** up and I had a complete meltdown.

    I went to the surgery in person and made a scene... I gave them a 10 page written list of my history and symptoms, broke down at the reception desk and demanded to know why they had basically thrown me under the bus. It worked because the GP responsible spend the whole afternoon ringing the DWP to sort it out. She was very apologetic and actually quite mortified that they had made a mistake that had such terrible ramifications and could have seen me prosecuted for fraud even.

    I'm not advocating you go and make a scene like I did!! But it worked...

  • girlmummy17
    girlmummy17 Online Community Member Posts: 15 Connected

    @Meg24 oh my gosh that is absolutely shocking I do not understand how a professional could make such catastrophic mistakes I spent all last night printing medical reports off and all the letter I have for mental health referrals I have quite substantial amount of evidence all that has come from my GP

  • Meg24
    Meg24 Online Community Member Posts: 369 Trailblazing

    Honestly I think they are just overwhelmed with work and I think a lot of these bureaucratic tasks are given to untrained admin staff, I'm sure the GPs would deny it but what are they to do, see people with suspectes cancer or spend an afternoon filling in forms for people they've never met?

    Humans make mistakes and some of them are wilfully neglectful, also if the admin staff don't know anything about what a WCA or PIP is and how the system works then they might not realise that their half arsed mistakes have such devastating consequences.

    The whole system is a disaster, I don't understand why they bother writing tp GPs anyway when half the time the assessor overrules what they say 😕

  • girlmummy17
    girlmummy17 Online Community Member Posts: 15 Connected

    @Meg24 yes I totally understand they are over worked and admin isn’t a priority but surely if they are tasked to do a job then it should be done correctly 🤷‍♀️ it just causes unnecessary stress to already fragile minded people! Hopefully I said enough in my assessment to make a difference to the outcome but who knows coz even that was short and lasted around 20 mins but I had also got myself in such a state coz my support person couldn’t get to me so had to go it alone and she actually stopped the assessment in the beginning to allow me time to compose myself and take my medication its just such a stressful process that could be made so much easier if everyone did their part correctly

  • girlmummy17
    girlmummy17 Online Community Member Posts: 15 Connected

    well I am in absolute shock I have just received a notification to check my universal credit account and I have actually been awarded LWCRA I can’t actually believe it I have spent the last 2-3 days panicking and working myself up for no reason 😭

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,288 Championing

    In less than a week 🤩

  • girlmummy17
    girlmummy17 Online Community Member Posts: 15 Connected

    @WhatThe i know I can’t believe it either I am absolutely gob smacked I was so sure I was going to be found fit for work

  • Meg24
    Meg24 Online Community Member Posts: 369 Trailblazing
    edited May 2024

    What a relief, I hope you can take some time to decompress now. It's awful that they put us through this. Well done for getting through it 👏

  • Amaya_Ringo
    Amaya_Ringo Online Community Member Posts: 245 Pioneering

    I am so relieved this worked out for you. I remember when I had my PIP reassessment I was back here so no longer had all the support I had in London (there is literally nothing here, they cut the services) and so a lot went to my GP. I asked for a copy of my medical records and they said my autism diagnosis was still pending despite having been confirmed in 2005. I had to go back to them and get them to check their records. Sure enough, they had the letter on system. They just hadn't updated my records. Several other things were missing from my medical history, too, but fortunately nothing that impacted my PIP.

  • girlmummy17
    girlmummy17 Online Community Member Posts: 15 Connected

    @Amaya_Ringo its awful that they put people through having to chase up things that have been done in error luckily it didn’t affect me I’m not entirely sure why it didn’t because the doctor basically said there was nothing wrong with me 🤦‍♀️