Open university and esa?maintenance grant?

Lostsoul13 Online Community Member Posts: 124 Connected

I’m thinking of enrolling in open university of wales- honours (6 year part time )

I have few questions: I learned from some research maintenance grants will be deducted whether you take them or not from my esa, my house hold is below 25k single and alone- I think I read some where the intensity is counted as 50% for 60 credits a year?? Am I correct think that I know on government it says open university counts as part time even though I’m doing a full time course part time.

The maintenance grand is about 4450 with grand and loan - would that be taken from my esa? I’m in support group with enhanced pip for both morbidity and living.

Would studying trigger a switch to uc??

I’m currently looking for permitted work.. would that influence any thing? Can I do permitted work and education course at same time?? It wouldn’t affect my house hold income as it 15 hrs a week earning minimum wage 11.44 hr.

Also my tuition fees don’t have to be paid until I earn over a threshold-

I’m understanding the grant and loan for maintenance would be the same?? When would the be paid to me? Is it split or one lump sum for the year? My course starts in Oct early.

Im currently in supported accommodation- and get my HB PAID -750 a month . Would this be affected if I enroll on the course? And working permitted work? The course is more than likely to happen as looking for job have been rigorous the last couple of months with interviews- I’ve even found an employer with a trolly dolly at hospital that does guaranteed interviews scheduled for disability—-

hopefully some luck there..

How much of HB will be deductible if I work from 10-15 hrs a week??



  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    There’s 2 separate questions here, maintenance loans and working. Yes, a maintenance loan will reduce your ESA but I have no idea how the calculations are worked out for this. I’d advise you to contact the disabled students helpline and they will be able to advise you. See link

    Working, you can do permitted work without it affecting any of your benefits. You must make sure it’s less than 16 hours per week and your earnings are no more than £183.50/week

    You must tell ESA that you’re working and will need to fill out the PW1 form. Do be aware that if the work you do contradicts the reasons why you’re claiming ESA then it could go against you at your next review.

  • Lostsoul13
    Lostsoul13 Online Community Member Posts: 124 Connected

    thanks what about the hb??

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    HB is not affected by permitted work earnings. For maintenance loans you will need to speak to Disabled students helpline..

  • Lostsoul13
    Lostsoul13 Online Community Member Posts: 124 Connected

    thank so much?! Regards

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    You're welcome.