PIP rating

Sinica Online Community Member Posts: 53 Listener
Bună ziua, evaluarea PIP a soțului meu tocmai a fost finalizată. Vă scriu pentru că am nevoie să mă relaxez. Trebuia să fie pe 9 mai, dar cerusem un traducător și nu aveau și au schimbat data. Mult stres săptămâna trecută și mai mult stres astăzi. A durat o oră și 20 de minute. După cum m-ai sfătuit, m-am prezentat, le-am spus că are probleme de comunicare și m-a lăsat să vorbesc mai mult. Au fost 2 intrebari asupra carora a insistat mai mult. Dacă ieri a mers cu taxiul, cum a intrat în mașină cu bastonul? Pentru ca după alte întrebări să se întoarcă și să repete întrebarea, dar cu alte cuvinte. Soțul a răspuns că prietenul lui l-a ajutat. Și a insistat din nou cum l-a ajutat? Ar putea fi un semn rău?


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,050 Championing

    I'm afraid I can't understand what you've typed because it's in a different language. Scope is a UK based forum so you would need to speak in English.

  • noman
    noman Online Community Member Posts: 1,634 Trailblazing
    edited May 2024

    Hello, My husband's PIP assessment has just been completed. I am writing to you because I need to relax. It was supposed to be May 9th, but I had asked for a translator and they didn't have any and they changed the date. Lots of stress last week and more stress today. It took an hour and 20 minutes. As you advised me, I introduced myself, told them that he has communication problems and he let me talk more. There were 2 questions on which he insisted more. If he took a taxi yesterday, how did he get into the car with the cane? So that after other questions they come back and repeat the question, but with different words. The husband replied that his friend helped him. And he insisted again how it helped him? Could this be a bad sign?

    Translated from google.

  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,727 Online Community Programme Lead

    Hello @Sinica, no it is not a bad sign. In my experience they do often ask about how people how they got to the assessment.

    I hope you are not waiting too long to hear the decision. Please let us know how you and your husband get on.

  • Sinica
    Sinica Online Community Member Posts: 53 Listener

    Hello, I came back for help. Husband's evaluation was on May 16, after 20 minutes I received the message that they received the report. The next day I called and asked for a copy. The report did not arrive. I called again today and they said that it's on its way. how long does it take to arrive?

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,050 Championing
  • Sinica
    Sinica Online Community Member Posts: 53 Listener

    Thank you very much for answering me. It's been 2 weeks, I hope it arrives soon. On Friday, May 31, he received the message that no decision was made and today I received a letter with this message. It was issued on Friday and arrived on Monday. And the report has not arrived for 16 days. We are waiting, we have no other option.

  • Sinica
    Sinica Online Community Member Posts: 53 Listener