Respond to the Government's Consultation on Benefit Reforms



  • Meg24
    Meg24 Online Community Member Posts: 369 Trailblazing

    I don't get mad with people who go through life without vocation or the experience of the pleasure of a job well done, I feel sad for them, that they were not taught how properly to live by those whose job it was to instill a lust for life in them.

    I also don't get angry about the benefits they claim, it's a drop in the ocean compared to the taxes evaded and corporate benefits that are paid out by the billions every year. A few poor souls wasting their life away at the bottom of a bottle are not the ones making the country poorer.

  • Cantilip
    Cantilip Online Community Member Posts: 621 Empowering

    Ah yes, 'vote winner'. They've had 14 years to do what they like. It's plain peculiar that on the eve of an election they've dug this out. Meanwhile the Conservative vote is held to be falling through the floor. I'm not totally sure they'd implement this garbage even if they won. The administrative cost goes unmentioned. It's very cheap to tell the computer to pay someone £x every four weeks. To distribute and process vouchers, to print catalogues and distribute them, to, maybe barmiest of all, issue refunds from receipts is distinctly less cheap, the waste because they'd have to send out physical catalogues in case people aren't able to handle computers but then they'd be sending physical catalogues to people who have no need of them. And every time you spend a tenner on something disability related, what? You download the receipt and mail it? You're not techy so you put it in an envelope - you're not techy so you don't scan it first, so have no proof.

  • kc1978
    kc1978 Online Community Member Posts: 88 Empowering

    I have filled in my thoughts.

    I had to stop myself from throwing the computer out the window.

    I actually read some of the questions I found tried to put us in a box.

    Label the disease and group people.

    Instead of looking at the disability and impact. Are we really going back to a system of some disease would be seen as more disabling or real? I was a nurse for 23 years and the wording of many questions was so frustrating

    I also hated the put into priority question.

    Why should I prioritise surely these are all essential. Although I am not sure how to cover cost of all I need if things keep rising in cost

    I actually believe some questions wording is very clever, and will cause answers to be misinterpreted.

    I am very interested to see numbers of those who completed.

    I have heard a lot of comments being made by those who are physically healthy who have completely believed PM and the sick note culture.

    Id swap places with any body to get back on my feet and working, to be pain free, and not need help with every element of my daily activity. Id sell my soul to go back to pre 2021 when this suddenly happened.

    Let's hope that it either gets changed post election or that those of us who are disabled or those who support us have our voices heard!

  • Cantilip
    Cantilip Online Community Member Posts: 621 Empowering

    Meg24 said:'…there's a reason the disability equipment industry is so profitable, because that much choice is needed and valued.'

    I actually wonder if the DWP even knows what it's talking about with regard to receipts. The disability equipment market is huge and people are actually buying these things, Mr Stride, so every single time a person buys some small, cheap and intensely useful item such as an adapted knife (16.99) a sock putter-on (9.99), a jar opener (9.99), a leg-lifter (13.88) you will solemnly process the receipt?

  • Cantilip
    Cantilip Online Community Member Posts: 621 Empowering
  • Ironside1990
    Ironside1990 Online Community Member Posts: 285 Empowering

    One of the things that are being mentioned is one off grants to pay for equipment. What happens if the equipment you bought with the grant money breaks down? I don't think maintenance grants were mentioned and even then, they would need to be approved and the money sent in your bank, which doesn't help if say the equipment was a stair lift for example. It would need to be sorted urgently and cash payments help with that.

  • masterade
    masterade Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener

    My family used to vote Conservative but the demonising act by Sunak to propose to destroy vital income for disabled people is surely breaking human rights laws .He isn't talking about a cut in PIP but threatening to abolish cash payments to the disabled reference PIP. I think Labour should be straight before the election and tell us how they propose to reform the PIP

    Why can't we have reforms like Scotland converting PIP to Adult Disability payment

    Paid by Social Security rather than DWP

    Looks like the Scottish Government care about its people more than England

    A voucher system just won't work in my opinion

    A lot of disabled people I know depend on the PIP cash payments to pay cost of living daily expenses

    I despair

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,974 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @masterade and welcome to the community. 😁

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts, it's so important we disabled people get to have our say. I'm really hoping it doesn't end up being vouchers, that won't be great for most people claiming PIP. But with a GE on the horizon, it's all just talk currently, so please try not to worry too much.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,889 Championing

    I think labour will go ahead with vouchers it's all been laid out for next government day in day out of constant worry and terror labours silence speaks volumes no where to really turn we will lose everything I don't have means to support myself god if I could get out of this trap now saying in my head leave the old system for wca and pip even though its torturous system I idnt see them doing for the good of the people despair is the right word

  • Amaya_Ringo
    Amaya_Ringo Online Community Member Posts: 247 Pioneering

    I suspect Labour don't actually know how they want to reform the PIP system, and so are being deliberately vague on the subject. It may depend on what they have to deal with financially, or it may depend on the consultation, hence why we should still all fill it in as much as possible.

    On the flipside, I don't believe Labour will impose vouchers or a catalogue. The cost of doing that in an organisation where the administration is already on the rocks makes me think that they will waste less money leaving it as cash payments, even if the benefit itself is overhauled. I DO think they will look at the high tribunal overturns and try and make that less of an issue, maybe by ensuring more accuracy in initial assessments, since tribunals do cost a lot of money to them as well as cause us a lot of stress and hassle.

    So in short, I think there will probably be something happening around welfare and various benefits. I just can't see vouchers as realistic given the production costs and the risk of legal action from people with disabilities falling through the gaps.

    This of course assumes Labour win the election. Whatever the polls say I prefer to wait for the result before assuming that.

    Rachel Reeves did also say Labour would not get rid of PIP. I think that's all we have to go on with that…that and the promise not to force people who cannot work into work (whatever that means).

    Whether the Tories are seriously intending vouchers and catalogues given the same costs are unclear, or whether it was just floated to try and attract a certain kind of voter…easy to play it up and put it in a consultation to attract attention then pull out on it afterwards saying they want the best value for the taxpayer. Never mind how it makes us feel in the meantime.

    Reform UK want to abolish the Equalities Act and remove us from the ECHR, though. So the chances are they might have more drastic plans for various welfare benefits if they should be voted in (unlikely right now but who knows in the future).

    Greens and Libs seem fairly sympathetic to disabled people.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,889 Championing

    Is the green paper still open ? I thought was dissolved sorry I wish I could cutoff and wait and see Try distraction techniques I have trouble understanding things get in blind panic calling help lines my daughter says I have to learn to live with uncertainty and I know she's right just my brain wired differently constantly looking for reassurance my guessing is always worse case scenarios thankyou for responding hope understand my writing

  • Jimm_Alumni
    Jimm_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,717 Championing

    It can be hard to switch off from the things we are worried about. I have ADHD and I can struggle with that sometimes. I remember when the Russo-Ukraine war started I spent 3-4 days almost constantly checking my phone about what was happening, it was exhausting me. I could hardly sleep. I eventually had to accept though, what I was doing to myself was negatively affecting me, if something bad did end up happening, I'd be in a worse place to deal with it.

    But, having said that, it wasn't easy still. What we can see is what the parties have actually said. It's not helpful to yourself to speculate about what they might do. Do you have anything that has worked in the past to help distract you? Spending time with your daughter, a hobby, a favourite tv show you can binge?

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,889 Championing

    Me too I'm awaiting adhd test autistic I am having one to ome in controlling my emotions I've been doing same online looking I'm pretty isolated thats my choice yes I have to pull myself out of this I love gardening but it's like Blackpool lights and 100 of plants was obsessed at one point today I will tidy the house because been scrolling for hours thanyou

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,889 Championing

    Ah yes I binge watch AHS

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,889 Championing

    Just no hopeso tired of it all

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,889 Championing

    What if you can't work what illnesses are they counting out how much more can we take

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    Anything you’ve seen on any forum will be speculation. No one knows what may or may not happen! Best thing to do is not to speculate because it never helps anyone!!

  • Cantilip
    Cantilip Online Community Member Posts: 621 Empowering

    Why would someone who works in insurance have an inside view of government policy?

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,889 Championing

    It's just unbearable the not knowing my mind never stops pure torment what thier showing is disabled don't fit into thier long term goals w

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,889 Championing

    What does that mean poppy the form