Looking for a template to complain to DWP

angie610m Online Community Member Posts: 64 Contributor


I have began writing a complaint letter to the DWP about the assessor and the decision maker. However, as I always do it is a long letter. I somehow need to condense it. I don't know if there is a template I can download and work with that. I'm good at writing, lengthy things but when it comes to making it professional and that it will be taken notice of. Is there any templates that anyone is aware. I'm considering to bullet point most of the letter to get my points made.

Thanks and look forward to a response.


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    There's no templates that I can find for this. The complaint for the assessor should be sent to the health assessment providers and not to DWP. Details how to do that will be on their website.

    It doesn't need to be professional, just be straight to the point about what it is you're complaining about.

  • angie610m
    angie610m Online Community Member Posts: 64 Contributor

    Hi I have complained to Capita already. However, they have not responded and are not even responding to emails now. The report is full of lies. The decision maker has closely followed advice of rh assessor and the report is not true at all. Also I had it recorded and a lot of stuff she put in was not said. She made assumptions. And the decision maker has sort of copied and pasted what the assessor said... even though was not said or things I did say were ignored. I am putting in a mr. And I want to complain to the DWP too. But I am just highlighting what errors or made up stories the assessor made in the same complaint.

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 4,116 Championing
    edited June 2024

    I tend to find it most helpful doing a lengthy version first.

    Then I go through it again deleting any emotion and leaving the facts.

    Then I go through it a final time looking at ways to use less words to say the same thing, and/or removing any sentences that feel unnecessary.

  • angie610m
    angie610m Online Community Member Posts: 64 Contributor

    Thanks @Kimmy87 I will try this.

  • angie610m
    angie610m Online Community Member Posts: 64 Contributor

    "The decision maker has closely followed advice of rh assessor"

    Just an edit: meant to say the assessor not rh assessor.

  • Jimm_Alumni
    Jimm_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,717 Championing

    When was the decision @angie610m? I'm glad to hear you're going through with an MR and starting the appeals process. That's the vitally important thing to start as soon as possible.

  • angie610m
    angie610m Online Community Member Posts: 64 Contributor

    @Jimm_Scope the decision came a week Friday gone. But dated 12th June. So I only have till 12th July. I'm not telling the DWP and doing it via CAB, have an appointment on 8th July. I have a drs letter I paid for they have made a ight error... I don't know if I can get it corrected. Also the fact the Dwp knew I was having issues with Capita before assessment. And DWP was even frustrated with them.

  • angie610m
    angie610m Online Community Member Posts: 64 Contributor

    Sorry meant to say a slight error. Regarding drs letter.

  • Jimm_Alumni
    Jimm_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,717 Championing

    If it takes longer than a month you can still send the MR into the DWP with reasons as to why it was delivered later than 1 month. They can still accept it. If they reject it you still have the option of tribunal (tribunal is available for up to 13 months after decision)

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,533 Championing
    edited June 2024

    Hi angie, I think you should first submit your MR request and not delay. You are asking them to 'look again' at all the evidence and this is the time to explain what is incorrect. There is a small chance they will agree and change their decision. If not then proceed to Tribunal where DWP errors and failures are more likely to be corrected.

    DWP can't investigate a complaint if you haven't given them a chance to put it right.

    Complaining about the assessor should be last on your list. You have limited time and energy to do this and an MR request should not be essay length if you want it read and processed quickly! You can expect a long wait for your appeal to be heard.

  • angie610m
    angie610m Online Community Member Posts: 64 Contributor

    I'm doing it side by side. I am going to CAB on 8th July. I have a lot of appointments currently. And I am just getting things noted. It may go after the MR. Though if I don't get things done I do forget. At moment it is just drafted and no where near a letter to send. I just don't want them getting away with things. And it helped me with my ESA when I put a complaint in. I am at a loss as I had the assessment recorded and still mistakes and made up occurancies.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    I agree with whatThe that your main priority here should be the MR and not the complaint. The complaint should be after you’ve requested the MR.

    Assessment reports are not supposed to say what you said verbatim. If they did then there would be no point in having the assessment in the first place. They are a recommendation of everything you wrote in your form, any extra evidence you sent and what you said during the assessment.

    Did you read the PIP assessment guide I posted in your previous thread? It does help to have some understanding of the descriptors and what they mean.

  • angie610m
    angie610m Online Community Member Posts: 64 Contributor

    I've already reas that poppy. Also I know. I sent absolutely loads of evidence with my form and afterwards. I'm not just saying that. However, the assessor and the decision maker have written a story about me that is not true and tried to make me out as a liar. I'm just going on what other advice I've had over the years I've been on pip and esa. It can wait but I'll keep etching away at this letter till I get it right. I can't do much else with MR until 8th. I already have a load of notes and paid for a drs letter for support.

  • Jimm_Alumni
    Jimm_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,717 Championing

    Let us know how it goes @angie610m!

  • angie610m
    angie610m Online Community Member Posts: 64 Contributor

    THanks @Jimm_Scope. I will do... its a nightmare. All for 2 pts that if the assessor hadn't made mistakes and ticked wrong boxes and said wrong thing I wouldn't have to do this. Shouldn't have to. But I know the DWP have been at this for years and same all the time.