Housing element backdating

jessiejackson Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener

hi everyone

I just need some advice regarding housing benefit. I have 2 sons who receive DLA (middle rate). I have just been awarded DLA element for them both. I should have been getting it from the beginning of their DLA claims but was not informed about it so they are now to back date it to the start of the claims. The question I have is regarding housing benefit being backdated? I had a message in my journal when I made the changes asking about an extra bedroom use I have now been awarded that and I’m being paid my full rent, should this now be backdated aswell?

Thanks in advance for any reply’s.


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,043 Championing

    To be clear as it’s UC you’re claiming then help with rent will be through this known as housing element. Housing benefit is a completely different benefit, with different rules.

    You can ask for it to be backdated to the assessment period in which the DLA was awarded from.

  • jessiejackson
    jessiejackson Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener

    Hi Poppy

    Thanks for the reply.I will put it in my journal and see what they say.

    Kind regards


  • jessiejackson
    jessiejackson Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener

    Hi Poppy

    I have an update regarding the above and need some more advice please.

    I asked for it to be backdated to the start date of my eldest son’s DLA claim as I should have been entitled to an extra bedroom then because he can’t share with his brother. I Have only been getting a 2 bedroom entitlement when I should of been getting a 3 bedroom entitlement.

    They decided to award my youngest son a bedroom and said because of this my eldest gets a room to himself.

    So I disagreed with the decision and asked for a MR I have just had the MR back and it’s staying the same and I am not entitled to any back pay?

    Surely this isn’t right?

    Thanks in advance


  • jessiejackson
    jessiejackson Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener

    Hi Poppy

    I have an update regarding the above and need some more advice please.

    I asked for it to be backdated to the start date of my eldest son’s DLA claim as I should have been entitled to an extra bedroom then because he can’t share with his brother. I Have only been getting a 2 bedroom entitlement when I should of been getting a 3 bedroom entitlement.

    They decided to award my youngest son a bedroom and said because of this my eldest gets a room to himself.

    So I disagreed with the decision and asked for a MR I have just had the MR back and it’s staying the same and I am not entitled to any back pay?

    Surely this isn’t right?

    Thanks in advance


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,043 Championing

    What was the reason for not awarding from the start of the DLA claim? When did the DLA claim start from?

  • jessiejackson
    jessiejackson Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
    edited August 2024

    My eldest was awarded DLA 12/10/2022.

    My youngest was awarded DLA 29/11/2023.

    I didn’t know anything about the DLA element even though I put it in my journal when it was awarded so I have just had them both backdated.

    Regarding the housing element I didn’t know anything about that either as the message just popped up on my journal so I asked for that to be backdated.

    I told them the reasons I needed the extra bedroom as they have never shared anyway due to the way they both are and I’ve always rented private so always payed the extra myself for them to have there own room.

    But what they have done is used my youngest son and awarded him the extra bedroom therefore my eldest has now got a bedroom.

    But I should have been entitled to a 3 bed rate from the start of my eldest DLA claim and therefore that is why I believe it should be backdated to then?

    Before I put the MR in the decision maker has stated that the additional room will be backdated from 11/05/2024.

    my case worker said if I wasn’t happy with the decision I should put in a MR and tell them what date I think it should be from.

    I actually haven’t received a letter in my journal from them my work coach messaged me back on my journal stating

    {Removed by moderator; Personal information]

    I think the end bit refers to him now being 16 on 8th April I am entitled to the 3 bed rate anyway.

    Thankyou for replying I added more info so you could understand what I’m referring to aswell.

    Kind regard


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,043 Championing

    You have your son's full name showing in that screenshot. Personal information is not allowed here to protect your identity. As you can't edit your own comments I've contacted the scope team so they can remove that information.

    You haven't had a decision yet. You need to wait for the decision maker to upload the decision letter on your journal. The decision isn't final until that has been done. Please wait for the actual decision letter.

  • jessiejackson
    jessiejackson Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener

    Ok thankyou I edited the first 2 but didn’t realize the last one was still showing!

    Ok I will do thanks again for your help.

  • Community_Scope
    Community_Scope Posts: 1,593 Empowering

    Hi @jessiejackson not a problem at all, I've edited your comment and removed your sons names. 😊 Best of luck with the decision!