jadlin Community member Posts: 5 Listener


I previous has LCW and in January2024 I reported a health change that stopped me from doing work related activity I had my referral for my assessment on 27/02/2024 and I actually had my assessment on 20/06/2024 I have been notified today that I have LCWRA 

could somebody please advise when I will get my first payment and any back dated money the online journal message today saying I had LCWRA didn’t say when I will get the extra payment or any back dated money 

anyones help would be greatly appreciate thank you in advance


  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 7,407 Online Community Team

    Hey there @jadlin and welcome to the community. Congratulations on your LCWRA award, that must be a big relief?

    I can see you'd also posted this an hour ago, so I'll just delete the previous discussion so people don't get too confused, I hope that's ok?

    I'm not 100% on when you'd receive the first payment, it's usually on the fourth payment cycle, but that may be different as you've already had LCW. Hopefully one of the regulars will be able to give you a definitive answer soon. 😊

  • jadlin
    jadlin Community member Posts: 5 Listener

    sorry didn’t meant to cause confusion with a few comments I’m new to here didn’t know where to post lol thank you yes big relief thank you any advice would be so appreciated thanks again

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 7,407 Online Community Team

    Haha, not a worry at all @jadlin it takes a bit of getting used to for sure! Sometimes due to the nature of the community, it can be a bit of a wait before you get the answers to your questions. But we do have a bunch of super knowledgeable people here, so you'll be ok. 😊

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,403 Championing

    You will be entitled to the extra money from the assessment period in which you reported the changes. Providing you sent a fit note to support that and continued to provide them without any gaps until a decision was made on your new WCA.

  • jadlin
    jadlin Community member Posts: 5 Listener

    hi poppy thank you for replying I really appreciate it and I wasn’t sending fit notes as I already had LCW for another health problem and another existing health problem got worse in the last 8 months and I was advised to report the change in January as it was worsening my health so my report of change was on 24th Jan i didn’t provide fit notes but medication and hospital referral was my evidence, again any advice would be greatly appreciated i apologies if I haven’t explained it very well

    will I have to wait 3 month and when do you think i would get my first payment and any backdated

    Thank you again for your time and advice

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,403 Championing

    There's no waiting period because you already had LCW. However, you are supposed to provide fit notes when reporting changes to your health condition. If you reported changes through "report a change of circumstances" and then clicked "health condition" then it should have prompted an action on your to do list to provide a fit note.

    You will need to wait for a decision maker to make the decision on when to pay it from.

  • jadlin
    jadlin Community member Posts: 5 Listener

    ahhh I see what you mean but nobody ever told me I needed to provide one or I would of

    thank you so much hopefully I get a payment this month as it hasn’t been my statement yet

  • MissMel
    MissMel Community member Posts: 102 Empowering

    I migrated to UC from WTC and HB and told the work coach I had disabilities and asked several times how do I get on to the disability group, and got no response. I have also rang the UC helpline and they said they would contact the jobcentre. Still nothing. I have been bombarded with loads of 'to dos' and threatened with 'sanctions' if I do not do them even though the work coach knows I am due for 2 major surgeries back to back and will be signed off by the consultant for weeks, possibly months.

    Only today, after numerous calls to the UC helpline and requests to my work coach did a lady on the UC helpline mention I had to provide a fit note. When I was claiming HB and WTC I didn't have to provide this as I was in receipt of PIP and previously DLA.

    I told my local jobcentre that they should automatically inform claimants migrating from WTC and HB with PIP of the need to provide fit notes as many will assume, as I did, that PIP would cover it, it doesn't even though they ask you if you are in receipt of it on the UC application.

    It is really worrying that I am not the only one repeatedly reporting health conditions/changes in health and not being told to provide a fit note and still be treated as though I have no health issues. I was told by the nice lady on the UC phone today that if the fit note is backdated to when you had the change or the start of the claim, that is when the payments are backdated. I hope someone reads this and is better informed so they are not disadvantaged by the lack of transparency with jobcentre staff.

    Another thing I learnt today is even if you have PIP at whatever level, and are awaiting a WCA or a decision, it is at the work coach's 'discretion' whether they bombard you with meetings, to do lists and threats to sanction. What utter madness! Even if they offer you a telephone meeting instead of a face to face, they still give you so many to dos and demand that you commit on the same day. It is horrendous and I really feel for those vulnerable people who have been self employed for years and working as best as they can with their health issues, and are told that they are not 'gainfully employed' and need to do more, when awaiting back to major surgeries.

    I hope they back down and give me a break and if they don't, it will be complaints time for me. Dozens of requests written in my journal asking politely how to be placed on the disability group and no response. Not good.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,403 Championing

    @MissMel I"m not aware that they ask if you're claiming PIP on the UC application form. I know it wasn't on there when my daughter claimed it.

    What they do ask you on the application form if you have any health conditions. If you report those health conditions on there then it should create an action on your "to do list" to provide a fit note. If you did report them on there then I'm very surprised that it didn't prompt you to provide that fit note.

    PIP doesn't automatically entitled you to either LCW or LCWRA, unless you're of state pension age and above.

    When you told your work coach about your health conditions they should have advised you to provide a fit note. If no fit notes are provided then you can't be referred for a work capability assessment.

    The person you spoke to from the helpline is incorrect that a backdated fit note would be accepted if you're found to have LCWRA. They usually accept that fit note when you provide it but if found to have LCWRA then the waiting period starts from when you actually provided that fit note and not the date on it.

    As you were very poorly advised, if you're found to have LCWRA then you can ask them to consider starting it from the start of your fit note. Tell them that if you were advised correctly then you would have provided that fit note. However, as I advised, usually when you report a health condition, either at the start of your claim or through "reporting a change of circumstances and clicking health conditions then it should prompt an action on your to list to provide a fit note.

    When claiming UC you're treated as a job seeker until a decision is made on the WCA. Work coaches have discretion to either turn off or reduce commitments. Some so and others don't. Hopefully, if you've now provided a fit note then your work coach with do either of those.

    Yes, definitely put in a complaint about the lack of advice from your work coach.

  • MissMel
    MissMel Community member Posts: 102 Empowering

    Hi Poppy

    Thanks for your response. Perhaps there wasn't a question of whether I was on PIP but I imagined it, however, I did mention all my health conditions on the form and have told my work coach more than I would have liked, not that it made a difference. I think the problem is that I am self employed and they have decided, unlawfully, to disregard my disabilities and treat me as a self employed claimant with no health issues whatsoever and bombard with 'to do' lists that do not take into account my current health state. Very worrying especially as both the jobcentre and the advice line were non cooperative.

    It is shameful that self employed claimants coming off WTC and HB with the disability element can lose months and months of their disability payments if this is not told to them. Perhaps this is the plan. Surely this should be on the application form itself i.e. no fit note submitted, no disability payments. I have read a lot of comments online from self employed single mothers who are losing work due to work coaches' appointments and have problems submitting their childcare receipts as they will not accept them when they are scanned. They too wish they were back on WTC. It's as if I have been hit by a train. Haven't been able to do anything productive since I was contacted by the work coach and I'm glad I waited until the final week available to do this as I heard it was hell.

    The only 'help' the work coach gave was that I could get help from ATW. I told him I already had an account with them and they had supplied me with stuff several times and I didn't need him to refer me. Totally useless. Just wants to keep pressuring me thinking it is helping the social fund if he does. I told him, I will be earning less this year, as I am having back to back surgeries.

    And another important thing, if you earn over £793 a month, after expenses (it is calculated over the year) you are no longer regarded as disabled. I am not making this up. You can still get the LCW and LCWRA but you will be subject to having to work with a work coach. How inspiring is that to get people to earn more😲

    If you earn less than that, after you get either LCW and LCWRA you will pretty much be left as you were on WTC, working as much as you can manage without any income targets and just having to provide details of income and expenses.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,403 Championing

    @MissMel you said this…

    And another important thing, if you earn over £793 a month, after expenses (it is calculated over the year) you are no longer regarded as disabled. I am not making this up. You can still get the LCW and LCWRA but you will be subject to having to work with a work coach. How inspiring is that to get people to earn more😲

    There's some misunderstanding here. UC has nothing to do with your annual earnings. Entitlement to UC is based on earnings received each assessment period.

    You're confusing the rule where you can't be referred for a work capability assessment if your earnings are more than 16xNMW/week, which is around £793/month. This doesn't apply to those that are claiming a disability benefit such as PIP/ADP or DLA. You can still be referred for a WCA regardless of earnings.

    Those that have been found to have LCWRA do not have a work coach because they have no work commitments. Those that have LCW will have a work coach and maybe expected to do work related activity, such as attend work focused interviews to prepare to work in the future. (unless they already work)

  • MissMel
    MissMel Community member Posts: 102 Empowering

    Thanks for the clarification Poppy, as the whole thing does not make an iota of sense. He told me I had to earn £793 a month and be in gainful employment. Talk about pressure before surgeries. I was also told that if you were self employed and received LCW you were left to your own devices and didn't have to reach the £793 target. Different people stating different things. Even websites contradict each other on this. Really have to wait and see what actually happens.

    I hope this work coach does not bother me when I am recovering from surgery. He really seems the type.

  • MissMel
    MissMel Community member Posts: 102 Empowering

    Just an update, all the messages I had in my journal begging to be told how to be placed in the disability category and be assessed has magically disappeared and the extensive to do list which included logging in three times a day, having to increase my income by X amount etc. and giving details of my day to day activities including when I go to doctors, hospitals etc, have gone and it's now a lot more manageable. This is the power of moaning, guys. And in the to do list is to send in a fit note, just as Poppy predicted.

    There are a lot of people on UC going over the top on social media about wanting the work coach meetings to end and I get it. It may sound like they don't want to work, but in my instance, I am working and it was a huge disruption to my life, especially when the work coach was often ringing 4 hours after the meeting time was arranged and getting annoyed that I wasn't available. Some of these work coaches are too much and abuse their power and make you feel like a criminal.

    Another thing I learnt is that from my migration from WTC/HB to UC I will be around £150 to £200 worst off a month if I am in the LCW group, and according to Citizen Advice, the disabled self employed are one of the worst groups affected because you have to prove you are incapable of working all together i.e. assessed as LCWRA to not lose money, if that makes sense, as there are no extra payments for being in LCW group as there was with WTC and HB.

    Thanks again Poppy for all your help. You are a gift to the world!😊

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,403 Championing

    @MissMel You're welcome and thank you for such kind words. Glad the provide a fit note has finally appeared.

    Where did you learn that you would be worse off if found to have LCW? Your understanding is not correct, you can't be worse off. If you don't already have the work allowance you will be entitled to that if found to have LCW or LCWRA. The work allowance means you can receive a certain amount of money each month before the deductions apply. If you claim for help with the rent it will be £404/month, if you don't it will be £673/month. For every £1 over those amounts your UC will reduce by 55p. Therefore you can't be worse off.

    There's no extra money for those that have LCW as the rules changed for this in April 2017. There's extra money if found to have LCWRA from the 4th month after you provided your first fit note. However, if your UC includes Transitional Protection with the additional element your TP will decrease by the same amount so you may not be any better off with your maximum UC entitlement. With the addition of the work allowance if you don't already have that then you will still be better off.

    Whether you're found to have either LCW or LCWRA they will be no further pressure to look for work and with LCWRA you won't have any commitments.

    I also disagree with Citizens Advice, that it's more difficult for self employed having to prove they are not capable of working. Everyone that has health conditions which causes a limited capability to work has to prove this. There are some that are automatically entitled to LCWRA if they are currently going through or recently been through treatment for cancer. As well as those that are state pension age and above if they are claiming Enhanced daily living PIP/ADP or high rate care DLA.

  • MissMel
    MissMel Community member Posts: 102 Empowering

    Hi Poppy, here is the article I am referring to:

    I have also done all the online calculators and it showed I was between £200 and £150 worst off with UC but they did warn it would not affect me for the TP. I think Citizen's Advice is talking about the longer term.

  • MissMel
    MissMel Community member Posts: 102 Empowering

    Here is another, more recent report:,rollout%20of%20UC%20is%20completed.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,403 Championing

    Yup there will be some people in the long term that will be worse off if their UC includes TP. Especially those that are claiming Severe disability Premium with a legacy benefit such as Income Related ESA and this is me. Once TP erodes we will be receiving the same amount of money as everyone else, even though on legacy benefits we are entitled to more due to the SDP.

    Not everyone will be worse of though, some people that transfer across are better off. This may include yourself once the WCA decision is made if you don't have the work allowance at the moment because you'll get to keep more of your earnings before deductions.

  • MissMel
    MissMel Community member Posts: 102 Empowering

    Sorry Poppy you will be disadvantaged. I hoped you would be a winner too. Even if the work allowance is included as it was with the benefit calculators I tried, I will still be worst off at around £150-200 a month. I hope Labour doesn't drag their feet on this.