Income support to universal credit migration

jeanette78 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Listener

I'm receiving income support with disability premiums as I'm receiving pip. I also get carers allowance. I have just received the migration letter. I've filled in the online application. My question is, do I still receive disability premium and Enhanced Disability Premium? I don't receive severe disability premium as someone gets carers allowance for caring for me.

Thank you



  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,817 Championing

    The disability premiums do not exist when claiming UC. If you've submitted your claim for UC then your Income Support and housing benefit (if you claim it) will continue for 2 weeks and then stop.

    If you're worse off then your UC will include Transitional Protection but please be aware that this erodes over time, which means if other elements increase or your become entitled to other elements the TP will decrease until such a time it erodes completely.

    Don't forget to report being a carer and your UC will include carers element. Carers allowance will be deducted in full as it is with IS.

  • jeanette78
    jeanette78 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Listener

    Thank you, so over time I'll be worse off under UC? Thought so. i told them I was receiving carers allowance when I filled the form in.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,817 Championing

    Unfortunately, you would be and that applies to everyone who's entitled to TP. Same rules applied for all the old benefits in past such as those transferring from Incapacity benefit to ESA.

  • jeanette78
    jeanette78 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Listener

    Hi again, I was reading about lcwra, is that something I should claim? I'm receiving pip. Thanks

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,817 Championing

    You can, however, if you're found to have LCWRA then the same person can't receive this element and carers element at the same time. In this case the higher element only would be paid, which is the LCWRA element. Also if your UC includes Transitional Protection (likely) then this erodes when you become entitled to other elements. For this reason you may not be any financially better off by going through the work capability assessment but it does depend on the exact figures of any TP.

    Are you claiming Income Support as a single person or with a partner?

  • jeanette78
    jeanette78 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Listener

    I'm claiming income support as a single person, at the moment I'm also getting disability premium and Enhanced Disability Premium. Carers allowance for looking after my disabled elderly mother, and pip for myself. Received the migration letter a few days ago, so I've filled in the online application for UC.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,817 Championing

    Then as I advised, you may not be any financially better off by going through the work capability assessment but that's entirely up to you what you decide to do. As a carer you have no commitments.

    If you report your health condition, you will need to provide a fit note and continue to provide them until a decision is made on your WCA. If found to have LCWRA then this will replace the carers element. Whether you'll be better off will depend on how much Transitional Protection you maybe entitled to.

  • jeanette78
    jeanette78 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Listener

    Is carers element the same as carers allowance? Sorry if I'm being stupid

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,817 Championing

    No. Carers element is part of UC. Carers allowance is a separate benefit and will continue to be paid as normal. UC will deduct the carers allowance in full from your UC, just like Income Support do at the moment.

    The reason I advised you to report being a carer is so that the carers element will be included. It's not automatically included even when claiming carers allowance. For Income Support they automatically include carers premium.

    If found to have LCWRA your carers allowance will continue but there's no financial gain because it's just deducted in full. Although for CA you receive class 1 NI credits but for UC you only receive class 3.

  • jeanette78
    jeanette78 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Listener

    So when I'm told I've transferred to UC I need to ring benefits number to inform them I receive carers allowance? Sorry again, just wanted to make sure I'm doing it properly.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,817 Championing

    No, you don't need to ring anyone because UC will know you're receiving carers allowance. If you've already submitted your claim for UC then your claim has already started. Your carers allowance and housing benefit (if you claim this) will continue for 2 weeks and then stop.

  • jeanette78
    jeanette78 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Listener

    Thank you, just wish I could have stayed on income support. Would have been a lot easier 🙄

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,817 Championing

    Yes, UC is a lot more complicated that the old legacy benefits. As you've only recently received the migration letter you didn't have to claim UC straight away, you could have waited. I'll be honest, when I receive my migration letter I will wait for as long as possible before I claim.

  • Rhodes
    Rhodes Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener

    Hi, I have my migration notice to change to Universal Credit and am confused by it all. I'm hoping you may be able to clear a couple if things up for me.

    I'm on income support as I am a full time carer fir my son since birth. His now 35. I also get housing benefit and Carers allowance although deducted from IS. Firstly do I need to migrate over as I'm not on esa or claiming any tax benefits ? Secondly my sons on esa support group goes into my own account and I give him cash for black cabs etc but also I draw cash every so often when I can and put it into his own account for his own use (His spending money). We also have a joint account which only his dla goes into no other moneys. How do I put my income down as im hus appointee for dla and really not sure about his esa any more. Just so confused how to do this ?

    Second question is do I have to put down all my health conditions which are many as i don't claim esa but its asks on Universal credit form ? Do I leave this blank or do I have to fill it in? My health and mental health is quite bad and im housebound without help and I'm really struggling with all this. Can't deal with changes and waiting on my autisum assessment as well pluss lots of other stuff going on.

    Thirdley at present what do I put down as housing benefit I get. Do they mean the total it is before or after deduction as they class me as having a spare room even though I keep all my sons equipment medical stuff and have to infuse him in the separate room due to sevete ptsd ? I have to pay for spare room so dint know what figure they what me to write down ?

    I would really appreciate any help. I never usually ask as i find it extremely difficult. Thank you.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,817 Championing

    Yes, you will need to migrate across because all the old Income related legacy benefits are ending. It's not just ESA and Tax credits.

    You don't need to put any information about your income because you don't work. They will ask if you have any savings/capital, which you will need to tell them how much you have in total. If it's below £6,000 then it's disregarded anyway.

    When filling out the form you'll need to make sure that you include you're a carer for your son. Your UC will then include carers element. Your carers allowance will be deducted in full from your UC entitlement, same as it is for Income Support.

    As a carer you will have no work requirements so will not have to look for work, or attend appointments, with the exception of your very first appointment, once you submit your claim.

    You can report your health conditions and go through the work capability assessment but for this you'll need to provide fit notes (formally known as sick notes) and this will then start the work capability assessment process off. (same process as your son's ESA)

    For the housing element, you'll need to put down how much your rent liability is. If you're renting from social housing (most likely because you mention bedroom tax) then you will not need to provide any proof because they will contact your landlord directly.

    If you have problems claiming UC then citizens Advice have a help to claim helpline that will help you through the process. Please see link.