Liz Kendall calls for ‘duty to engage’ and cuts to disability benefits

Lentilsandveggies Online Community Member Posts: 14 Connected

I dont like the sound of this at all,labour are starting to seem more right wing than the tories now…😓



  • Numan
    Numan Online Community Member Posts: 38 Empowering

    Kendall also said that not everyone will have to engage.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    Here we go again…

  • Cantilip
    Cantilip Online Community Member Posts: 621 Empowering

    Quotable quotes from the article

    Although Kendall did not call for cuts to out-of-work disability benefits….

    She [Kendall] added: “Under this government, there will be obligations to engage with support, look for work and take jobs when they are offered, as there always have been since the original Beveridge report, but there will be no more divisive, derogatory rhetoric or claiming that people just think that they are too bluesy to work.”

    Labour’s Debbie Abrahams warned fellow MPs that there were many disabled people “for whom the possibility of working is unrealistic” and she said that “disabled people have been absolutely battered by consecutive Conservative governments”.

  • Amaya_Ringo
    Amaya_Ringo Online Community Member Posts: 246 Pioneering

    That second quote suggests that Labour intend to let actual professionals determine if people can work or not.
    But honestly, they're not going to get any disabled people into work if they target disabled people. They're only going to manage it by changing the system so that employers have an incentive to hire disabled people. This entirely separate from the people who can't work, of course. There isn't any meaningful pathway to employment for disabled people right now without a lot of struggle and effort.

    Especially autistic people, the unemployment rate is staggering, and most of that is simply an unwillingness to engage from the employer's side, not the autistic person's.

    Tackle that or make no difference at all :/ Investment in integration and equality has to happen first. If it doesn't, there will be no change in employment take up but a big increase in mental health issues.

  • egister
    egister Posts: 738 Empowering

    Hiding your head in the sand and not reacting is the worst solution.

  • Meg24
    Meg24 Online Community Member Posts: 369 Trailblazing is a very reapectable news site and is only interested in protecting disabled people. John Pring has been a tireless supporter and champion of disability rights for many years. His intention in writing this piece is to highlight the potential dangers of a continuance of the scapegoating of disabled benefit claimants.

    I personally ONLY read his website for DWP news because I know he fully fact checked.

  • Meg24
    Meg24 Online Community Member Posts: 369 Trailblazing
    edited August 2024
  • Meg24
    Meg24 Online Community Member Posts: 369 Trailblazing

    I know, it's almost like we didn't have an election at all. So much for voting for change huh.

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,468 Championing
    edited August 2024

    I think she knows what's coming. What other explanation is there for the militant tone?

    She's been sitting on these lines since helping Labour to write its 2015 election disability manifesto.

    Labour’s Debbie Abrahams warned fellow MPs that there were many disabled people “for whom the possibility of working is unrealistic” and she said that “disabled people have been absolutely battered by consecutive Conservative governments”.

    And this one forgot to mention that Labour mixed the batter for the Conservatives to fry us in.

  • lizptsd
    lizptsd Online Community Member Posts: 166 Empowering

    I've just heard from the hospital that the waiting list for my Gastroenterolgy appointment is running at 1yr and 2 weeks!!!! so good luck with getting the NHS waiting lists down to get us all into work.

  • egister
    egister Posts: 738 Empowering

    It doesn’t matter at all which party is in the government, everyone should support disabled people.

  • lizptsd
    lizptsd Online Community Member Posts: 166 Empowering

    Obviously I agree but apart from the Charities correct me if I'm wrong there is not a great deal of support from many Labour MPs who seem more the than a bit timid in standing up for us.

    Our Son who I've mentioned before that took his life last year had lost his job, took another in desperation that had no time for his many health conditions and wouldn't let a type one diabetic have a break in a 12hr shift so he had to walk out . He should have been claiming PIP for years but couldn't cope with the claiming process for that and Universal credit.

  • egister
    egister Posts: 738 Empowering

    I understand you perfectly. Working without breaks for a type 1 diabetic is deadly in itself.

  • lizptsd
    lizptsd Online Community Member Posts: 166 Empowering

    He had an insulin pump and a sensor and needed to eat and drink when the pump administered.

    Our worry is that disabled people and those with long term serious health conditions may be made to engage in totally unsuitable unsupported roles. It would take years to properly train a work coach to understand the medical limitations of a disabled person.

    In the case of my Husband he was told on that Sunday morning that anyone can work with COPD and that he should use a wheelchair.The work coach at the jobcentre the next day knew he couldn't work but said they were taking everyone's ESA away and making them find work.

    We noticed a huge jump in the amount of homeless in our Town after that.

  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,283 Championing

    I'd have no choice but to refuse to comply if this came in. Aside from being autistic and mute with all strangers, incapable of changing routine I also have a 28 year history of clinical depression and S****** attempts.

    I'd sooner lose the income than my peace of mind. But for now I refuse to worry for now as it's 3 months to the budget then years to clear legislation announced.

    I'm so sorry Liz for all you've been through I understand I truly do.

    The NHS and even DWP are at insane backlogs and they won't comy down because Reeves and Kendall want them too.

  • lizptsd
    lizptsd Online Community Member Posts: 166 Empowering

    After 18yrs of trying to hold down a job and then be bullied and dismissed due to my disabilities at 63 my GP said it was time to concentrate on my health.

    My lovely ex boss made me take hospital appointments as holiday and I had to swap days for Calum's funeral as it fell on his day off! I'm sure there are many other employers of exactly the same attitude as him and they expect us to go to work for them. I'm incontinent and suffer from frequent falls so good luck with the health and safety and lack of dignity where I'm concerned.

    We all have huge challenges every day to try and deal with. My husbands lengthy tribunal was held with about 20 others all resulting in the ESA being given back and LCWRA awarded.

    What a waste of time.

  • judie
    judie Online Community Member Posts: 261 Empowering

    Staying calm and not over reacting is a sensible policy

  • lizptsd
    lizptsd Online Community Member Posts: 166 Empowering

    Quite right as well as not reading the misinformation and spin in the press which is damaging and just put there to cause alarm.

  • Ironside1990
    Ironside1990 Online Community Member Posts: 284 Empowering

    Yes, it's not burying your head in the sand, but looking after mental health.

    There is nothing we can do for now. So we'll have to wait and see what the outcome is.

    If I was being optimistic, i'd say the green paper will be scrapped, based on the fact 16 thousand people responded to it and it was all negative.