Prams and Wheelchairs on Buses!

SunflowerValley Online Community Member Posts: 347 Empowering

Many times bus drivers have refused to let me get on a bus due to prams. I understand that prams need to get on the bus too but they can be folded away and the babies can sit on the parents' knees. However, if there are disabled prams then that can be accepted because they may not be able to get out of the pram.

A few times that I have been refused to be on the bus, I have needed the toilet but the only place I can go is at home and I have been anxious and stressed about having an accident. This is sometimes unfair especially when prams can be folded and I have to stay in my wheelchair.

Also by law, wheelchair users should get the spot. In my opinion there needs to be a pram space and a wheelchair space on every bus. And the bus driver should only let one pram and one wheelchair user be on it at the same time. This allows public transport to be easier and more fair to everyone.


  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 5,212 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Sorry you've had so many problems on the buses @SunflowerValley. As you say, disabled people are supposed to have priority over the spaces, but it seems like some drivers don't take that into account sometimes. It's so frustrating how difficult it can be to travel.

    Have you ever thought about making a complaint to your local bus service? Perhaps they could do with a bit more training.

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,527 Championing
    edited August 2024

    I sympathise and enormous prams containing a tiny baby don't belong on buses full stop. Prams can't be folded away. Buggies can and should be folded but I never see it happen. They are often laden with shopping and take forever to squeeze into place or move again for other passengers or the next buggy laden with shopping.

    Driver-only buses with poles in everyone's way is what we've ended up with! There may be a designated area for wheelchairs but it only works if the driver has the time and patience to make announcements and requests as people board the bus.

  • Cantilip
    Cantilip Online Community Member Posts: 621 Empowering

    And the curse of the giant wheeled suitcase anywhere there are tourists. I'd think these things are a plague to both parents and wheelchair-users.

  • littleacorn
    littleacorn Online Community Member Posts: 383 Empowering

    I have had this so many times I have lost count. The drivers say they can ask them to move but if they refuse there is nothing they can do. I have complained many times but it still continues.

  • SunflowerValley
    SunflowerValley Online Community Member Posts: 347 Empowering

    Hi @Rosie_Scope, I have tried but they need certain information, such as a legislation number but its hard to remember and take a picture when i'm stressed and anxious about not being able to go on. And they go so fast.

    I'm going to try next time though.

  • Rachel_Scope
    Rachel_Scope Posts: 1,649 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @SunflowerValley I hope you're able to get the registration number next time. I'm so sorry you're experiencing this. I hope they can make some positive changes.

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 4,098 Championing

    The legal position is that the driver has to ask. Nothing further unfortunately.

  • Meg24
    Meg24 Online Community Member Posts: 388 Trailblazing
    edited August 2024

    It's crazy that we don't already have space for both wheelchairs and prams, both spaces could have fold down chairs for when not in use which must be vacated when the space is needed. As someone who regularly had to juggle my weekly shopping with a struggling crying baby in one arm while trying collapse an uncooperative buggy with the other one hand, I would not like to see prams banned. Space for both with the rule that a space must always be made available for a wheelchair when needed.

  • SunflowerValley
    SunflowerValley Online Community Member Posts: 347 Empowering

    I agree, I accept the fact that prams also need spaces but wheelchair users also need them and can have troubles with the weather being cold or needing the bathroom which is why I think there needs to be spaces for both as it allows them both to be equal. I also think they should only let one pram and one wheelchair users on buses as there can only be one wheelchair user for safety reasons so why aren't babies receiving the same safety. Once I am in my spot a pram can go in front of me but they have to move back and some aren't willing or the people around them won't move.

  • SideshowBob
    SideshowBob Online Community Member Posts: 63 Contributor

    I have the same problem with buses. I have been in a wheelchair for seven years now and have experienced the good the great and the awful. To be told that I can't get on the bus because there are trans or pushchair on already is at best discrimination. It is saying sorry chum but I'm not prepared to ask them to fold their baby tanks. Some of the buses I use state that it is a legal requirement to give up the space to a wheelchair user, but still drivers and passengers seem wholley ignorant of their responsibilities.I have been chastised for having the temerity to get get on the bus and ask someone to move. A couple of days ago an older man aimed all kinds of abuse and cussing in my direction because I had asked him to move.

    The counter to the negative are the many good, friendly and helpful people that broadly I encounter on a daily basis, some real good eggs..

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,527 Championing

    baby tanks

    Exactly so! People are confusing prams and pushchairs. Pushchairs never used to be so humongous that the parent needed two seats on a bus. They were folded, kids of all sizes sat on your lap, baby in a sling and people walked more, used their legs!

    Our buses need to be redesigned and the rules made clear at bus stops and upon boarding. FOLD YOUR BUGGY.

  • JessieJ
    JessieJ Online Community Member Posts: 894 Trailblazing

    After 30 odd years in a wheelchair, I've learnt to be patient & accepting. As much as trying to get from A to B in a wheelchair using public transport should be available to us, sometimes it just doesn't work that way, it is first come, first served, having to wait for the next bus, then the next & so on, as there are several pushchairs or another wheelchair. Unless they redesign busses, nothing is going to change. And to be honest, the flack & mouth I've witnessed bus drivers given by some passengers, I would not want that job for any wage.

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,527 Championing
    edited August 2024

    Lip-service is what it's called.

    Better public transport, smaller cars and fewer lorries is the only way forward but instead we keep ordering more and buying bigger! We've just had the hottest July on record if anyone's wondering about all that climate business..

    Unless the designated space and doors are kept clear on a busy route at all times then it doesn't work.

    POGGYFLOSS Scope Member Posts: 39 Contributor
  • egister
    egister Posts: 785 Empowering

    I believe that if it is impossible for a wheelchair user to travel by bus, it is necessary to immediately call a special taxi to transport the disabled person.

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,527 Championing
    edited September 2024

    On my bus today I could hear a cross voice getting louder..

    Entitled young mum, baby tank parked and sitting in the window seat with little human on the seat next to her. She was being told to let an elderly woman using a crutch use that seat and to put the kid on her lap. She did so but looked furious or embarrassed, no idea which hence it was being explained to her again and rightly so!

    Bravo! 👏

  • JessieJ
    JessieJ Online Community Member Posts: 894 Trailblazing

    Thankfully, I had a different bus ride to yours, @WhatThe. I could see a head in the disabled spot, so thought I'd need to wait for the next, but it was a young mum with a large pushchair & another kiddy, she tapped on the window to say she would move over, so get on. 😊 There are some decent folk around to make up for the rude & ignorant.