Not fooled

Catherine21 Posts: 3,154 Championing

I'm not fooled by starner !! At all what hard choices Things will get worse before they get better !! More or less saying don't be surprised by what's coming if I could swear I would oh bring in AI oh OK yh that worked for post office a whole year of this mine started last October and here we go again you can say what you want I do not have faith or trust he's already saying we will suffer sickening sick of hearing 14 years just tell US


  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,154 Championing

    October going to be painful psychology this is a pep talk oh and what can we do noting he's already taking freedom of speech slowly away it's Not going to be hard for him is it ??? Stop thier breakfast or heating gas this man is worse than sunak was simple this one evil

  • Bluebell21
    Bluebell21 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 7,142 Championing

    I agree @Catherine21 it was preparing us for worse to come. I just think we need to wait until 30 October 24 to see what the budget actually says before we panic to much. I just thought he was trying to deflect everything by talking about the riots. Try not to worry too much.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,154 Championing

    I know it's so hard to handle emotions I'm definitely not as bad as I was last October if I had partner I wouldn't be as worried I do generally believe they will start with new claimants with changes to WCA and understand any changes won't happen over night so am logically thinking at times lol I suppose for all of us it's the fear of the unknown

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,154 Championing

    Also waiting for UC changeover letter doesnt help hey hoo wish I could be independent for myself kills me knowing I can't and am relying on benefits

    LIVEDANDLEARNED Online Community Member Posts: 121 Empowering

    Catherine, I’m as worried as anyone about the benefits, trust me, but to say Keir Starmer is ‘evil’ is simply not true and unfair. They have inherited a huge debt, not even the OBR were told about it. No government wants to be unpopular, and cuts never make anyone happy, but the situation they are in means they have to be careful. If this government put the country in a whole more debt in the end it would be a disaster for everyone. There is no magic wand, Keir is not a magician he can only work with what he has. Evil is someone who goes in schools and murders children, or commits genocide, goes round killing strangers, that is evil and the word shouldn’t be used lightly because evil is a dark and real thing. We’re all worried about it, I’ve been worried since my last PIP assessment years ago, and I’m worried now too, but we have to be balanced in the difficulties we face & also the difficulties the Government faces, the two can happen at the same time.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,154 Championing

    No your right I really need to sensor myself I write that in a split second without listening to the end I pick up abstracts my daughters been pulling me up on things it's when I panic or overthink I lash out point taken x

    LIVEDANDLEARNED Online Community Member Posts: 121 Empowering

    Just remember that there are millions of us all stressed, all worried, all with personal challenges, all waiting to hear what will happen. We have to, even for our own sakes and sanity, try and keep balanced. Keir Starmer’s own mother had her legs amputated and was disabled for years, his wife works in the NHS, he’s not a bad person and I don’t think he hates pensioners or the disabled, but he’s managing a very difficult situation and I don’t envy him, I’d never want that job. You’re not alone though, we’re all in the same storm, just in different boats. I hope in the end it won’t be as bad as we all fear. You’re not alone xx

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,154 Championing

    Thankyou this group amazing and I am learning alot about myself got to sit on my hands and let the feeling pass I even sent Stephen timms two emails no filter and I forget how scared I was after yes that is a comfort and what I hold onto is it would take years xx

    LIVEDANDLEARNED Online Community Member Posts: 121 Empowering

    I think Stephen Timms is a good person too. It’s fine to express our worries and concerns with him, but a message out politely and balanced has more power than one that is a rant (not saying that’s what you’ve done, I just mean in general). I find in life when we’re balanced and polite people are much more willing to take on board what we say. Anyway, I hope you have a lovely day xxx

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,154 Championing

    Exactly that mines a feeling of unfairness but I take it to far got me sacked from Jobs sticking up for people or saying how I felt after a long build up could be months then bam the person didn't see it coming I hear something only what I want to hear then I start expressing my opion without having a clue lol

  • Rachel_Scope
    Rachel_Scope Posts: 1,651 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Just wanted to say thank you to everyone on this post for how supportive you're being of each other 😊 It's such a scary time and it's easy to panic, but it's lovely to see that you're helping each other.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,154 Championing

    And you too and no I did I was ranting and when I told my daughter she was like people get wrong impression of you writing like that you know sometimes you don't relize until it's pointed out and being dyslexic doesn't make sense xx

  • judie
    judie Online Community Member Posts: 173 Empowering

    As a fellow person who tends to go off the deep end without thinking, and yes, perceived unfairness is one of my triggers too, I think you're great. You calm down quickly and are not afraid to own your mistakes. Yay you!

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,154 Championing
  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,695 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    I just wanted to echo Rachels comment here. It's great we're all able to show some compassion and caring with each other. Half of the fights I see online could've been avoided if people just asked questions and offered solutions instead of just shouting people down. So this is always lovely to see. 😊

    And big yourself up @Catherine21 you've been doing really well recently. I know it's incredibly tough getting out of that loop anxiety can get our heads into, but you're asking questions and keeping your head on your shoulders, so you're doing great. ❤️

    Things are in a state of flux, so it's going to be scary for us disabled folk for a while. But we've all got each others backs. We just need to wait and see what happens. Until then, we've always got the Games Den to take our mind off things. 😁

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,154 Championing