Back pay

Hi all I received a message this morning saying I've been awarded lcwra I put my first fit note in on 19th of November 2021 will it be backdated to then? Thanks
Hi there @luke47 and welcome to the community.
Congratulations on the award! Can I just ask if there were any gaps in the fit notes? This can often effect the payment dates etc.0 -
Hi and thankyou ❤️ no I've always sent them on time I had my health assessment on 7th of July 2024 I just can't believe it's taken this long
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Hi @luke47 - & welcome to the community from me also. That has taken a long time, however, the additional LCWRA element isn't paid for 3 full months, & then, as it's paid in arrears, it's due from the 4th month, & payment is therefore towards the end of this period.
It all depends on the dates of your assessment periods as to when the backdated monies will be due from.
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Thankyou for your time just be glad when it's all sorted because I've had no help from my jobcentre at all x
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I did my health assessment phone call on 7th of July 2024 and found out this morning I was put on lcwra I've not got a clue how it all works
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That's an awful long time to be waiting for a decision. Was this your first work capability assessment or did you have one prior to this? If so what was the decision on the first one please?
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Hi poppy this is my first one I didn't ask for it I just got a msg saying I need to fill a UC50 form in I've been putting fit notes in since 2021 I've been a industrial scaffolder for the last 27 years I'm falling to bits and I've never had any help from jobcentre just hassle from them
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Wow, that's such a long time to wait. You'll be owed money for the whole time, minus the waiting period, which is 3 full assessment periods. The extra money is then paid from the 4th month after you provided your first fit note, with first payment being the end of that month.
First payment will be either March or April 2022.
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Thanks poppy how much do you think I will get in back pay x
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You're welcome. I'm afraid I can't answer that question. Before they pay you they will need to recalculate your past statements to work out how much you've already received against what you should have received. You will then be owed the difference between the two.
Once that's done you'll receive a letter on your journal telling you how much is owed and it will be paid into your bank. It often takes quite a few weeks to pay this.
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Ok thankyou for your help I will be back and let you no as soon as I hear anything xx
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Hi I've been reading up on lcwra and it says I should have had a health assessment after 3 months of fit notes so just wondering why it's taken 3 years of fit notes ? What actions should I take
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That’s why I asked if this was your first work capability assessment.
Usually you are referred around 29 days after providing your first fit note. You will then be sent the form to fill in and the assessment comes after returning that form. Some wait much longer than others but 3 years is very excessive.
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Hi poppy thankyou for help. What do you think I should do x
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You don’t need to do anything at the moment. As I advised based on the information you gave you will be owed money from either March or April 2022. It can often take several weeks for them to pay what is owed.
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Ok thanks poppy love xx
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Hi I've just got a msg on my journal it said my period was from 13/3/24 to 30/6/24 and we owe you £416 how can that be right when my first fitnote was 2021
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19 Nov 2021 first report health change I've just read it should be backdated to then ? X
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If this was your first work capability assessment and you've never had a decision on one prior to this then it should be from when you provided your first fit note.
There will be a waiting period for the extra money as I advised previously, so it will be from either March or April 2022. The exact date will depend on what date exactly you provided your first fit note and what date you usually receive your money each month.
Unless you're claiming UC with a partner that already receives the LCWRA element on your claim, then you wouldn't receive any extra money.
During that period of 13/3 to 30/6 were you or a partner receiving any earnings? if so and you didn't previously have the work allowance then it could be money owed from that.
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Yes Polly this is my first WCA first fit note 26th of Nov 2021 no I didn't work or a partner on any claim I'm paid on the 6th of each month I was just taken back with the 416 pound owed