I feel like they want to 'cull' us...

SeasideAnne Scope Member Posts: 21 Contributor

I know it sounds extreme but with everything that is going on with this new government I do feel like they are wishing to cull us. I'm disabled and a pensioner and I am dreading this winter, but more than that even is my feeling that this government doesn't care about us at all. Quite the opposite. I listened to Keir Starmer's speech and all he wanted to talk about was 'working people', he said that so many times. They want people who work to make money for them and the big bosses IMO and all those who have retired (even though we worked all our lives) and those who are unable to work due to severe disability, are no use to them. I worked out how much they would save if, as Labour's own research suggests, and extra 4000 will die this winter due to withdrawing the winter fuel allowance, and they would save millions in pension payments added up year on year. Now they are talking about cutting welfare payments at the Autumn budget, and this would then apply the same. If they can get rid of us they save a huge amount of money that adds up every year. Plus if there are fewer of us then there is less money needed for social care. Maybe I am being too pessimistic/paranoid but I am feeling expendable, disposable, and that makes me both angry and very apprehensive about the future :-(


  • Rachel_Scope
    Rachel_Scope Posts: 1,059 Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @SeasideAnne. I know things are worrying right now and seem bleak but we don't know for certain what the government is going to do yet. The decision to cut the winter fuel allowance is obviously a big blow but until we know their decisions for other benefits it's best not to focus on the negative. I understand that's easier said than done and we're all worried, but try not to get too panicked until we know what's happening.

  • ElizaRose
    ElizaRose Community member Posts: 11 Contributor

    Dear SeasideAnne, I know how you feel and am also dreading the winter. I was doing really well with not looking at news and trying to think positive, but now we are starting to get dates coming in when things may start happening everything seems suddenly really scary and dark again, especially now they have voted to cut the winter fuel payments for pensioners. It's all so appalling and I realise I am actually terrified.

    I have had some horrible personal stuff to deal with which is ongoing and it's all I can do to try and get through each day as it is, but with this on top…. My stress and anxiety is going through the roof again which is making my pain a lot worse which means I have been stuck in bed more. I have a permanent whirlpool stomach and a tight chest and can't sleep. It feels like my head is in a vice all the time. I am 57 so am absolutely terrified they will try and force me into a job which I genuinely can't do. I would if I could as I am so sick of the guilt and shame of being unable to and having to claim some money just to survive. If they make any cuts I won't survive. As you say, it feels like we are not human beings but just expendable and in the way. I spend my life feeling in the way, as it is. Sorry to be so gloomy. I don't want to bring people down but it does get to you after a while and I just wanted to let you know you are not alone.

    As Rachel says we just have to try and keep calm and put it to the back of our minds until we know for certain what they are planning to do. I know how difficult that is though. The whole thing just doesn't feel right. It's downright cruel.

  • SeasideAnne
    SeasideAnne Scope Member Posts: 21 Contributor

    ElizaRose, I feel for you, it is all so hard. But as Rachel says, we must try to not focus on negatives. But what to focus on? I write and so am trying to clear my mind of all the worries and write instead. Reading your post makes me thankful that at least I am a pensioner. I couldn't work, like you say, it would kill me, and I remember the stress of waiting for them to try to make me. I hope they leave you alone and you get though the winter OK. Take care.

  • ElizaRose
    ElizaRose Community member Posts: 11 Contributor

    Hello SeasideAnne. Thank you, I hope you get through the winter okay too. I know; it helps a little to write how you're feeling, and reading the other posts on here it seems that they (hopefully) couldn't just change everything overnight. Also, it shows we are not alone in feeling this constant dread hanging over us. It is very easy to feel completely isolated. I am trying so hard to think positive but it is tough. I really wish you well. All the best.

  • egister
    egister Posts: 274 Empowering

    Why do you advise against focusing on the negative? When a person expresses a legitimate concern about their future life online, the equivalent of search bots used by authorities reads what people say. Perhaps this will have an impact on the government's decision. However, the absence of protests on the Internet will mean to the government that they are doing everything right.

  • egister
    egister Posts: 274 Empowering

    This country has been ruled for almost 1000 years by the descendants of the Norman occupiers, for them any indigenous population is expendable, and disabled people are broken expendable. Tories, Labour, Greens, ... - their masks are not important. They have accumulated enormous wealth over the centuries, and they must share it with the people.